Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Review: Everneath (Everneath #1) by Brodi Ashton

Source: Received an ARC from Harper Collins Canada for an honest review.
Challenge: Debut Author Challenge 2012
Publisher: Harper Collins / Balzer and Bray
Release Date: Already released.
Number of Pages: 370 (Hardcover)

Blurb from Goodreads:
Last spring, Nikki Beckett vanished, sucked into an underworld known as the Everneath, where immortals Feed on the emotions of despairing humans. Now she's returned- to her old life, her family, her friends- before being banished back to the underworld... this time forever.

She has six months before the Everneath comes to claim her, six months for good-byes she can't find the words for, six months to find redemption, if it exists.

Nikki longs to spend these months reconnecting with her boyfriend, Jack, the one person she loves more than anything. But there's a problem: Cole, the smoldering immortal who first enticed her to the Everneath, has followed Nikki to the mortal world. And he'll do whatever it takes to bring her back- this time as his queen.

As Nikki's time grows short and her relationships begin slipping from her grasp, she's forced to make the hardest decision of her life: find a way to cheat fate and remain on the Surface with Jack or return to the Everneath and become Cole's...

Learn more and read at excerpt on Harper Collins Canada's webpage for Everneath, HERE.

Everneath is an amazing debut, and it's the start of what will surely be a fantastic trilogy. Told in one point of view, but from alternative points of time, it crafts an addictive story. One where you're desperate to discover what has brought Nikki to the place she's at.

At first, I wasn't really sure about Nikki. She doesn't really have much personality at the beginning of the book...although as you get further into the story this makes a lot more sense, but underneath her stone facade you learn things about her that compel you to keep reading, even if you're not really sure about her just yet. Plus, Nikki happens to have two fabulous boys who revolve around her throughout her story. Cole, the bad boy from the Everneath, and Jack, her ex-boyfriend.

As a narrator, I think that Nikki grows, partially because you get to see her become stronger, and also because you get to see her reasoning for the things she's done. She definitely acted impulsively in her past, but I couldn't help but respect her for the choices she was making. She was trying to do the right thing, and she didn't care if she was the one who suffered as a result of her choice. She took the blame for her poor choices, and I think that shows a lot of strength. I also liked how certain characters had different names for her. Cole called her Nik, while her best friend, Jules, and Jack called her Becks. I think that part appealed to the side of me that's always wanted a cool nickname...and Nikki has a couple, which let's face it, means she must be awesome. :P Also, the more you get to know her, you see that she really is awesome. She has faults, but she recognizes them, and she fights to try and overcome her problems. I also loved her sense of humour. :)

I'm really not sure which boy I prefer after reading Everneath. I definitely love me some Cole. He's addictive, and I have to say that he appealed to me. You don't actually get to see all that much of Jack in the first part of the book, other than from Nikki's memories, so it's pretty easy to be taken in by Cole...and you really don't mind when it happens, as I've said, he's pretty appealing. ;) I can't wait to see how Nikki's story evolves in the following books and I'm excited to see how the boys fit into the story, too.

One of the major things that I loved about Everneath was how Brodi Ashton wove myths into it. I'm always fascinated by stories involving mythology, and Brodi took Greek myths in very interesting ways. :D She didn't just take one myth...no, she interwove several myths and manipulated them to fit her story, plus, her whole "Daughters of Persephone" thing reminded me of the mysterious cult that used to worship Demeter and Persephone. They had initiation ceremonies called Eleusinian Mysteries every year, and I liked being reminded me of that because I thought it was so fascinating when I studied it. :D Anyway, I think that Brodi brings myth into her story in ways that myth-fanatics and newbies-to-myth alike can enjoy. She brings a fresh perspective, and reworks them in ways where there is definite plausibility...and I don't know about anyone else, but I love the possibility of mythology being real....at least most myths. :P

I'd recommend Everneath to pretty much everyone. If you like paranormal stories with a twinge of mystery, then you'll love it. If you like mythology, you'll love it...and if you love any story involving some hot boys, well then, yes, you will also love it. :) Everneath is a captivating story with a heroine who faces a daunting future, but is still determined to do the right thing, and not give it. I loved this story, and as a narrator, Nikki really won me over. :)

Have you read Everneath yet?
Are you planning on reading it?
Any thoughts on Cole or Jack?

Purchase Links:
Book Depository: UK / US
Amazon: UK / US / Canada
Barnes and Noble

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Monday, 30 January 2012

The Peculiars New Cover!

I just had Laura from Abrams Books send me the new cover for The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry, and I just have to share it! It's so gorgeous! :D

Here it is everyone!

Here's it's Goodreads link if you want to add it!

Add here's the Goodreads description:
This dark and thrilling adventure, with an unforgettable heroine, will captivate fans of steampunk, fantasy, and romance.
On her 18th birthday, Lena Mattacascar decides to search for her father, who disappeared into the northern wilderness of Scree when Lena was young. Scree is inhabited by Peculiars, people whose unusual characteristics make them unacceptable to modern society. Lena wonders if her father is the source of her own extraordinary characteristics and if she, too, is Peculiar. On the train she meets a young librarian, Jimson Quiggley, who is traveling to a town on the edge of Scree to work in the home and library of the inventor Mr. Beasley. The train is stopped by men being chased by the handsome young marshal Thomas Saltre. When Saltre learns who Lena’s father is, he convinces her to spy on Mr. Beasley and the strange folk who disappear into his home, Zephyr House. A daring escape in an aerocopter leads Lena into the wilds of Scree to confront her deepest fears.
 If you're interested in reading The Peculiars its tentative release date is May 1st, but if you have NetGalley it is available as an egalley right now. :)

 I absolutely love this new cover! It's so pretty, and I love how prominent the steampunk elements are, and the wings are so neat...it definitely intrigues you!

