Saturday 31 March 2012

Random Acts of Kindness: March Wrap-Up

Book Soulmates

This month I sent 1 and received 2:

I sent Amber I. from Awesomesauce Bookclub


Mary from Sweeping Me sent me:

Amber I. from Awesomesauce Bookclub sent me:

and she tried to send me My Blood Approves, but it wasn't available in Canada, so I got a gift card instead. 

So, I've got a couple novellas to read now. ;D I was a little pre-occupied with school this month so I didn't even really think of sending out a bunch of RAKs this month, but I'm excited to read the two I got, and I hope that Amber likes the one I sent her. Thank you to Mary and Amber! :D I hope that you all had fabulous RAKs this month! :D

Did you participate in RAK this month?
Did you get any books, or did you send any awesome ones?

Friday 30 March 2012

Review: Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

 Source: My Personal Library
Challenge: 2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

Blurb from Goodreads:
"My greatest thought in living is Heathcliff. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be... Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure... but as my own being." Wuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Bronte, who died a year after its publication, at the age of thirty. A brooding Yorkshire tale of a love that is stronger than death, it is also a fierce vision of metaphysical passion, in which heaven and hell, nature and society, are powerfully juxtaposed. Unique, mystical, with a timeless appeal, it has become a classic of English literature.

I still can't believe that it's taken me this long to read Wuthering Heights, it's one of those books that are constantly referenced...and now I can finally stop staring blankly when it's brought up because I'll actually know what's being talked about. :P

Everyone always talks about what a great love story Wuthering Heights is, so I was expecting this grand love story. I already knew that Cathy and Heathcliff weren't the most likeable characters, and that their lovestory wasn't the most conventional, but I was still a bit shocked when I started it. First, Wuthering Height's isn't from either of their points of view, instead it is told first by a newcomer to the neighborhood, Mr. Lockwood, and most of the story is related to him through Ellen (Nelly) dean, a woman who used to work at Wuthering Heights and has been with the families for her whole life. I didn't expect it, but I actually really enjoyed reading the story through her perspective, it was so, I'm not sure if we'd really want to get into Cathy or Heathcliff's heads. :P

I ended up absolutely loving Wuthering Heights, which wasn't too surprising, as it's just the type of classic that I like. :) The characters weren't exactly appealing, with the exception of Nelly Dean, but they were extraordinarily characterized! I didn't really find Heathcliff to be this amazing romantic hero, and I'll admit he wasn't that attractive to me, but I definitely could understand some of his appeal. He sounded pretty much like a dark brooding beast of a man, and he was really strong, so in that way he was kind of attractive, but as a person he was truly awful. The thing I found most appealing about him was actually his love for Cathy. It was all-consuming, and the fact that the two of them weren't able to be together was heartbreaking. I wonder how different things could have turned out had Cathy and Heathcliff ended up together. 

I'm guessing that it'll be no surprise that I'm recommending this one. I think it's a classic that would be great for someone who doesn't read many classics, too, because it's actually a fairly quick read. You don't get caught up in extremely convoluted language, and the characters and story are so well defined that the story just flies by. I loved this one, and recommend it to newcomers to classics, and people who want a story with complex characters, a darker tone, and an unconventional love story.

Have you read Wuthering Heights?
Did you swoon for Heathcliff or were you kind of apathetic to him?
And if you haven't read it, do you think that you'd like to?

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Black Heart Blog Tour: Holly Black Q and A!

 Black Heart Blog Tour! 5 Questions with Holly Black!

 1. I'm a big fan of the Curse Workers Trilogy, and I find the whole “worker” concept so unique, where did you get the idea for it?

Well, I started with two ideas and the character of Cassel. My first idea was that I wanted to retell my favorite French fairy tale, "The White Cat," and my second was that I wanted to tell a story about con artists. Putting those together, I realized that I needed a magic system that would fit into a world where I could do both.

From there, I started to think about the way magic systems are organized. I thought about schools of magic, and the medieval master/apprentice approach to magicians, and then I thought...what if I based the behavior of the magicians in my world on organized crime?

But I also had this character: I knew his name was Cassel and I knew he'd grown up in a family where everyone was proud of being outside of the law. Cassel's struggle is to figure out who he is, who he loves, and who he'd like to be. So the more I developed the world, the more I developed him and the more I developed him, the more I was able to develop the world.

2. If you were a worker, what kind do you think you’d be? And how would you use your ability?

I'd like to be a luck worker, because so long as I mostly worked people in positive ways, I would get good luck too. The blowback on the other types freak me out too much. Although I like to write about lunatic criminals, I don't have the nerves to be one.

