It's the last day of Armchair BEA, and today the suggested topic is "
Ask the Expert" (click the link to go to aBEA's linky post).
Here's what aBEA had to say for today's prompt:
It's the final day of Armchair BEA and we want you to keep your passion
for books and blogging about them going long after we've closed the
event. Today we'll be sharing tips on keeping book blogging exciting and
unique to your vision for your blog. Our suggested post for today is "Ask the Experts".
If you have any burning questions for your fellow participants about
book blogging now is the time to ask and if you don't we'd love for you
to share your own personal tips about book blogging! Again, we'll have a
link-up post for you on the day of the event. What else do we have in
store for you, take a look:
- A guest post from Pam at Bookalicious about the future of blogging.
- Some interesting statistics you'll love!
Well, I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I'm sure I can think of a few tips at least. :)
Don't be afraid to break from a schedule or to miss a day or two during the week. I think one of the biggest problems I've had with blogging is feeling like I need to post every single day, and you really don't. It's okay to have a week where you don't post daily. Posting once a week might be too infrequent, but definitely don't feel obliged to post daily, and you don't have to have a schedule. It's okay to post whatever you want on whatever day you want. The only posts I generally keep on the same day are memes, and that's usually because it helps me keep track of them or because the day of the week is in the name...having my "It's Monday, What Are You Reading?" posts on a different day would be kind of silly, don't you think? :-P
Drafting and scheduling things within blogger is always a good thing! I don't know about you guys, but I can be forgetful, so scheduling or even making a draft of the posts that I need to post for blog tours, or even for memes help me remember that I need to get something finished. They also help me keep track of what I'm posting and when so I don't end up scheduling multiple posts on one day.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're unsure of something when you're starting out, don't be afraid to ask other blogger's for help. If you know a blogger who uses Netgalley a lot and you want to know more, ask them? If you're writing your review policy and want some advice, ask other bloggers? -- I asked someone about their review policy when I was starting out and they were incredibly helpful, so don't be intimidated by a high follower count or by a blogger who's been blogging for a long time. Most bloggers would love to help you, don't be afraid to ask. Also, the same goes for making friends. If you follow a blogger and think they seem like an awesome person, get in touch. I'm sure you'd make their day by telling them you think they're awesome. :)
And I also have a few questions/things I'd like to discuss. :)
Features. I've been toying around with ideas for features, but can't think of any that I want to actually do. How did you come up with features for your blog? And what kind of research did you do before you started doing it? Did you scour the web to see if it'd been done? Anything else?
Original Content. I never know what to post about when I'm not already posting reviews. How do you come up with topics for posts like discussions and such? And do you think it would be a good idea to try and see what kind of posts your followers would be interested in first?
Review Requests. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I get quite a few review requests, and since my review queue is already pretty full, I don't accept many. So, what's your advice on replying to review requests that you don't want to accept? Do you just ignore? Do you reply and say you're not interested? And if you do the latter and the requester keeps emailing about additional things like guest posts, interviews, or giveaways, what do you do? I usually just ignore them because I have replied and then received additional requests, but when you ignore them sometimes people continue to email thinking it wasn't received, so I'm just curious about what other people do.
Okay, so those are some tips and some questions that I have.
Feel free to leave your own questions in the comments, or the links for your own aBEA posts.
I'd also love some answers or comments to my own questions if you have them. :)
Thanks for stopping by! I've really enjoyed spending this week with your all through aBEA! I'll definitely be attending next year (if I can't make it to BEA---which may or may not happen :P).