How about you, what do you guys think of the new cover??

Happy Reading!!!
♪♫ Ambur

Sunday, 29 January 2012

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (63)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, is a bookish meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through a World of Books, where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It’s a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over to Journey and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Books I Read Last Week:
This book was a serious improvement on Full Tilt...but it still wasn't my favourite book. I think I would've enjoyed it more had I never read Full Tilt...that book may have swayed me on travel literature in the wrong direction, but A Short Walk... was definitely better than Full Tilt. It was funny, and I liked that Eric Newby didn't take himself too seriously. He saw the humour in his situation, maybe he even played it up a bit, but I enjoyed that he tried to actually entertain the reader rather than bore them with details. :P
Loved Everneath! :D I wasn't sure at first because Nikki didn't really jump out at me as a narrator at first, but I really enjoyed her story...and the boys, wowza does this book ever have some amazing boys. :P Hopefully I'll have my review up tomorrow for this one. It was my January read for the Debut Author Challenge, and it was a great pick. I definitely recommend it. :D

Reading Now:
Little over halfway through this one now, and I'm finally at the point where it's stuff we haven't covered in class...hurrah! haha Hopefully I'll finish it soon. I kind of want to just be done so I can move onto the next book for my British Lit class, Zofloya. This one isn't terrible, but Godwin definitely has a tendency to ramble on and use big words for no real reason...kind of makes him seem a bit ostentatious....that word was just for you Godwin. :P An interesting sidenote is that Godwin was Mary Shelley(the author of Frankenstein)'s father and her mother was Mary Wollstonecraft, a feminist and philosopher at the time. Kind of cool. :)

Just started this one, and it seems like a nice quick and enjoyable story....Elizabeth Scott's book usually are, so not too surprising. :P

Just read the first chunk of this one, and I like it so far. Can't wait to read some more. :) Trying to finish Caleb Williams first though. :P

Books I Want to Read This Week:
As I mentioned before, this is the next book I have to read for my Brit Lit class, and it sounds interesting. My prof described it as a Gothic Soap Opera...and that definitely intrigues me. :P

Haven't started this one yet, but I need to finish it soon, so if I have to I'll finish this one before CW. :P I peaked through it though and thankfully it seems like a pretty quick story. :)

And what are you reading???

Check out One Person's Journey Through a World of Books to see what other people are reading. :)

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

In My Mailbox (27)

In My Mailbox at The Story Siren

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, and inspired by her friend, Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. It's a way to share the books that you've received over the past week. They could come from the bookstore, the library, a friend, your mailbox or wherever. It gives us all a chance to showcase the books that we've gotten, and maybe give others an idea for the book they want to read or buy next. :)

For Review:

The Rivals (The Mockingbirds #2) by Daisy Whitney (Hachette Book Group Canada)
Starters (Starters #1) by Lissa Price (NetGalley)
The Book of Blood and Shadow by Robin Wasserman (NetGalley)
Don't You Wish by Roxanne St. Claire (NetGalley)
Hollyweird by Terri Clark (NetGalley)

First, I must say, I am absolutely in love with Hachette for sending me The Rivals! :D I'm so excited for it, and I also got a few NetGalley titles this week. I really need to stop requesting these for a while I think. :P


The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (Amazon)
Line of Scrimmage by Marie Force (Amazon Kindle Store)

My copy of The Fault in Our Stars showed up this week, yay! :D I can't wait to read it. I've heard AMAZING things, plus, this will be my first John Green book...shocking, I know! haha Line of Scrimmage was on sale this week...and I've been wanting to read another Marie Force book, so I couldn't resist.:P


Breathless by Jessica Warman
How to Deal by Sarah Dessen

I went to pick up How to Deal this week because I had it on hold, and spotted Breathless, which I've been wanting to read. Hopefully, I'll be able to manage my time better, and actually get to these two. :P

Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon #1) by S. M. Reine (won from author, S. M. Reine - Signed)

To reveal the new covers to her series, S. M. Reine had a scavenger hunt, and I was one of the lucky winners. :) I won a signed copy of SMS, a journal, some bookmarks, and some swag. :D

All in all, my mailbox has been awesome this week! Thank you to Kaitlin at Hachette Book Group Canada, NetGalley, and S. M. Reine. :)

What about you? What did you get in your mailbox? Any books that you've been dying to read and finally got your hands on? Feel free to leave a link io your IMM and I'll check it out. :)

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Friday, 27 January 2012

Keri Lake Guest Post and Somnium Giveaway!

Keri Lake, the author of Somnium, is guest posting on my blog today, she's going to tell us about writing, what inspires her, and her decision to self-publish. :)

Without further ado, here is Keri's post:

Keri Lake
Like many writers, I began plotting away at a very young age. My first love though, was storytelling. And growing up, I had the perfect audience for my twisted tales: two younger sisters and a younger brother. As the oldest, they pretty much did anything I told them to do. So when I offered up story time during babysitting, much as they were horrified at the prospect of having a safe haven in our home somehow turned into portal for monsters, they often went along with it.