3. Poor Barron has to leave himself post-it notes so that he doesn’t forget things. If you were in Barron’s position, what would you put on your post-its? Would you just put the basics, or do you think you’d craft an entirely different life for yourself?

That's a really interesting question, because we see much more about what Barron wants -- and the kinds of notes he leaves himself -- in BLACK HEART.

For me, I think I would write down what I remembered about the truth, because so much of the rest of my life would be fabrication. And each time I used my power, I would lose something without even knowing what was lost.

4. I just finished Black Heart a short while ago, and I absolutely loved it! It felt like it was the perfect way for the trilogy to end. :) How does it feel for the Curse Workers trilogy to be finished? Does it feel like the story is over for you, or do Cassel and co. still run rampant in your imagination?

I am so glad! It's bittersweet for me that the series is over, but I am glad to be giving Cassel and company a resolution. They do keep going on in my imagination, though, which is fun for me. Sometimes I even take notes.

5. Now that the Curse Workers Trilogy is finished, what do you plan to write next?

In 2013, I actually have TWO books coming out. Both are standalones.

The first is a middle grade called DOLL BONES, about three kids -- Zachary, Poppy and Alice -- who go on a journey, despite their own uncertain friendship, to bury a doll that may or may not be made from human bones. It's creepy and fun and it may be the most difficult thing I've ever written. I am really, really proud of it.

The second is a teen novel, called THE COLDEST GIRL IN COLDTOWN. It's based on a short story I wrote a few years ago and it's set in a world where the sudden spread of vampirism caused the United States to wall off parts of cities, creating "Coldtowns" where humans and vampires live side by side in a lawless and decadent détente. Outside the quarantined zones, people watch videos uploaded from inside with fascination, making instant celebrities of monsters. When only Tana Bach and her ex-boyfriend, Aidan, survive a lockdown party massacre that leaves both of them infected, they have to travel with a half-mad vampire named Gavriel, into the heart of everything that Tana has always feared.

That's the first time I tried to summarize COLDTOWN -- it's hard because I'm not quite finished with it yet!

Wow! I was thrilled when I got asked to participate in the blog tour for Black Heart...and that I got to ask Holly Black some questions!!! I had a total freak out fangirl moment when I got the email about it...and when I got the answers back I freaked out again! Her answers were awesome, and her new books sound amazing!!!! :D I'm definitely looking forward to them both! Plus, this is the first time she's tried to summarize cool is it that it's on my blog?! :D *end of fangirling little gush moment* ;)

So, what did you guys think of Holly's answers?? 
Are you looking forward to Black Heart??? 
Any other thoughts??? :)

Sunday 25 March 2012

In My Mailbox (32)

In My Mailbox at The Story Siren

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, and inspired by her friend, Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. It's a way to share the books that you've received over the past week. They could come from the bookstore, the library, a friend, your mailbox or wherever. It gives us all a chance to showcase the books that we've gotten, and maybe give others an idea for the book they want to read or buy next. :)

For Review:

Masque of Red Death by Bethany Griffin (from Edelweiss and Harper Collins)
Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard (from Edelweiss and Harper Collins)
Insignia by S.J. Kincaid (from Edelweiss and Harper Collins)
Hemlock (Hemlock #1) by Kathleen Peacock (from Edelweiss and Harper Collins)
Sacrè Bleu by Christopher Moore (from Edelweiss and Harper Collins)
The Selection (The Selection #1) by Kiera Cass (from Edelweiss and Harper Collins)
The Lost Code (The Atlanteans #1) by Kevin Emerson (from Edelweiss and Harper Collins)
Dark Kiss (Nightwatchers #1) by Michelle Rowen (from Netgalley and Harlequin)
The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1)  by Julie Kagawa (from Netgalley and Harlequin)

I just found out about Edelweiss recently, and they have some amazing titles on there! I got a bunch of fantastic titles for them...and I'm so excited for them all! Seriously, I kind of squeed! haha :D I also just got Dark Kiss and The Immortal Rules from excited! :D



 Where it Began by Ann Redisch Stampler (won from Read Now Sleep Later)

I'm really excited to read Where it Began! I won it on Read Now Sleep Later, and I've been looking forward to getting it in the mail! Now I just need some time to read it. :P



The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch (Amazon Kindle Store)

The Eleventh Plague was on sale on Amazon this week, and I just had to get it! :D I've been wanting to read this one for a long time now, so I jumped at the chance to buy it! :D


Thank you to Edelweiss, Harper Collins, Netgalley, Harlequin, and Alethea from Read Now Sleep Later. :D

I got some amazing books in my mailbox this week! I hope that your mailbox was just as awesome! So, what did you get in your mailbox??? Feel free to leave a link to your IMM post in the comments and I'll come check it out! :D

Saturday 24 March 2012

Hide and Seek Scavenger Hunt Winner!!!

