Banner and Survey Courtesy of The Perpetual Page-Turner |
Last year I participated in The Perpetual Page-Turner's End of the Year Book Survey, and I decided to do it again! :) If I'd been on the ball this would have been done before New Years, but oh well. :P haha I skipped the blogging life section which is optional because this thing took me forever to do! I tried to include Goodread links and pictures of most of the book covers for you guys to see...hopefully that won't make it super slow to load. :)
Best In Books 2012
1. Best Book You Read In 2012? (You can break it down by genre if you want)I'm just going to cheat and list a couple of my favourites! :P
Crewel (Crewel World #1) by Gennifer Albin
Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth
Everneath (Everneath #1) by Brodi Ashton
Okay...I'll stick to those three, but I could go on...and on...and on! I actually had a lot of books that I loved this year. :D haha I just absolutely adored the world created in Crewel and I loved how feisty Adelice was despite how restrictive her world was....just fantastic! Insurgent is my ideal second book in a trilogy was perfect! It answered quite a few of my questions, brought up some more, and left me both satisfied and desperate for the final book! Everneath was one of the first books that I read in 2012 and it stuck with me all year long...I loved Nikki...and I loved Cole. ;D Everneath was one of the few times where I actually preferred the bad boy (Murtagh's still my fav "bad boy" though :P)...although I like to think there's more to him than there seems to be. :P haha
2. Book You Were Excited About and Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn’t?

I just really wasn't a big fan of Mel, and while she grew on me by the end I still just couldn't get over how horrible she was near the beginning of the book. I'm not a fan of mean people...and Mel was mean, she just considered it being funny instead. Considering that she was better by the end of the book though I'm going to continue with the series and I'm going to hope she doesn't get mean again. :P
Enshadowed (Nevermore #2) by Kelly Creagh

3. Most surprising (in a good way!) book of 2012?
Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles #1) by Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia
When this one first came out I remember seeing it at Walmart (where I seriously used to get ALL my books :P), and I'd just been burned by a series that I'd bought there and didn't like, so I was very hesitant to get it and decided to skip this one. Then when I started blogging I heard a lot of mixed things about it...but after my fellow Edmonton Blogger, Rola (who I'll mention later in this post), told me that I needed to read this I started it, and I loved it! :D Now I'm not even sure why I waited....Ethan is awesome and I love it's such a different perspective. First, as far as I know...he's human, and it's a male narrator, which I think we all know is pretty rare in YA. :P I'd totally recommend checking this one out guys, and after I get around to reading the rest of the series I'm sure I'll still be encouraging you to read it. :P
4. Book you recommended to people most in 2012?
Hmmm, I didn't recommend a lot of books in 2012 (I'll have to work on that this year :P), but I did encourage a few of my friends to read Divergent, and like I have since I read it...The Hunger Games. :D Okay, while answering #5 I realized I lied...I totally recommended Jaci Burton's Play by Play series to several people....and now I'm recommending it to anyone who reads this...if you enjoy sexy athletes that is. ;)
5. Best series you discovered in 2012?
Jaci Burton's Play by Play series! :D Oh, sports romances....I am sooooo glad that I've gotten into this genre. I just love it, and Jaci Burton's Play by Play series is my favourite!!! I love that her characters are genuine, and I love that they're all intertwined through the Riley's great seeing characters from the previous books show up! :D
6. Favorite new authors you discovered in 2012?
Jaci Burton, Brodi Ashton, Gennifer Albin, and Elizabeth Richards! I've already professed my love for Jaci Burton's series, but I also absolutely adored Everneath by Brodi Ashton, Crewel by Gennifer Albin, and Black City by Elizabeth Richards....and I can't wait for their sequels!!! :D
7. Best book that was out of your comfort zone or was a new genre for you?
Touching the Void by Joe Simpson
I took a travel lit class last Winter semester, and this was one of the books we was my favourite out of all of them and I thoroughly enjoyed it! The fact that this book is a true story made it even more amazing! The story was riveting, intense...and I just was seriously on edge through a huge chunk of this book just wondering how he could go through it all! I recommend this to absolutely everyone...even if you don't typically read nonfiction because I don't either. This one's considered creative nonfiction, so aspects, like the other character, Simon's POV are added along with creative elements like tone and stuff like that, but the story itself is's amazing, good!