Ah…those were the days…

In middle school, I decided to start writing down my stories. And that’s when they began to evolve. By the time I reached high school, I was into the dark and twisted. My all-time favorite movie growing up was The Crow. This was exactly the style I’d yearned to incorporate into my writing. However, another interest began to compete for my attention. In spite of my very supportive English teacher, who insisted that I consider writing in college, I listened to my science teacher and pursued Microbiology instead. But like any passion, writing nagged at me. So I would take breaks during some pretty intense study to jot down poetry. It was a stress-reliever.

My writing sort of sat on the backburner for many years. I’d dabble here and there with some short stories and flash fiction, but nothing I’d taken seriously. Then in 2008, I sat down and completed my very first novel. It was a YA Romance and the word count was a little overboard. I sent out some queries, but for what I knew of the process and the publishing industry, I may as well have not even bothered. I don’t even think I sent them to the appropriate agencies. It was all new and completely experimental for me back then.

In 2009, I wrote another novel, an urban fantasy, and again went through the process of trying to get it published. I knew a bit more about the publishing industry by this point, but still not enough to make the slush cut. I gave up on the idea of getting published. What did it matter? I had a great-paying job; a family. I wouldn’t have time for a writing career on top of all that.

At the beginning of 2010, I was devastated when my sister called me up to tell me she was moving to Virginia Beach for a job she’d taken as an engineer. Not only would I miss one of the most exuberant personalities in my life, I worried about her moving out of state. I insisted that we talk and Skype frequently to curb the sadness. And she did a pretty good job of it. In fact, it was during one of our conversations that she told me about some cute military guard on a base she’d been assigned to in Maine. I literally laughed at loud, listening to her describe her interactions with this guy. Little did I realize, my mind was picking up all of the details of our conversation. That night, I dreamed of Halos. The idea of someone looking after my sister became such a comfort to me that I would steal moments out of my day to think, plot and write: my sister and her fiercely protective guardian angel. But not the guardian angels that we’ve come to know. Angels with a dark side. Warrior angels, forbidden to have contact with humans.

So after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to self-publish Somnium. And I did. On December 16, 2011, I released this paranormal love story to the world. I’m currently working on book two of the Halos trilogy, Requiem. This will pick up where Somnium left off and begin to unravel some of the mysteries of book one.

More about Somnium:
A work assignment in Kittery, Maine should be routine for Allie Lynch; nothing more than to prove herself as a brilliant engineer. Instead she finds herself torn between two men: a gorgeous military guard, Colton Briggs, and her devilishly handsome colleague, Drew Costa. To resist temptation, Allie does the only thing she can: she throws herself into her work.
But fate has other plans for Allie. Women are going missing all around her, Allie is struck with a series of life-threatening mishaps, and she becomes the obsession of a local deranged psychopath.
Thrust into a dark world that she can hardly fathom, Allie must fight for her very survival, open her mind to new realities – and open her heart to the possibility of love. Because both of these men are trouble – but one is a greater danger than she could ever imagine …

 (Description from Goodreads.)

Follow Keri: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Buy Somnium: Kindle | Barnes and Noble


- International 
- 1 winner will receive a hard copy of Somnium
 - Giveaway ends February 10th at 11:59 PM (MST.)
- The winner will be chosen using Random.org and they will have 48 hours to claim their prize.
- Extra Entries for sharing the giveaway, or following the author on Facebook or Twitter. Note: to easily share the giveaway you can use the share option on the toolbar above, or the buttons near the bottom of this post. For any extra entries links are required. Please make them publicly visible if on Facebook or Twitter, ones that can't be viewed will not count.
- This giveaway has been generously sponsored by the author, so you have Keri to thank. :)
- To enter just fill out the form. (Comments will not count as entries, you need to fill out the form.)

Fill out this FORM to enter: 


If the form isn't working, or if you just want it a bit
bigger, click FORM above and it will open in a new window.

Good luck to everyone who enters!

Don't forget to say thank you to Keri, or to let her know what you think about her guest post and her book, Somnium! :D

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Thursday, 26 January 2012

The Light of Asteria Blog Tour: Review

The Light of Asteria (Kailmeyra #1) by Elizabeth Isaacs
Source: Received a digital copy to participate in the blog tour, and for an honest review.
Publisher: iUniverse
Release Date: Already Released.
Number of Pages: 380 (Paperback)

Blurb from Goodreads:
If Nora Johnson hadn't been on campus that day she would have never known her true destiny. Helping her friends move into the dorm that she wanted to call home, Nora accidentally collides with mysterious stranger, Gavin Frey. His very first touch sends flames through her heart. The world seems different-something within her has changed. She tries to resume her mundane life, but she is now consumed with the one whose very presence ignited her soul, the one with eyes of emerald. Nora soon learns that an energy buried deep within has been unleashed. She now wields unimaginable power and has become Gavin's source, his strength. Her newfound joy is shaken when she discovers that Gavin is not who he appears to be and she has been thrust in the middle of a war of mythical proportions. Negativity allows all things evil to flourish, the earth is under siege. The fate of creation hinges on the power within her heart. Will she be strong enough to survive? A gripping tale of unbounded love and ancient power, The Light of Asteria will take you on an epic adventure filled with war, treachery, and demons, as well as unimaginable delights.