The winner of the Hide and Seek Scavenger Hunt Giveaway is:

JJ McConnachie

Congratulations!!! I'll be emailing you shortly, so don't forget to check your spam folder just in case! :D If you don't get an email at all, you can contact me at ambiepie_6(at)hotmail(dot)com

Thank you to the people who participated in the Scavenger Hunt! There weren't very many entries, so I really appreciate that some of you actually participated in are all awesome! Thanks! :D

And if you didn't win, don't worry, I still have two giveaways going on until the end of March, so feel free to enter those ones and try you luck again! :D

Friday 23 March 2012

Hunted Blog Tour: Review and Giveaway

 Hunted by Cheryl Rainfield
Source: Received an egalley to participate in blog tour, and give honest review.
Publisher:WestSide Books
Release Date: Already Released.
Number of Pages: 370 (Hardcover)

Blurb from Goodreads:
Caitlyn is a telepath in a world where having any Paranormal power is illegal. Caitlyn is on the run from government troopers, who can enslave, torture, or even kill her, or make her hunt other Paranormals. When Caitlyn settles down in a city, she falls for Alex, a Normal (someone without Paranormal powers), which is dangerous because he can turn her in. And she discovers renegade Paranormals who want to destroy all Normals. Caitlyn must decide whether she's going to stay in hiding to protect herself, or take a stand to save the world.

Follow the author, Cheryl Rainfield:
Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | Blog

Extras for Hunted: Hunted Goodies (free short story, comic strip, and more!)

Videos: Hunted's Book Trailer | Cheryl talking about what inspired her to write Hunted

Well, my first thought after finishing Hunted! I think I honestly said "wow" out loud, too. :P This book had such a powerful feel to it, and the overall message was incredibly moving.

One of the best parts about Hunted was the paranormal aspect. There are people with paranormal abilities living amongst people without them. Unfortunately, "paras" as they're called are persecuted, and they're treated horribly! If the government captures them, they're forced to find other paranormals and report to their handlers. They have tracking devices in their tongues, and electric shocks are used to punish them for not cooperating, or for not doing well enough. It was so sad to read about the way the paras were treated, and it makes you think of the groups of people in the past, or even recently, who've been mistreated because of their race, their sexuality, their religion, and countless other factors that make them different. It's horrible when you think of how people are persecuted because they're different, and Hunted puts that into a whole new perspective. Being different doesn't stop someone from being a human being...and the way that victimization is justified is often through "otherness," where you distinguish someone as different and make them out as the enemy. There's also the whole "for-the-greater-good" mentality, which pops up in a lot of places, and can have some seriously horrific consequences.

Now, I just want to be clear, while it was easy to see the ways other have been mistreated, this wasn't a sad book. It's a powerful one, and it has some amazing characters. The main character, Caitlyn, is a telepath, so she can read people's minds...although, she usually chooses not to, and instead uses her power to try and protect her mother and herself. I loved getting to see the other characters' thought processes through her. It was incredibly interesting, especially when you get to see the others' views on paranormals through her. Also, since Caitlyn's a para, it allows you to put yourself in her perspective, and you get to feel what it's like to belong to a persecuted group and to be constantly on the run. You get to know her, and that makes the victimization of the paras even more powerful.

I didn't expect Hunted to have such a large focus on the prejudice and violence between paras and normals, but once I started reading it, I was so glad that it did. Without them, it still would have been a fantastic story, but with them, it became more than just a brilliant story. It became a story full of meaning, one with a powerful message of acceptance, and unity. It was even more moving once I read to the end, and saw that the author, Cheryl Rainfield, used her own past experiences to write the book, as she was victimized in her past, too. While, I didn't read that until the end, it made the overall book sink in even further. It makes you realize that there are still a lot of people out there who are persecuted, victimized, and bullied. It makes you want to stand up for the people who are being mistreated, and to stop it if you get the chance. I think it's pretty incredible for a book to leave you with that feeling, especially one that is done in a way that makes you actually want to do something.

There are some books that push you to do something, but end up being irritating, Hunted is not one of them. Hunted is a wonderful story. It has an intelligent and brave heroine, and leaves you wanting to make a stand up for the stand up for stand up for your beliefs. It makes you want to speak up, and support other people, especially the ones that aren't able or have difficulty speaking up for themselves. I completely recommend Hunted. It's not often that you get the chance to read a remarkable story that entertains and inspires.