8. Most thrilling, unputdownable book in 2012?
Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth
Just like Divergent, Insurgent was full of action, and the characters were amazing! Tris went through so much in this book that it almost felt like you got enough action for two books! I pretty much read this one nonstop...I only took the necessary know: food, bathroom, water...necessary to survival stuff. :P
9. Book You Read In 2012 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year:

The DUFF by Kody Keplinger
This one was already a reread in 2012, and I'm thinking that I'll reread it again in 2013...maybe I'll make it a yearly thing. After all, a girl needs her Wesley Rush fix. ;D
10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2012?
I'm totally picking two for this one! :P The first one is Taking a Shot (Play by Play #3) by Jaci Burton, which I just find super sexy and couldn't resist putting on here! :P And the second is Masque of the Red Death (Masque of the Red Death #1) by Bethany Griffin! I just find this cover gorgeous! I love the silhouette of the girl behind the umbrella and the red's just so pretty! :D
11. Most memorable character in 2012?
![]() |
Logan Lerman as Charlie |
12. Most beautifully written book read in 2012?
This one is hard!! I'm going to go with Identical by Ellen Hopkins...any Ellen Hopkins book would do actually, and I did read the Crank trilogy, too, but Identical REALLY stuck with was so intense and the story was so messed up, but it was told in such a beautiful way...seriously, soooo goood!
13. Book that had the greatest impact on you in 2012?

I won't lie...I'm totally a daddy's girl, so Second Chance Summer really struck a chord with me...just like Matson's first book, Amy and Roger's Epic Detour. This book made me think about my conversations with my dad and just how we are made me realize just how much I appreciate the fact that I still have my dad and that he's there for me when I need him. It also made me realize that I need to tell him that I love him more often (I know he probably won't ever read this...but if by some bizarre chance you are dad, I love you). It didn't just make me appreciate my dad though, but rather everyone I love. I'm going to appreciate my loved ones a lot more after reading this book, and I'm going to make sure that I have plenty of memories of everyone that matters to me because in the end, that's what you have to hold on to.
14. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2012 to finally read?
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
A few of the Edmonton Bloggers (myself included) got the chance to see an advanced screening of the movie adaptation, so I just had to read the book first....and I can't believe I waited that long! I loved Charlie. I loved how his story was told, and I loved how despite having his own issues, he was one of the kindest and most thoughtful characters I've ever had the experience of meeting through the written word. He's easily misunderstood, but if you give him the chance and go into this book with an open mind, you will love Charlie. He's
15. Favorite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2012?
Just like 2011...I didn't really keep track of quotes in 2012. I need to start doing the end of this year hopefully I'll have some favourites. ;)
16. Shortest and Longest Book You Read In 2012?
Shortest: Forever by Judy Blume - 176 pages
Longest: A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin - 1,178 pages
Forever was actually kind of a disappointment for me, too, but oh well, at least it was short...and A Storm of Swords was CRAZY! I loved that much...oh man (I've just recently let myself get back into this fangirl is showing isn't it? :P).
17. Book That Had A Scene In It That Had You Reeling And Dying To Talk To Somebody About It? (a WTF moment, an epic revelation, a steamy kiss, etc. etc.) Be careful of spoilers!