The Light of Asteria  is an incredibly inventive story. The mythology and folklore surrounding it are easy to get lost in. Elizabeth Isaacs has created a wondrous world where magic exists. One where pureness of heart and good intentions have all the power, and where bad intentions can lead to unimaginable darkness and evil.

The characters of The Light of Asteria were fabulous! I really liked Nora. She was a great heroine, incredibly determined, and she was smart. I also really liked Gavin, although sometimes he was a bit too closed off...and he had some moments where he was a pretty big jerk. Overall though,. I did like him. I also loved his friends, especially Rena , she was so fun! :D I loved her! I also loved Edna, Nora's mother-figure. She was amazing, and her relationship with Nora was one of my favourite parts of the book. :)

I interviewed Elizabeth a couple of weeks ago, and she spoke of the eye colours of the characters being symbolic, which I find incredibly fascinating. The eye colours really stood out to me while reading, so I wasn't surprised to find out that they held deeper meaning. For example, Nora's eye colour, topaz, Elizabeth says "biblically represents represents beauty, worthiness, and honour." I find it so fascinating to know that their eye colours have such symbolic meaning, and that Elizabeth paid that close attention to detail...it kind of blows your mind to think about it.

Along with the fabulous characters, I loved the folklore and mythology. The Alfar and Dokkalfar were incredibly fascinating, and the contrast between the two was striking, especially once you learn the history of their races. I won't tell you too much about them because I liked learning about them as Nora did, it was a great way to get to figure everything out, and with Nora's instincts leading the way it was even more incredible.

Overall, The Light of Asteria is a fabulous story. I loved the mysterious aspect of Gavin and his friends, and I loved getting to learn everything through Nora, I found her to be a great narrator. Finally, I loved the folklore and mythology....I'm always a fan of world's different than our own, especially when there's overlap between theirs and the one we're used to. I'd definitely recommend The Light of Asteria. It's hard to tell you why you'd like it because I don't want to spoil anything, but I think that if you're a fan of magic, different supernatural creatures, alternate worlds, and some good ol' romance, you'll love this one. :)

So, does The Light of Asteria sound like something you'd like to read?

Purchase Links:
Book Depository: UK / US
Amazon: UK / US / Canada
Barnes and Noble
Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Tidal Whispers Cover and Blurb Reveal!

Tidal Whispers by Jocelyn Adams, Claire Gillian, Julie Reece, Kelly Said
Anthology Release Date: June 3, 2012
Target Reader: Adult

Keywords: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Romantic, Urban Fantasy

Heart’s Desire by Julie Reece

After a terrible accident, Tessa returns to her family beach house to heal. She doesn’t expect to see her first summer crush from seven years before. Cameron, though, reappears and ignites a relationship that’s far more intense than ever before. The only problem? Summer is once again coming to an end, and this time, Tessa will have to decide whether to choose life with Cameron or to never see him again.


The Sweetest Song by Claire Gillian

Under Poseiden’s rule, Circe is the most destructive siren in the Pacific ocean, her songs luring ships and their crew to their watery graves. Not Otis, the best halibut fisherman in the Alaskan waters. His ship, the Calypso, has avoided disaster each time Circe set her sights on him.

Given one last chance to deliver Otis to Davy Jones’ locker, Circe takes to land to waylay the handsome captain. Instead, it may be Otis himself who hooks the Siren.


Pearl of Pau’maa by Kelly Said

Should Miki choose to wed the local wealthy boy she doesn't love, her stomach will stop grumbling. Her soul, however, will suffocate. With one last opportunity before she must concede, she sneaks off for a final dive to her hidden crate at the bottom of the seabed. What waits for her is more than a captured lobster. It's a treasure she cannot claim without great sacrifice or true love.


The Undergarden by Jocelyn Adams

Nixie, a water sprite, lives a solitary existence as she struggles to understand the strange world beyond her waters. When she meets one of the pink ones, a curious boy named Wyatt, their friendship blooms into a love that can exist only upon the sands that divide his solid ground from her underwater paradise. Some love, though, once born, cannot be undone, even in the face of death.


I can't wait to read this anthology! It sounds like a fantastic mix stories, and I think this is such a pretty cover, and the girl's very versatile. She could be a regular woman, or she could be some kind of water creature, which is pretty neat. :D

So, what do you think of the cover?
And does this anthology sound like something you'd like to read?

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Review: Epic Fail by Clarie LaZebnik

Source: Bought/My Personal Library
Challenge: Completely Contemp Challenge and 2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: Already released.
Number of Pages: 288 (Paperback)

Blurb from Goodreads:

Will Elise’s love life be an epic win or an epic fail?

At Coral Tree Prep in Los Angeles, who your parents are can make or break you. Case in point:

As the son of Hollywood royalty, Derek Edwards is pretty much prince of the school—not that he deigns to acknowledge many of his loyal subjects.

As the daughter of the new principal, Elise Benton isn’t exactly on everyone’s must-sit-next-to-at-lunch list.

When Elise’s beautiful sister catches the eye of the prince’s best friend, Elise gets to spend a lot of time with Derek, making her the envy of every girl on campus. Except she refuses to fall for any of his rare smiles and instead warms up to his enemy, the surprisingly charming social outcast Webster Grant. But in this hilarious tale of fitting in and flirting, not all snubs are undeserved, not all celebrity brats are bratty, and pride and prejudice can get in the way of true love for only so long.

