It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, is a bookish meme hosted by
One Person's Journey Through a World of Books, where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It’s a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over to Journey and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.
Books I Read Last Week:
I asked my best friend to get me Matched for Christmas and I am so glad that I did. I loved this book, it was amazing and I devoured it as soon as I had my hands on it. I started my Christmas vacation by reading this book, and it was well worth the wait. I'm a huge fan of the dystopian genre, and Matched was another amazing dystopian read. It wasn't about fighting, like the Hunger Games, but it still kept me on my toes. I especially loved reading little tidbits of information that would have been from our time, and how the newest generation in Matched viewed it all. Ally did a fantastic job molding their futuristic world around ours as if we were already in their past. If you somehow haven't read this one or added it to your to-read list yet, you defintiely need to. :)
I've been wanting to read this one ever since I read the excerpt on Kelly Oram's website a couple months ago, but I resisted buying it on the Book Depository because Christmas was so close and I didn't want to spend all my money on myself and before it was even here, so I waited...and I got extremely lucky and won it from Kelly Oram herself, she gave away a copy every week in November. I was so excited when I won it, and it came in the mail while I was at school, then I came home for Christmas holidays and tore into this baby! It was freaking awesome! I loved every minute, and I think it's gonna be my first reread of the New Year! If you've been thinking about reading this book, I wholeheartedly suggest you get to it! It was adorable, funny, and just pure awesome-sauce....and I will admit I LOVE the pink cover (yes, I love it so much that I used all caps to express my love :P). Anyways, you should totally read this book :D
- Misguided Angel by Melissa de la Cruz
My parents gave me this one for Christmas and I pounced on it. The only thing I would've loved more of, was more Schulyer and Jack, but I guess I'll have to buy Bloody Valentine, a Blue Bloods novella, to get more of them for the time being, it comes out on Tuesday...not sure how I'll convince my parents to take me to a bookstore though because I already have a tonne of books to read. I really liked Misguided Angel though, it definitely added a whole new element to the Blue Bloods universe, and I was not expecting it at all, can't wait to see how it all unfolds. The Blue Bloods series is definitely a different type of vampire story and it's one I recommend to just about anybody, even my best friend who doesn't like vampires really likes this series.

I absolutely love Kelley Armstrong's Otherworld series, and I'm including her YA series in that too, even if they're not really directly connected. I love Kelley's short stories, she puts them online usually first, but she has also published two anthologies of her novellas, and she gives the proceeds to charity, which is pretty awesome in my opinion. :) I am a sucker for any novella's revolving around Clay and the Pack, but especially ones with Clay and Elena. Tales of the Otherworld has the story Beginnings, a prequel to Bitten, which is the story of how Clay and Elena met and their romance before Bitten. It was definitely my favourite of the short stories, and if you're an Otherworld fan I definitely recommend getting yourself a copy or at least borrowing it from the library. I also loved the story of Eve and Kristof's romance, which is a new story that's only been released in this anthology, it was freaking adorable, which isn't an adjective I expected to use to describe Kris and Eve's romance. ;) Anyways, it's a fantastic anthology :)
Reading Now:
Yes, I know. I'm still not finished this book. *hangs head in shame* In my defence, I got bunch of awesome books for Christmas and in the mail this week, so I was a little bit distracted by them. Which is the main reason why I used to never read more than one book at a time. Even though this book's been pushed to the side, I still don't think it's a bad book or anything, the language just requires more attention and so I usually go for the book that I know I'll finish faster.
So far this book has not really piqued my interest, but I have yet to figure out if the blondes are really zombies, once I know that my attention will most likely be completely attracted. I'm hoping it happens soon.
Books I Want to Read This Week:
- Waking the Witch by Kelley Armstrong
I'm gonna be honest, this book was $29.99 in Canadian, so I was hoping to wait for the paperback, or Christmas. Christmas came sooner, thank you parents. I love my parents, even though sometimes my mom asks me things like, "Don't you think you already have enough books?" to which I reply, "Ya, but I wanna read that one" or "But, I haven't gotten any new ones in while, so I really don't have that many." So, I'm getting off topic, I really want to read this one. It's Savannah's first book as narrator. :)
I asked my brother to get me this one, and he even used the Book Depository, I'm so proud! :) I'm hoping Night Star won't be so depressing for Ever and Damon, Dark Flame was just one big brooding fest and dark desires. Hopefully it starts to look up for them.
As you can see, most of my Christmas list were books. I can't wait to read Torment. :)
I've already been rambling on and on in this post, so I'm trying to keep it simpler. And just like the other books I plan on reading this week, I got this one for Christmas and I'm definitely anxious to read it. Artemis Fowl is so freaking smart, sometimes he makes me feel like I can't even read...ok not really, but he is pure awesome, even though he's kind of an evil mastermind, but not always, if you've read some of the newer books in the series.
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas or if you don't celebrate Christmas, a really awesome day off.
What did you get for Christmas??? And what are you reading???
Happy Reading!!!
♪♫ Ambur
PS. Sorry for the humongous case of rambling in this post, but I guess I was feeling chatty. I'm posting my Teaser Tuesday tomorrow, but I'll post a random kind of post soon and it will most likely be super duper if you're afraid of rambling, I am sorry in advance, and once again, Happy Holidays everyone! :)