- 1 Winner will get an ebook of Hunted by Cheryl Rainfield
(Please keep in mind that the winner will get a reviewers copy of the ebook, so there may be some errors that aren't present in the finished version.)
- International
- Ends March 31 at 11:59 PM (EST).
- To enter just fill out the Rafflecopter widget

Monday 19 March 2012

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (70)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, is a bookish meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through a World of Books, where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It’s a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over to Journey and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Books I Read Last Week:

I absolutely loved Before I Fall! Zoë and I read this one together, which was really fun...even though we didn't really have a plan for reading together. Next up, Croak. :D Anyway, this was my first Lauren Oliver book, and I was really happy with it. She really does have a beautiful writing style. :)

  • Bloom by Elizabeth Scott
I really liked Bloom. It wasn't my favourite of Elizabeth Scott's books (that would be Perfect You), but I still really enjoyed it. I liked that Bloom was such a realistic story.  :)

I've been meaning to read Wuthering Heights for years, and since we had to read it for my British Lit class, I finally got the chance to read it....and I loved it. For a classic it was actually a much quicker read than I thought it would be. :D I didn't really swoon after Heathcliff like I thought I would, but I definitely appreciated his ruggedness. :P

I haven't read the second book in this series yet, but I loved the first one...and I loved this one, too! :D I absolutely loved Ty, and Jenna was awesome! Put them together...and the chemistry was fantastic! ;D
This one was okay for me. It had some seriously hilarious parts, but I just didn't love it. I did like it, but I just wasn't a huge fan of the writing style, and some of the jokes went a little too far. Overall though, it's a good read.

Reading Now:
Still finishing this one, but I'll have it finished soon since my reviews supposed to be posted on Friday. :P

Books I Want to Read This Week:
I got this one from the library and I can't wait to read it! :D

And what are you reading???

Check out One Person's Journey Through a World of Books to see what other people are reading. :)

Shadowborn Blurb and Cover Reveal!

Shadowborn (A Lika Gray Novel #2) by Jocelyn Adams
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Target Reader: Adult
Keywords: Romantic, Urban Fantasy, Fairy

Book Description:
Why me?

That’s the question Lila Gray asks every time yet another bad guy tries to destroy the earth, and she learns she’s the only one who can stop it. Once again, something’s on the prowl, leaving hundreds of comatose, souless victims in its wake.

Couldn’t the deadliest assassins of the Otherworld go after someone else instead of the brand new Queen of the Seelie? One who still hasn’t adapted to her new role.

Lila would ask Liam Kane, King of the Unseelie, for advice, but something’s off with him, too. He’s holding back. In some way. About some thing. In fact, he refuses to tell her what’s going on.

The truth holds Lila back from the greatness of her role—the people she was born to lead—the man who she desperately loves—and the solution to the latest war raging around her.

To find the answers, she’ll need to fight through her own darkness and embark on a journey through her psyche.

If she doesn’t succeed, the Shadowborn will claim not only her world, but her soul.

Links: J. Taylor Publishing

Previous Books in this series include:
The Glass Man (Lila Gray #1) (Links: J. Taylor Publishing | Goodreads )

I can't wait to read this one! I really liked the first book, The Glass Man, and I've been looking forward to reading what happens next. :D I'm not sure who the guy on the cover doesn't seem like it would be Liam, so I'm thinking it has to be the "Glass Man." :P I guess I'll have to wait to find out! :D

Sunday 18 March 2012

In My Mailbox (32)

In My Mailbox at The Story Siren

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, and inspired by her friend, Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. It's a way to share the books that you've received over the past week. They could come from the bookstore, the library, a friend, your mailbox or wherever. It gives us all a chance to showcase the books that we've gotten, and maybe give others an idea for the book they want to read or buy next. :)

For Review:

Illuminate (Gilded Wings #1) by Aimee Agresti (Thomas Allen and Sons)
Loss (Riders of the Apocalypse #3) by Jackie Morse Kessler (Thomas Allen and Sons)
Croak (Croak #1) by Gina Damico (Thomas Allen and Sons)
Dead is a Battlefield (Dead Is #6) by Marlene Perez (Thomas Allen and Sons)
Circle of Cranes by Annette LeBox (Razorbill)
Tidal Whisper Anthology (J. Taylor Publishing)

I can't wait to read all of these. I haven't read any of the Dead Is series though, so I'm not sure about that one, but I'm so excited for the others! :D



Mirror Mirror by Gregory Maguire (won from Harper Collins Canada for March Madness )

I haven't read anything by Gregory Maguire yet, but I'm really excited to read this one, it sounds great. :D



Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James

I've heard awesome things about this book, so I just had to put it on hold from the library, and it came in this week. I'm really excited to read it. :D



The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine #1) by Bree Despain (Amazon Kindle Store)
The Lost Saint (The Dark Divine #2) by Bree Despain (Amazon Kindle Store)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Miss Peregrine #1) by Ransom Riggs (Amazon Kindle Store)
Because of Low (Sea Breeze #2) by Abbi Glines (Amazon Kindle Store)
Plain Kate by Erin Bow (Greenwood's Bookshoppe - sale on campus)
Taking a Shot (Play by Play #3) by Jaci Burton (The Book Depository)

The Dark Divine and The Lost Saint were on sale for Kindle, so I just had to get them! I've been wanting to read them for a long time. :D Miss Peregrine was on sale, too. :D I'm excited for Plain Kate, too. :D I've already finished Taking a Shot, and I absolutely loved it. :D


So, that's what I got in my mailbox over the last two weeks. :) What did you get?
Feel free to leave a link to your IMM in the comments and I'll check your post out. :)

Friday 16 March 2012

Hide and Seek Blog Tour: Scavenger Hunt Giveaway!

This book right here is what you're going to be entering to win today...and hopefully you'll have a grand ol' time on your search! One winner will receive an ebook of Hide and Seek from the publisher. The winner will be chosen using, contacted via email and will have 48 hours to claim their prize. The giveaway will end on March 23 at 11:59 PM (MST).

So....How do you enter? Well, that's pretty simple. You're going to be seeking some clues that are hiding from you...these clues will give you a hint at what you'll find it the book.

To get to the form to enter, you simply CLICK on the clues, and you'll get to the form every time. You can either fill out the form once with all of your answers, or enter separately for every clue that you find. It's up to you. :)

There are FOUR clues, each of them are in different places, and I'll give you hints to help you find each clue...if you look closely at this post, you may even find some links to help you get to them. ;)

Are you ready to start seeking????

Here are your hints to find the clues:

HINT #1:


(Keep your eyes peeled for more like this because all of the clues look similar.)

HINT #2:

This one is also on my blog, and you may find it somewhere between the pages....

HINT #3:

Hide and Seek sprung from her head like Athena sprung from Zeus' won't find Athena there, but you will find this clue on her blog.

HINT #4:

This author might not have written Hide and Seek, but she is a great friend of its author's, and they happen to share a publisher, you'll find the final clue on her blog, you might also find some sexy werewolves...


....and that's all of them!
Hopefully you got them all, but if you're really struggling with the clues let me know.

Good luck to everyone that enters, and I hope you've had fun! :D

Anyone curious as to how the clues fit into the story?
Got any crazy theories?? (Please don't give away any of the clues though, although feel free to mentions stars all you like...I hope nobody missed that one. :P haha) hot is Tripp on the cover??? Seriously??? He's smoking. ;)

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Review: Hide and Seek (Games of Zeus #1) by Aimee Laine

Source: Received an ebook from publisher for an honest review.
Release Date: Already Released!
Visit its page on the publisher website: Hide and Seek

Lie, cheat or steal, no one can catch Tripp Fox. Except one woman.

Lexi Shepherd’s knack for finding whatever is asked of her isn’t sheer luck. It’s a gift from the Greek god Zeus.

That Lexi doesn’t use her ability to search for “Mr. Right” comes from one of many personal rules she has set for herself. Number one is not to let fate dictate her future.

Falling in love with Tripp breaks all the others.

Despite her principles, Lexi’s unable to stay away from the bad boy, and she finds herself toeing the grey line of the law for him.

Zeus, though, didn’t give Lexi and Tripp their talents to make their relationship a simple, easy alliance. He designed it to be exactly the opposite. Impossible. Always.

With their separation, Lexi expects Tripp to forfeit love in favor of destiny. He, on the other hand, intends to beat Zeus at his own game. With a plan in place, Tripp challenges Lexi to take the one action no one else can.

Find him.

The question isn’t can she ... but will she?