I absolutely love Pride and Prejudice. Once you get used to the language and get a feel for Jane Austen's humour, it is a truly remarkable story, which I'm sure is one of the many reasons why it inspires so many other works. Epic Fail is one of these stories, and it has given the classic a modern revival with a celebrity spin.

Elise Benton, the Elizabeth Bennet of the book, was a fantastic narrator. I loved her! She was funny, smart, and was very similar to Lizzie...at least if you ignore the time period difference. Then there was Derek Edwards, the Mr. Darcy character, and son of two very famous Hollywood actors. As always, these two characters clashed heads, and weren't always on the best of terms, but when they were together...boy did I love it! I loved the banter, and I loved the awkardness, which wasn't really there in Pride and Prejudice, but made so much sense in a modern version...as both of these teenagers have some mighty awkward tendencies. :P

And what would a retelling of Pride and Prejudice be without the characters of Wickam, Jane, and Mr. Bingley...well, we won't find out from this book because it had them all. Webster Grant (Wickham): the social outcast Elise befriends; her sister: Juliana/Jules; and her sister's love interest: Chase Baldwin. I don't think Webster was as successful at being deceptive as Wickham, and he wasn't as charming, but they definitely had the nasty personality in common. I loved Jules, and I've always loved Jane, so I wasn't surprised. Jules seemed to have a tad bit more spunk in Epic Fail, but so did Chase compared to Mr. Bingley, so they were both tweaked a bit in that way. I thought they were adorable together though, so cute! :D

In Epic Fail, Claire LaZebnik does an amazing job at creating parallels between the classic, while still maintaining her own story. I never once felt like I was reading a carbon-copy of Pride and Prejudice, which I liked, and it also helped me notice the little similarities between the two. I think that the similarities will make this book a treat for fans of the classic, while also not completely it for anyone who plans to read Pride and Prejudice after Epic Fail.

Obviously, the characters I mentioned before were some of the similar aspects. Elise's other sisters were a couple more; Layla (Lydia) and Kaitlyn (Kitty) were kind of similar to their counterparts, but thankfully nothing as extreme as in P and P happened to Layla. Strangely though, Mary was missing...which kind of made me feel sad because no one really ever thinks of Mary, but at the same time, she really doesn't do much in the story other than be awkward and embarrass her family with her singing...so I kind of understood why she was absent. :P

Other parallels, like the while pride and prejudice aspect, which is alluded to in the book's description, and Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, also come up. Mr. Benton is also very close to Elise, just like Lizzie and Mr. Bennet are, and I'm really glad that was in there. I've always loved their father/daughter relationship, and I think Clarie LaZebnik did a fabulous job portraying and adjusting it. :) And oh my...Dr. Gardiner (a.k.a. Mrs. Bennet) is as crazy as usual, and you might have noticed the last name Gardiner, which is Mrs. Bennet's maiden name in Pride and Prejudice (such an awesome detail!) and also in Epic Fail because she chose to keep her last name when she married.

Now onto the actual story. I loved it! I thought that it was fast-paced, addictive, and really fun to read. I kept reading until I finished because I just didn't want to put it down. I had to know what happened between Derek and Elise. As much as I love Mr. Darcy, he's a pretty closed off guy, Derek was, too, but Chase was a lot more willing to share details about him with Jules than Mr. Bingley was. :P I also loved how Mr. Darcy went from being a rich gentleman to being an heir to his parents Hollywood fortune. It was a great twist, and really showcased just how much popular culture and societies have changed. Back in Jane Austen's time...a gentleman like Mr. Darcy marrying would have been pop. culture...so it's interesting to see the contrast between the two. :)

Overall, if you can't already tell...I loved Epic Fail! It was short, sweet, and the perfect treat for any Pride and Prejudice fan...or anyone who's just looking for an adorable romance that showcases that thin line between love and hate, or maybe since it's high school, like and dislike. ;)

Are you a fan of Pride and Prejudice?
If you are, do you like reading spin-offs, Austen-inspired-books, or anything like that?
If you haven't read it, are you still tempted to read Epic Fail? (I just have to add, that you should be...it's such an adorable and fun story!)

Any other random thoughts you'd like to share?...Feel free.

Purchase Links:
Book Depository: UK / US
Amazon: UK / US / Canada
Barnes and Noble

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Crux Cover and Blurb Reveal!

 Crux by Julie Reece
Book Release Date: July 9, 2012
Target Reader: Young Adult
Keywords: Paranormal Romance, Romance, Urban Fantasy

She should have run. Now, she’ll have to fight.

Eighteen year old Birdie may be homeless, but she’s surviving, that is until a mysterious guy throws money in the air like a crazy game show host, and she grabs some with the idea she’ll be able to buy dinner that night.

In that singular moment, unassuming Birdie becomes the girl in everyone’s viewfinder. Thugs want to kill her. Money-guy wants to recruit her. The very hot, very rich and very out of her league, Grey Mathews, wants to save her.

Birdie, though, wants nothing to do with any of them, until she realizes fate didn’t bring them all together.

Her heritage did.

Now, with only twenty-one days left, she’s got to decide whether to follow in the footsteps of those before her or risk her life for people she’s only just met.