Pretty much all of Insurgent...and strangely enough I still haven't talked about it with anyone! I think I'm going to have to fix that and talk to somebody about it!!! :D I might just have to use talking about this book as an excuse to reread it. :P
18. Favorite Relationship From A Book You Read In 2012 (be it romantic, friendship, etc).

19. Favorite Book You Read in 2012 From An Author You Read Previously
Insurgent could totally fit here, too, but I also absolutely LOVED Black Heart! It was one of the most satisfying conclusions to a trilogy that I've ever read, and I loved every single minute of it! :D I'm definitely going to have to reread this series because I'm going to miss Cassel! :D
20. Best Book You Read That You Read Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody Else:

Rola from xo'reads is a HUGE fan of this series, and she really encouraged me to check the Caster Chronicles out. I've only read BC so far an I loved I'm extremely glad that she told me to read it because if she hadn't I don't think I would've...this was one of those series that I wasn't sure about. I'd heard mixed things, so I was mixed about it too, but Rola pushed me over-the-edge to reading it and I'm so glad! Now I just need to read the rest of the series!!! :D
Looking Ahead…
1. One Book You Didn’t Get To In 2012 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2013?
The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling
I REALLY wanted to read this one...and I still do, but with school I never really got the chance to read it...but this year, I will! Even though it's nothing like Harry Potter, I'm still seriously excited for it, and I hope that I love it. :D
2. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2013?
Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3) by Cassandra Clare
I've mentioned it several times, but Clockwork Prince DESTROYED me...seriously, I was a mess. A MESS. I was so torn up after reading that book...I was sobbing and I was mumbling incoherently to was bad. But, I LOVED it...yes, I loved CP even though it left me in a seriously messed up state...and it left me absolutely desperate for Clockwork Princess...and the wait is almost over...we are so close to this book close! Only a couple more months! I even preordered my book from Chapters this time because last time my Book Depo book didn't have any specific edition stuff...and I am NOT missing out on that family siree bob! Also, I'm so excited for this book, but also soooo nervous. I think Will fans and Jem fans alike are all a bit's not looking good for anybody! I just want Will to be that so much to ask? Okay...I'm going to stop now or this is going to go on for forever. :P
...and I just have to mention the still untitled third book in the Divergent triology by Veronica Roth! :D I can't wait to learn the name, see the cover...and get my hands on it! It will be awesome, I just know it!
3. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging In 2013?
Well as I've already mentioned, I'm going to try and keep track of some quotes this year. It's always been something I wanted to do, but for some reason I never do it. I'm kind of an in-the-moment reader, so maybe that's why. The only time I stop reading if I'm really into a book is when I stop for a moment to try and figure things out, so now I'm going to try and pay more attention to specific passages, and hopefully I'll find some that I love. :D I also hope to just keep steadily reading throughout the year, and I'm going to try not to slow down during the summer when I'm working. That seemed to be when I slowed down in 2012, so this year I'm going to try and go steady all year! For blogging, I'm going to try and get caught up on reviews...and hopefully stay caught up! Hopefully I can manage that. ;P So, I kinda did more than one...but it's always good to have things that you hope to accomplish...right? :P
Did you participate in the survey?
If you did, leave a link and I'll check it out!
If you didn't, feel free to pick out a question and answer it in the comment section. I'd love to hear about the books you read in 2012!
Also, feel free to comment on my answers. I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)
Crewel was so freaking good! I was really excited for Team Human too, but once the reviews started rolling in for it, I ended up skipping it, so unfortunate. That Wallbanger cover always makes me laugh it's just so... literal LOL Thanks for sharing this, Ambur!
ReplyDeleteIt really was! :D I absolutely loved! it! Really? I heard awesome things, and then I read it and was pretty disappointed. I liked the last bit, but it was definitely one that I contemplated putting down for a bit...I just don't know why they made Mel so horrible at first...she did get better tho. I know, I love the funny! :D I was a pretty hilarious story so it really does fit! You're welcome! And thank you for commenting, Jenni! :)
DeleteCrewel! I need to read that one! I think I might have to power through it during the readathon this week. I just love the cover! And I'm so happy to see that you really didn't like Team Human, either ... I really wasn't a fan. I might have to give the Jaci Burton series another chance ... I tried and just couldn't get past the first few pages of the first book.