Having already read Aimee Laine's first book, Little White Lies, I had great expectations for Hide and Seek...and it completely lived up to them! It's a truly fantastic story with incredibly characters, and an extremely intriguing storyline that will keep you enthralled until the very last word. :D

From the name of the series, Games of Zeus, it's pretty obvious that mythology is involved, and Aimee Laine has woven it into her story in an intriguing and unique way. She's brought the great paradox of the Teumessian fox and Laelaps into her story, the fox that could never be caught, and the dog that never failed to catch what it hunted...put them together, and it's like a circle that never ends. :P Lexi and Tripp embody these mythological figures, and by adding in some extreme attraction and sexual tension, Aimee Laine makes this myth even more fascinating. ;)

Hide and Seek's characters were fantastic! Lexi was awesome, and I thought she was an amazing heroine. She's smart, independent, and was wanting a little bit of excitement...needless to say, by the end of the book, she definitely got some. In more ways than one...sorry, I couldn't resist. :P Tripp was....oh, I don't even know how to begin to describe Tripp. First, he's totally drool-worthy...I mean come on, look at this book cover and tell me I'm wrong. :P Second, he is an amazing guy. He may not always do things the legal way, but he has morals and lines that he swears he won't cross, and he sticks to them. I respected that in him, and I respected that he was very forthright and honest. He's a great match for Lexi, and they compliment each other so well! :D

There's a bit of mystery revolving around Hide and Seek, and for a while it seems like it's going to straightforward and you think that you can kind of guess where it will lead, then suddenly something will pop up and keep you on your toes! I loved how Aimee wove this mysterious element into the romance and the conflicts surrounding them. I also really enjoyed the way that she reinvented the paradox between Laelaps and the Teumessian fox. Finally, while it's a very small detail in the story as a whole, I absolutely loved that Hide and Seek was set in Rune, just like Aimee Laine's Mimics of Rune series! :D Also, just in case anyone isn't aware, there is sex in Hide and Seek, it's not overly descriptive, but it is there, so if you're a little young for adult material or find it uncomfortable to read, even when it isn't gratuitous, this might not be the book for you. That being said, I personally thoroughly enjoyed ALL of this book. :)

Have you read Aimee's other book, Little White Lies, yet?
Anyone looking forward to reading this one??
(If you are, check out my blog on Friday, March 16th, there will be a giveaway!)
Any thoughts you'd like to share? About the review, book, cover, mythology in general, whatever else you might want to talk about???

Monday 12 March 2012

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (69)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, is a bookish meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through a World of Books, where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It’s a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over to Journey and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading. All links go to Goodreads.

Books I Read Last Week:
I basically devoured this book! haha I started it shortly after posting my Monday post last week and had it finished by was awesome! :D I really enjoyed the changes that Heather made to the story, and I liked how she modernized it. It was wonderful, not exactly as I expected, but still definitely one that I loved. :D

I ended up not really liking this one for my travel writing class. Some of it was good, but then other parts just bored me. The Songlines doesn't really follow a traditional narrative arc, and there are interruptions from past sections and entries from the author's various notebooks, and I just felt these sections interrupted the flow and they kind of ruined any enjoyment I had with the story. It wasn't awful, but I didn't really like it.

This one wasn't bad. I didn't hate it, but there wasn't really anything special about it either. I've found that the sports romances I like actually involve the sport the character plays, so I didn't really like that there actually wasn't any hockey in this one....other than it being mentioned. The characters were alright, but I didn't love them. So, I liked it, but it wasn't a favourite, I'm still definitely preferring Jaci Burton to Deirdre Martin. I've heard the earlier books in this series are better anyways, so maybe I should try them.

Reading Now:

I'm about halfway through this one and I'm really enjoying it. :) It's interesting, and definitely intense. In this book there are Paras who have paranormal abilities, so telekinesis, telepathy, and things like that. Unfortunately they're persecuted and treated as slaves if they're caught. The main character, Caitlyn is a para, and by the title I'm sure you can guess that she and other paras are being hunted.

I seriously can't believe I've gone this long without reading Wuthering Heights...especially since I'm at about the 100-page mark and I am absolutely loving it! At first, I wasn't sure if I would like it because it's not from Heathcliff or Cathy's point of view, but I actually don't mind hearing their story from the servant, Ellen (or Nelly) Dean. Hopefully I like it once I'm finished. :P

***Also still reading The Queen of Kentucky, and Before I Fall :)

Books I Want to Read This Week:
I've been meaning to start this one for a while now, but I kept putting it off! I can't wait any long though, so I'm hoping to get some time for it this week or some time soon! :D


And what are you reading???

Check out One Person's Journey Through a World of Books to see what other people are reading. :)

Thursday 8 March 2012

What I'm Listening To...Simple Plan #Music

I don't talk about it very often on the blog, but I absolutely LOVE music. I listen to it while I'm doing pretty much everything...even when I'm sleeping sometimes. :P So, I thought I'd start doing these little posts to let you all know what I'm listening to, or the things I like to listen to. I've got an eclectic taste, so don't be surprised if the genres vary a lot. 

This isn't really a meme, just a post I'm going to do every once in a while, I haven't decided if I'll do it every week, but we'll see. 

I'm gonna start off with a band I've loved for years...Simple Plan!