I'm personally excited for Crux, it sounds like an interesting story. I'm not totally sold on this cover. I'd prefer it if the text had a glow or something behind it to make it more visible, but I absolutely love the girl on the cover, who I'm going to assume is Birdie. I think she's gorgeous, and I like that it isn't a photograph because I just absolutely love the style of it...especially her hair, it's so pretty! :D

So, what do you guys think of it?
Do you like the cover?
Does Crux sound like something you'd like to read??

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Monday, 23 January 2012

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (62)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, is a bookish meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through a World of Books, where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It’s a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over to Journey and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Books I Read Last Week:
This wasn't very long, and it was ok. I really don't have too much to say about it. :P

...well, I finished this one. I definitely would have given up on this book if I hadn't been reading it for a class. I definitely do not recommend this one. Really didn't like it though...I think this book even put me in a bit of a slump. I didn't really even want to read at all after finishing it, but hopefully I can snap myself out of it soon. :S

I loved this! :D Clay and Elena are my favourite couple in the series, so I'm always happy to read more of their stories...and this one was amazing! :D The pictures were also a really nice touch, so beautiful! :D

Reading Now:
I haven't read too much of this one yet, but I'm hoping it won't be too bad. :P I have to read it for my British Lit class.

Another one for my Travel Lit class...thankfully this one is better than Full Tilt! I'm about half way through, hopefully I can finish it tonight though. :)

Books I Want to Read This Week:
I have to read this one for my travel lit class next week, so hopefully I can get ahead and finish it. I'm not gonna plan ahead past this though...don't want to disappoint myself.: P

And what are you reading???

Check out One Person's Journey Through a World of Books to see what other people are reading. :)

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Sunday, 22 January 2012

In My Mailbox (26)

In My Mailbox at The Story Siren

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, and inspired by her friend, Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. It's a way to share the books that you've received over the past week. They could come from the bookstore, the library, a friend, your mailbox or wherever. It gives us all a chance to showcase the books that we've gotten, and maybe give others an idea for the book they want to read or buy next. :)

For Review:

 Black Heart (Curse Workers #3) by Holly Black (Simon and Schuster Canada)
  The P.U.R.E. by Claire Gillian (J. Taylor Publishing)
 Somnium (Halos #1) by Keri Lake (from the author)
 Partials (Partials #1) by Dan Wells (Netgalley and HarperCollins)
  Invisible Sun ( #2) by David Macinnis Gill (Netgalley and HarperCollins)
  The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry (Netgalley and Abrams)

I actually went all fangirl when I got Black Heart in the mail! I'm so excited to read it! I can't wait to find out what happens to Cassel! I'm also excited for the others, Partials, especially. I was so glad to find out it was on Netgalley! :D Oh, and the cover of The Peculiars is really blurry here because it was tiny, and I asked a representative from Abrams about the cover, and they said they're still finalizing it, so this won't be the final one, just thought I'd let everybody know that. :)



  Hidden (Otherworld Stories #10.4, Novella) by Kelley Armstrong (Subterranean Press)
 Getting the Girl by Susan Juby (Chapters)
 Sophomore Switch by Abby McDonald (Chapters)
 A Million Suns (Across the Universe #2) by Beth Revis (Chapters)
  Evernight (Evernight #1) by Claudia Gray (The Book Cellar)
  The Vinyl Princess by Yvonne Prinz (The Book Cellar)
 Undercover by Beth Kephart (The Book Cellar)

I was so excited to finally get my copy of Hidden in the mail! :D I've had this pre-ordered since last year, before summer even started! So, I've been waiting for this book to be completed, then mailed out and everything for quite some time! I'm so glad to finally get it in my hands! I ordered one of the limited edition ones. It's gorgeous! White leather, and colour pictures! So pretty, and it's signed by Kelley and the artist, Angilram! :D I also picked up a copy of A Million Suns, which I'm psyched for, and some other books that I found that were at great prices! :D



 The Secret Year by Jennifer R. Hubbard

So excited for this one, and it's also on my one reading challenge list! :D


If you can't tell, I've had one of those awesome mailbox weeks that makes me squee like crazy! haha I'd like to say thank you to Simon and Schuster Canada, J. Taylor Publishing, HarperCollins, Abrams, Netgalley, and Keri Lake! :D Also, I realized I forgot to put my thank yous in my last IMM, so thank you to anyone I missed last week, especially Zoë...who I mentioned, but never actually said thank you to, so I'm saying it now. :)

So, how about your mailbox? Did you get anything squee-worthy??
Feel free to leave a link to your IMM in the comments and I'll stop by and visit. :)

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Saturday, 21 January 2012

The Keeper Giveaway Wnner!

The winner of The Keeper giveaway is:
Melissa Ringsted

Congratulations, Melissa! I hope you enjoy all of your awesome goodies! :D

Thank you to everyone who entered, and who shared this giveaway!

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Friday, 20 January 2012

The Light of Asteria Blog Tour: Author Interview

In honour of The Light of Asteria's blog tour I have the author, Elizabeth Isaacs, here for an interview! My questions and comments are in bold, so that you can tell which lines are Elizabeth's answers. :D


Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for stopping by my blog for this interview, it’s great having you here. :)

Thanks so much for inviting me!

First, can you describe The Light of Asteria for any of my followers that haven’t heard of it yet?

