Friday 16 March 2012

Hide and Seek Blog Tour: Scavenger Hunt Giveaway!

This book right here is what you're going to be entering to win today...and hopefully you'll have a grand ol' time on your search! One winner will receive an ebook of Hide and Seek from the publisher. The winner will be chosen using, contacted via email and will have 48 hours to claim their prize. The giveaway will end on March 23 at 11:59 PM (MST).

So....How do you enter? Well, that's pretty simple. You're going to be seeking some clues that are hiding from you...these clues will give you a hint at what you'll find it the book.

To get to the form to enter, you simply CLICK on the clues, and you'll get to the form every time. You can either fill out the form once with all of your answers, or enter separately for every clue that you find. It's up to you. :)

There are FOUR clues, each of them are in different places, and I'll give you hints to help you find each clue...if you look closely at this post, you may even find some links to help you get to them. ;)

Are you ready to start seeking????

Here are your hints to find the clues:

HINT #1:


(Keep your eyes peeled for more like this because all of the clues look similar.)

HINT #2:

This one is also on my blog, and you may find it somewhere between the pages....

HINT #3:

Hide and Seek sprung from her head like Athena sprung from Zeus' won't find Athena there, but you will find this clue on her blog.

HINT #4:

This author might not have written Hide and Seek, but she is a great friend of its author's, and they happen to share a publisher, you'll find the final clue on her blog, you might also find some sexy werewolves...


....and that's all of them!
Hopefully you got them all, but if you're really struggling with the clues let me know.

Good luck to everyone that enters, and I hope you've had fun! :D

Anyone curious as to how the clues fit into the story?
Got any crazy theories?? (Please don't give away any of the clues though, although feel free to mentions stars all you like...I hope nobody missed that one. :P haha) hot is Tripp on the cover??? Seriously??? He's smoking. ;)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it, Ambur! This awesome! You are so creative. Thanks for hosting for me! You rock!


Comments are like smiles. Free to give, but precious to receive. Thank you for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment. I treasure every one. Also, check back! You'll probably find a reply. :D