I first heard Simple Plan in junior high, and their first CD, No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls, was the first CD I ever bought. I listened to it over and over, and you know what...I will never forget those songs. They're seriously stuck in my brain now. :P And guess what? I still listen to their songs on repeat. In fact, my best friend and I just went to their concert in Edmonton last month (on Valentine's Day actually ;D), and ever since then I've been constantly listening to my Simple Plan playlist on my ipod! :D

I love so many of their songs that it's going to be hard to pick favourites, but here are a few I love!

Addicted (from No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls)

Welcome to My Life (from Still Not Getting Any...)

Astronaut (from Get Your Heart On ---newest CD)

I was going to post a song from each CD, but none of the ones from their self-titled album can be embedded....weird, anyway, these ones are a few of my favourites! Enjoy!

Ways to follow Simple Plan: Facebook | Twitter | Official Website

So, are any of you Simple Plan fans?
Any song or artist recommendations that you'd love to share??

Happy Listening!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Review: Black Heart (Curse Workers #3) by Holly Black

 Source: Received an ARC from Simon and Schuster Canada for an honest review.
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry
Release Date: April 3, 2012
Number of Pages: 296 (Hardcover)

Blurb from Goodreads:
Cassel Sharpe knows he’s been used as an assassin, but he’s trying to put all that behind him. He’s trying to be good, even though he grew up in a family of con artists and cheating comes as easily as breathing to him. He’s trying to do the right thing, even though the girl he loves is inextricably connected with crime. And he’s trying to convince himself that working for the Feds is smart, even though he’s been raised to believe the government is the enemy.

But with a mother on the lam, the girl he loves about to take her place in the Mob, and new secrets coming to light, the line between what’s right and what’s wrong becomes increasingly blurred. When the Feds ask Cassel to do the one thing he said he would never do again, he needs to sort out what’s a con and what’s truth. In a dangerous game and with his life on the line, Cassel may have to make his biggest gamble yet—this time on love.

I still remember reading White Cat, and trust me I went fangirl over that book! I have always loved the concept behind this series, it's so unique, and it's so remarkably well done! I love Holly's Modern Faerie Tale books...but the Curse Workers, they blow my mind! I absolutely LOVE THEM! And this one...Black Heart is by far my favourite of the trilogy! The perfect ending to an incredible trilogy! :D

I absolutely love Cassel. He just gets better throughout the trilogy, and I always just want to give him lots of hugs. He's had some rough times, and I always feel bad when he's trying to deal with stuff that he's done or thinks he's done when it isn't really his fault. He was awesome in Black Heart though! Seriously clever, and probably at the most honest we've ever seen him...which, let's face it for Cassel is quite the feat! :P

Overall, Black Heart was amazing! There was a lot of relationship/friendship drama, and some extreme stuff (I'm being overly general here, but I don't want to spoil anything :P) that constantly keeps you reading. I barely put this book down, and I only stopped reading because it was late at night and I was falling asleep. If you start it early don't be surprised if you finish this book in one solid read, it's seriously addictive!

If you haven't started this trilogy need to! It's one of my favourites, and since I've just finished the final book in the trilogy, I can also tell you that this is one of those trilogies that will leave you satisified from the beginning to the end. The ending is a bit open-ended, but it settles everything that you feels NEEDS to be settled, which is always, the ending of Black Heart was perfect! I honestly don't think I could have thought of a better ending than what was there! Holly Black has definitely hit the perfect score with it! I'm seriously so happy that it ended the way that it did, and I hope that everyone else will love it as much as I did! :D

Have you read White Cat, or Red Glove, yet?
Are you anxiously awaiting Black Heart?!
Any thoughts on this series?

Also, I guess with this one you have to mention it...the covers?
What are your thoughts on the cover changes that this trilogy has had?

After the first book, White Cat, there were slight changes to the Red Glove cover, and with Black Heart the entire cover concept has changed. No people, no smoke, nothing that the others had.
I'm not really a fan of the new covers, and I'm still upset that my other two hardcovers will never match this one, but I will tell you that, the book is worth it. Even without the matching covers, it is one heck of a story!

Purchase Links:
Book Depository: UK / US
Amazon: UK / US / Canada
Barnes and Noble

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Review: Wolfsbane (Nightshade #2) by Andrea Cremer

Source: Received an ARC from Penguin Canada for an honest review.
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group
Release Date: Already released.
Number of Pages: 390 (Hardcover)

Blurb from Goodreads:
When Calla Tor wakes up in the lair of the Searchers, her sworn enemies, she’s certain her days are numbered. But then the Searchers make her an offer—one that gives her the chance to destroy her former masters and save the pack—and the man—she left behind. Is Ren worth the price of her freedom? And will Shay stand by her side no matter what? Now in control of her own destiny, Calla must decide which battles are worth fighting and how many trials true love can endure and still survive.

I really love the world that Andrea Cremer has created in the Nightshade trilogy. It's so fascinating, and in Wolfsbane even more mysteries are revealed. We finally get to learn more about the Searchers, and about their side of the Witches' War. I didn't like this one quite as much as Nightshade, but I did still like it. The only thing that bothered me was Shay...I just don't like him, and I don't like how Calla acts around him.

That being said, I absolutely loved everything else...well most of it. :P I could've done with more Ren...and a more positive side of him I might add too. *cough* But, in general Wolfsbane was amazing. The Searchers were fantastic, and I loved how each character that is introduced in this one is so well defined, and I quickly felt like I knew them, even with Calla not quite trusting them yet. :P

The action in Wolfsbane is insane! There are also some incredibly heartbreaking moments. This book seriously keeps you on your toes, and you'll be bounced from some intense action to intense heartbreak to moments of everything and anything in between those. It's a quick read, and will surely leave you anxious for Bloodrose...although it might also leave you a bit reluctant to pick up the next one. Which is kind of the position I'm in. I definitely want to read the next one...but I'm going to take it slow because I hear it's an even wilder ride than the first two books!

I'd recommend Wolfsbane and the Nightshade Trilogy to fans of magic and wolves. Although if you aren't a fan of love triangles you might not like this one because the triangle and romance is a fairly big aspect of the story. That being said, if you like your heroines to be strong and alpha-like you'll surely get a kick out of Calla. :)

Have you read Nightshade, Wolfsbane or even Bloodrose, yet?
What did you think?(Please no Bloodrose spoilers though, I haven't read it yet. :P)
Shay? Ren? Calla? Anything else you want to mention/comment on/rant about?
And if you haven't read any of them, does it sound like something you'd like?

Monday 5 March 2012

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (68)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, is a bookish meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through a World of Books, where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It’s a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over to Journey and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Books I Read Last Week:
I didn't like this one as much as I thought I would, but it was still a fun read. Honestly, the only things that kept me from absolutely loving it were editorial mistakes that really should have been caught. For instance, Celine Dion did not sing "I Will Always Love You," and the Muppets are not on Sesame Street....that being said, I really liked Adam and Sinead's chemistry, but they were both so withdrawn, that it was hard to connect with them. I did like it as a quick read in between essay writing last week though.

  • Emma by Jane Austen
I finished rereading Emma, and I have to say...I forgot just how much I loved Mr.Knightley. :)

Reading Now:

 I'm reading this one for my travel writing class. I'm not very far, so I don't have much to say. He's in Alice Springs, too though...I wonder if he and Robyn Davidson ever ran into each other there. :P

Books I Want to Read This Week:
This is the next book in line in my British Lit class and I can't wait to start it! I've been wanting to read Wuthering Heights for a long time now. Hopefully I like it. :P

I've had this one sitting on my shelf for far to long, and with reading Emma I've been hankering to start this one! If I can't squeeze in time to read Pride and Prejudice, I can at least squeeze in time to read some modernizations. :P

And what are you reading???

Check out One Person's Journey Through a World of Books to see what other people are reading. :)

Sunday 4 March 2012

Random Acts of Kindness - March Edition!

Book Soulmates
The beginning of last month was tough for me, so I kind of missed RAK, and then once I remembered it was late in the month, and I just decided I'd wait to sign up again this month, so here's my post for March's RAK! :D

The lovely Vanessa and Isalys at Book Soulmates came up with the idea for Random Acts of Kindness. 
Here are the rules for R.A.K.:

  • Sign up each month that you'd like to participate.
  • Show off your participation by grabbing our RAK button :)
  • Create a wish list (on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog etc) and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
  • If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wish list and contact that blogger for their address.
  • At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K!  Make a post saying 'Thank You' to whoever granted one of your wishes and share it with us :)
Let's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there's always the Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!

You can find out even more about R.A.K, and sign up for March HERE.
I've got two different wishlists, one for Amazon and one for the Book Depository: 

The Book Depository Wishlist:  Ambur's TBD Wishlist
And my Amazon/Kindle Wishlist: Ambur's Amazon Wishlist

Go ahead and check it out even if you aren't participating in R.A.K.! You might find a book you want for yourself. ;)
(If you want my address to send me something for R.A.K., you can email me at ambiepie_6(at)hotmail(dot)com.)
I hope you all have an awesome month. :)