If Nora Johnson hadn't been on campus she would've never known her destiny. Helping her friends move, Nora meets Gavin Frey. His touch unleashes a power within, and she's now captivated by his presence. But he's not who he claims to be. And there are others. Others who fear the power of love, who haunt her dreams. Others who want her dead. Is she strong enough to survive?

The Light of Asteria is an incredibly imaginative story. What inspired you to write it?

The story was originally written as a gift for my daughter. I wanted to her have an example of what love should be, and I wanted her to understand the power of forgiveness.

One of my favourite smaller details in the book was the attention to detail towards eye colour, and how they were often described and even associated with precious gemstones, was there a specific reason why you chose to do this?

I’m a symbolic writer. It’s a sickness, really. I love to chalk a story full of symbolism knowing that I’m the only one who will probably ever make the correlation. My writer friends lovingly call it a “party-in-my-head”. :-)
The eyes of the Alfar are no exception. Here’s a list of the characters eye color and their gemstone’s symbolic meaning.
Nora—topaz. Biblically topaz represents beauty, worthiness, and honour.
Gavin—emerald. Biblically emeralds are referred as the glories of God, flourishing, essence of life, growth, and prosperity.
Malachi—diamond. These gemstones represent stability, brilliancy, virtuousity, and right standing with God.
Rena—jasper brown. Jasper is steeped in protection, beauty, and wrath. It was too tempting to pass up. I knew Rena had to have Jasper brown eyes!
Tark—lapis. Lapis is known for its healing powers and bringing a sense of peace.
Elias—sapphire. Symbolically, sapphires represent guarding, protecting, and foundational truth.
Elaine—Jade. Jade is said to bring balance in times of strife. Between Elias’ intensity and Gavin’s passion, Elaine does just that, doesn’t she?
Queen Lera—light purple opal. Opals allow the wearer to see both sides of an issue. They help bring equilibrium when giving and receiving.

The Light of Asteria is full of an intricate history of legends and mythologies. Were they all of your creation, or did you have some basis for them?

Asteria started as a freewrite, a vast woodland that still stood as it was originally created. I knew within the first few pages that I needed to find something or someone that would be worthy of Kailmeyra. And so, I started researching.

The Alfar are actually from Norse mythology. The origin of the word implies beings of light. Likewise, the term Dokkalfar literally means dark elves. While the Alfar are known to love art and beauty, the Dokkalfar were known to cause nightmares, and they were generally violent and destructive toward humans.

It was a perfect fit. I took quite a few liberties (the Alfar are described from fair-haired, light skinned, grey eyed creatures to beings that shine brighter than the sun), but I did draw a few distinctions from the original myth.

The Light of Asteria is just the first book in the series. Can you tell us a bit about its sequel, The Secrets of the Keepers?

The Secret of the Keepers literally picks up where the last book left off. Nora and Gavin are now husband and wife, and they soon discover that married life is not what they thought it would be. Too, the enemy is back and now has an ally. The darkness grows, doubt seeps in, and Nora doubts everything she knows to be true.

The work is a bit darker than Asteria, and even more emotional. Whereas Asteria is a story of relational love and understanding the power in positive emotions, Keepers is a story of faith, and it explores the idea that love sometimes means sacrifice.

Do you know how many books there will be in the Kalimeyra series?

I’m currently working on The Heart of the Ancients, Kailmeyra’s Redemption, which is the third, and final, book in the series. It is slated for release in April of 2013.

Thanks again for this awesome interview, Elizabeth! :D


I find it so interesting that symbolism played such an important role in Elizabeth's writing experience, and that the story started as a gift to her daughter. That's such a wonderful way for a story to begin. :)

What about you? What part or parts of the interview did you find the most interesting?

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Review: Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire #2) by Courtney Allison Moulton

Source: Received an ARC from Harper Collins Canada for an honest review.
Publisher: Harper Collins / Katherine Tegen Books
Release Date: January 31, 2012
Number of Pages: 528 (Hardcover)

Blurb from Goodreads:
Life as the Preliator is harder than Ellie ever imagined.
Balancing real life with the responsibility of being Heaven’s warrior is a challenge for Ellie. Her relationship with Will has become all business, though they both long for each other. And now that the secret of who she really is has come out, so have Hell’s strongest reapers. Grown bold and more vicious, the demonic threaten her in the light of day and stalk her in the night.

She’s been warned.
Cadan, a demonic reaper, comes to her with information about Bastian’s new plan to destroy Ellie’s soul and use an ancient relic to wake all the souls of the damned and unleash them upon humanity. As she fights to stay ahead of Bastian’s schemes , the revelations about those closest to her awaken a dark power within Ellie that threatens to destroy everything—including herself.

She’ll be betrayed.
Treachery comes even from those whom she loves, and Ellie is broken by the deaths of those who stood beside her in this Heavenly war. Still, she must find a way to save the world, herself, and her love for Will. If she fails, there will be hell to pay.

Wowza! I loved the first book in this series, Angelfire, and Wings of the Wicked definitely managed to live up to the high expectations I had for it. I loved absolutely every moment of it! The crazy demonic reapers, the new angelic ones that we meet, Ellie's fierceness...and Will, oh I love me some Will! :D

At the beginning of Wings of the Wicked, you're thrust immediately into a killer action scene. Ellie and Will are battling some old demonic reapers...meaning they're seriously strong, and it is INTENSE! Yes, so intense that I totally put it intense all in caps, and the best part is that the intensity just skyrockets the further you get into the book!