ReplyDeleteI like your idea of keeping track of quotes this year. I always come across great lines in books, but then I can never remember them.
I'm glad you had such a good year!
You really do! It was amazing! :D Good plan! Yeah...Team Human wasn't a big win for me, I did like it, but I expected to love it was disappointing. Really??? I loved that one...but I do love my sports romances so maybe I'm a bit biased. ;) I hope if you do give it another shot, you like it. :)
DeleteSame here. I'm stop for a moment to think about it...and never remember what quote I liked.
Thanks! :D
I'll talk Insurgent with you - one of my favs this year too! Looking forward to the movie :)
ReplyDeleteI think I may have to borrow this survey list from you and do some brainstorming of my own. I don't know how I'll narrow things down in some of the questions, but I'll try my best :)
(I also don't tend to keep track of quotes)
Yay! :D Can't wait to talk about it! ;D Mee tooo! :D Hopefully we'll hear more about casting and such soon!
DeleteIt's actually from The Perpetual Page-Turner, but you so should! :D It's fun to fill out! Yeah...narrowing it down is the hardest part! I look forward to seeing your answers! :D
(I'm not alone then! :P)
Do you have any casting preferences for Tris and Four? I don't, but not sure of the person who they said was a shoe in for Four (Can't remember his name right now - have to google it)
DeleteWell, they've already cast Tris, but I don't really have a preference. I've learned I just get disappointed when I think about it too much. :P I read there were a few guys up for Four still, but I'm trying not to be picky since I was so disappointed by TMI.
DeleteWow! Ya, I bet this took you FOREVER to do! I thought about doing it too, but knew it would just take too long...and I felt I didn't really read enough books to make it interesting enough lol.
ReplyDeleteI always wondered too, how other bloggers kept track of so many quotes from the books they read. The only time I write them down - or keep track of them by page number is when I'm doing a readalong. I make myself stop at the end of each chapter to write down a few thoughts and quotes so that I have something to write about when I write my weekly posts! ;) I know for some, this is totally taboo, but I've started highlighting quotes in my books as I'm reading. It makes it easy to flip through the book afterwards and spot the highlighted bits. I don't do this with every book though - only ones I feel ok doing this in haha.
I really want to read Beautiful Creatures now too - partly because Rola gives it such rave reviews, but then I saw the movie preview a few weeks ago and the movie looks so good!
I haven't read my copies of Divergent and Insurgent yet so I think I'm going to wait until the series is complete - not that I will necessarily read them back to back to back, but mentally, I like knowing that I *could* read them in a row if I want to! Lol.
Looks like you had a great year!!
It really did! And I copied it originally from The Perpetual Page-Turner's blog, so the formatting was a nightmare to deal with on my blog. :S Oh well, it's done! :D well that might make it easier then. ;)
DeleteSame here! Maybe a notebook for quotes?? Or pictures with your phone? That's a good idea for readalongs, and would work when you're reading for yourself too. :) I do that with school books, but I'm pretty particular with my own books that I buy for myself. Those I don't touch. :P Although I think I may have underlined stuff before. :P I know what you mean...some books you just don't mind. :P lol
I loved BC, and hopefully I'll love the rest of the series too. ;) It does! I'm looking forward to it. :D
Awe, that might work pretty well actually. I love the series and totally encourage you to read them, but since you've already waited and the third one comes out in might as well wait until it's close to the release or after. :P
It was pretty good book-wise. :D
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ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll take Team Human off the TBR list. Seeing you all dislike it. When I'm reading I never think of writing down quotes or anything. I always think about it after I'm finished and then can never ever find it.
ReplyDeleteYa, it was only a so-so read for me...and didn't get better until near the end. I never do either. I've started paying more attention to them when I'm on my kindle now though since I can underline them. ;) Same here. I might have to get a notebook just for quotes. :D