In preparing for this blog tour, I’ve written posts and answered several questions about fairy tales—why we love them, why people keep telling them—and while I was jogging one night, a field of orange poppies gave me the answer. I love flowers, and any colorful garden is delightful and calming to me, but a field of orange poppies takes me back to the north side of my grandmother’s house where my cousins, siblings and I would run past to pick and eat fresh raspberries. Now you ask, what does that have to do with fairy tales? Well, let me tell you.

Fairy tales are different. Maybe they take us to a place and time we haven’t been to, but they also take us somewhere else. These stories have been told to us by parents and teachers and authors from the time we were taking our first steps and learning to read our first words. They have the ability to take us not only forward, but back to a place and time that our memories sometimes aren’t even conscious of. We discover, through them, the same thing that Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz and Scuffy the Tugboat learned: there’s no place like home.
I wrote Cinder and Ella for the same reason I planted a poppy garden on the side of my house. It’s like going to Grandma’s. That is why we love these stories so much, and why they will continue to be told, probably forever.
Some Links for you:
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Cinder and Ella's Goodreads Page
Thanks for stopping by Melissa! That was a fantastic post! Her book, Cinder and Ella, is set for release on November 8th. Be sure to check it out on Goodreads! Don't forget to leave Melissa a comment! :)
Happy Reading!!!
♪♫ Ambur
I love your description of the poppy field. It made so much sense to me. I have a soft spot for fairy tales. I'll be on the lookout for this one.