One of the things that I loved most about Wings of the Wicked was that you see even more of Ellie's memories from her past lives. You learn about her past selves, and people that she associated with in her pasts. You even get to experience some Will and Ellie moments from her previous lives, which I totally loved. Along with Ellie's past, we learn some more about Will and his family. I'm a serious sucker for anything Will related, so obviously I loved that part...seriously, the boy just gets me every time! ;)

For all those Cadan fans, you'll be thrilled to know that he also makes some appearances in Wings of the Wicked, and I really enjoyed them. He and Ellie have some amazing banter when they're together. :) Bastian's also back, and he brings with him a bunch of powerful demonic reapers...like I said, it gets INTENSE!

I was incredibly impressed with Wings of the Wicked. Not surprised though--figured I would loved it--but I was impressed because Courtney has written a sequel that not only lives up to its predecessor but manages to build on to it in a way where you feel as if you've been with the characters for forever...it's as if you've lived some of their past lives with them. Also, I felt that the action was incredibly well done. It didn't go overboard, and it kept me completely hooked and absorbed in the story.

I love that this series is full of action, while still managing to maintain an emotional element that keeps you attached to the characters and their feelings. Throughout Wings of the Wicked I was kept on my toes. I was anxious about what would happen next, and I worried with the characters over things that happened. I was tormented when they were, and was drawn into their upward and downward spirals. I felt everything that they went through.

The fact that Courtney can make me feel so strongly over the things that her characters go through, while also creating such vivid action sequences, never ceases to amaze me. Once again I was blown away by her writing, and I can't recommend this series enough. If you haven't started it yet, seriously go out and get yourself a copy of Angelfire, and as soon as you can...get yourself a copy of Wings of the Wicked, too. This is one series you do not want to miss!

Here are some links to get the book if you want, and if you want to find Angelfire, these will at least get you to the websites. ;)
Purchase Links:
Book Depository: UK / US
Amazon: UK / US / Canada
Barnes and Noble

You can also find extras and more information about Wings of the Wicked on Harper Collins Canada Page: HERE. :)

Have you started the Angelfire trilogy yet? Thoughts?
If you have are you excited for Wings of the Wicked? Already read it?
Whatever your thoughts, I'd love to hear them. :)

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Eternal Cover and Blurb Reveal!

An unmarried woman living in a house of men breeds hearsay and lore. If only the villagers knew the truth.

It’s not Jem Stonehouse’s marital status that brings unwanted strangers to town. Rather, it’s that she is the only female werewolf in existence — a prize to any pack.

Sean Holloway, the love of Jem’s life, has gone to great lengths to protect her. As a new attack becomes imminent, Sean realizes he must take greater measures with Jem’s safety or risk losing her forever.

His first task must be to marry her, but a force greater than the largest werewolf stands in his way.

Her mother.

Check it out on the publisher's website: http://www.jtaylorpublishing.com/books/14

I absolutely love this series...and I'm loving all of these novellas! Eternal is a followup to Instinct, and it goes before Darkness and Light. I can't wait to read Eternal, and I love this cover! It has the awesome dual wolf emblem in the top left corner, and I love the white wolf. I just think it's so pretty. :)

What about you? What are you thoughts on Eternal's cover?

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

Monday, 16 January 2012

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (61)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, is a bookish meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through a World of Books, where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It’s a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over to Journey and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Books I Read Last Week:
I absolutely loved this one! :D The characters were fantastic, and the story was so addictive! I don't reread books very often anymore, but this is one that I definitely plan to reread in the future because it's fabulous! :D
I'm in a Travel Literature class this semester, and we had to have this one read by the second class....thankfully, it's a pretty quick read. I don't know why, but I always assumed that I wouldn't really like this kind of book...and I was wrong. While, I didn't completely fall in love with this book, it did surprise me, and I actually really enjoyed. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the books I need to read for that class now. :D

Reading Now:
Almost finished this one. It's for one of my classes, and I keep stopping and starting it though...I need to sit down and finish it, thankfully it isn't very long. :P

I started this one before I was assigned the order of the books I need to read for my classes, so I made a dent in it, but I pushed it aside to read my school stuff. It's a pretty quick read, so I think I'll finish it pretty quickly though when I get time for it. :)

  • Emma by Jane Austen
Poor Emma, I don't have to have Emma read for a couple of weeks now, so this one's kind of pushed to the side for a bit, too, but I'm definitely anxious to get back to it. :)

Another one I have to read for my one British Lit class. Haven't gotten very far into this one though, so not much to say. :P

I'm not enjoying this one as much as the other book for my travel class. It's reading a lot like a journal at this point, and I'm finding it kind of dry, but some of it is really fascinating. This woman rode her bike from Ireland to India...pretty crazy. Although to be honest, she seems to be getting a lot of rides in vehicles, so it's not totally just cycling, but it's still impressive. :)

Books I Want to Read This Week:
I was so excited to read this one! then it popped up on Netgalley, and I clicked request as fast as possible. I can't wait to read it. I'm pretty sure it's short pieces, so I should be able to squeeze bits and pieces this week at the very least. :P

And what are you reading???

Check out One Person's Journey Through a World of Books to see what other people are reading. :)

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur