Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Review: Hide and Seek (Games of Zeus #1) by Aimee Laine

Source: Received an ebook from publisher for an honest review.
Release Date: Already Released!
Visit its page on the publisher website: Hide and Seek

Lie, cheat or steal, no one can catch Tripp Fox. Except one woman.

Lexi Shepherd’s knack for finding whatever is asked of her isn’t sheer luck. It’s a gift from the Greek god Zeus.

That Lexi doesn’t use her ability to search for “Mr. Right” comes from one of many personal rules she has set for herself. Number one is not to let fate dictate her future.

Falling in love with Tripp breaks all the others.

Despite her principles, Lexi’s unable to stay away from the bad boy, and she finds herself toeing the grey line of the law for him.

Zeus, though, didn’t give Lexi and Tripp their talents to make their relationship a simple, easy alliance. He designed it to be exactly the opposite. Impossible. Always.

With their separation, Lexi expects Tripp to forfeit love in favor of destiny. He, on the other hand, intends to beat Zeus at his own game. With a plan in place, Tripp challenges Lexi to take the one action no one else can.

Find him.

The question isn’t can she ... but will she?

Having already read Aimee Laine's first book, Little White Lies, I had great expectations for Hide and Seek...and it completely lived up to them! It's a truly fantastic story with incredibly characters, and an extremely intriguing storyline that will keep you enthralled until the very last word. :D

From the name of the series, Games of Zeus, it's pretty obvious that mythology is involved, and Aimee Laine has woven it into her story in an intriguing and unique way. She's brought the great paradox of the Teumessian fox and Laelaps into her story, the fox that could never be caught, and the dog that never failed to catch what it hunted...put them together, and it's like a circle that never ends. :P Lexi and Tripp embody these mythological figures, and by adding in some extreme attraction and sexual tension, Aimee Laine makes this myth even more fascinating. ;)

Hide and Seek's characters were fantastic! Lexi was awesome, and I thought she was an amazing heroine. She's smart, independent, and was wanting a little bit of excitement...needless to say, by the end of the book, she definitely got some. In more ways than one...sorry, I couldn't resist. :P Tripp was....oh, I don't even know how to begin to describe Tripp. First, he's totally drool-worthy...I mean come on, look at this book cover and tell me I'm wrong. :P Second, he is an amazing guy. He may not always do things the legal way, but he has morals and lines that he swears he won't cross, and he sticks to them. I respected that in him, and I respected that he was very forthright and honest. He's a great match for Lexi, and they compliment each other so well! :D

There's a bit of mystery revolving around Hide and Seek, and for a while it seems like it's going to straightforward and you think that you can kind of guess where it will lead, then suddenly something will pop up and keep you on your toes! I loved how Aimee wove this mysterious element into the romance and the conflicts surrounding them. I also really enjoyed the way that she reinvented the paradox between Laelaps and the Teumessian fox. Finally, while it's a very small detail in the story as a whole, I absolutely loved that Hide and Seek was set in Rune, just like Aimee Laine's Mimics of Rune series! :D Also, just in case anyone isn't aware, there is sex in Hide and Seek, it's not overly descriptive, but it is there, so if you're a little young for adult material or find it uncomfortable to read, even when it isn't gratuitous, this might not be the book for you. That being said, I personally thoroughly enjoyed ALL of this book. :)

Have you read Aimee's other book, Little White Lies, yet?
Anyone looking forward to reading this one??
(If you are, check out my blog on Friday, March 16th, there will be a giveaway!)
Any thoughts you'd like to share? About the review, book, cover, mythology in general, whatever else you might want to talk about???


  1. Woohoo! What a way to start my Tuesday! :) Thank you so much for the awesome review. So glad you loved the story. :)

  2. You're welcome, Aimee! :D Thank you for writing such an awesome story! :D

  3. Great review Ambur. I really liked this too. I can't wait for the next book in the series! :D


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