Monday 10 October 2011

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (48)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, is a bookish meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through a World of Books, where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It’s a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over to Journey and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Books I Read Last Week:
This was an awesome anthology! :D I think it's better to read The Glass Man, Darkness and Light, and Little White Lies before reading it because all of the stories do take place afterwards, and that way you won't be spoiled. I loved getting to see all of these characters again after reading their stories, especially because they were all in the males' POVs. :D I'll be working on my review for this one shortly. :D

This one's a free novella for the Past Midnight series. I love novellas...and I love them even more when they're free. :D This one was well done, and definitely made me want to pick up the next book! :D

*jumps up and down like a crazy person* Ok, I'm done with my little spaz attack. I was thrilled to get an ARC of Clockwork Prince, and I really really liked it...even if it did totally break my heart. If you've read Cassandra Clare's books, you will know that she writes killer cliffhangers...and CP isn't any different that way. This book made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me grin like a fool, and it made me sob like a little baby (yes, I mentioned crying...but in this case the two are so far apart, it's crazy). It's awesome, but heartwrenching...and it will have you begging from Clockwork Princess to be out already by its end...okay. I'm going to stop now, or I'll keep going and I'll have nothing left for my review. :P

I had to read this play for school, it's about Antony and Cleopatra. Pretty similar to Shakespeare's play from what I've heard. It's a play...which is not really my favourite thing to read, but I did like the story, and Dryden did have a few lines that I really enjoyed and that stood out to me.

Reading Now:
  I'm not very far into this one yet, but I'm hoping to get a chunk read before people come over today. and my prof was is kind of hard to read, mostly because the book seems to be split into lots of little pieces that don't fit seamlessly together...which I'm sure is intentional...and hopefully will make more sense the more I read. :P

I read the novella earlier this week, and started the next book right away. This isn't my favourite series, but I do really enjoy it. It's unique, and I find them to be relatively quick reads, which are always nice after reading longer books, or books (*cough* plays, too *cough*) that seem to take forever to read.

 I'm reading The Man of Mode by George Etherege for one of my classes. I haven't read too far into this one. Once again, plays are not my preferred reading material. This one is pretty bawdy too...gotta love the Restoration, some of their stuff makes the things we read or watch on TV look like kiddie shows. :P

Books I Want to Read This Week:
Getting Clockwork Prince in my mailbox pretty much made me abandon all other options for books this hopefully I can start Prized this week! haha I really want to know what happens next, so I might just pick it up before finishing some of the others. :P

And what are you reading???

Check out One Person's Journey Through a World of Books to see what other people are reading. :)

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur


  1. Oh I totally know that feeling of abandoning everything else for a book you were giddy about, so happy you got a copy of CP then! I haven't read any of Clare's books... but maybe someday. I am really not a fan of massive cliffhangers though :/

    Sigh I have so much I WANT to read this week but I mostly want to get my book tour books out of the way so I can just read whatever I feel like. Granted, these are all books I wanted to read but after spending so much time on that one book I feel like I could use some light reading but it also means I've gotten behind on book tours. Whoops. Anyway I hope to get Prized soon as well!

    I hope you have a productive reading week and get those books done for school as well. The thing I like about reading plays is that usually it goes a lot faster than normal books (especially the kind you have to read for school!) so I feel like I've accomplished things sooner. Plus, mostly what we read when I did plays was Shakespeare so it is very easy to find information about what is going on, I imagine more obscure ones would be more difficult that way (plus probably not as many movies made!)

    Happy reading this week Ambur!

  2. :D Ya, it was definitely one of those books...I would've hibernated somewhere to avoid distraction if it'd been possible! haha Ya, I love books...but she writes KILLER cliffhangers, so I definitely don't blame people for waiting to read all her books when the series are complete. haha You can always wait until then ;) then you won't have to wait in suspense for the next one to be released. lol

    I know what you mean! You should read one you want to read first, then go into your blog tour about Prized?! haha

    I hope you do, too! Thanks! Ya, they do go more quickly...I still felt like All for Love should've gone even more quickly though! haha I like Shakespeares plays usually too, and Dyrden wasn't bad. His poetry is better though, he is seriously a master at rhyming haha :D

    Happy reading week to you too, Zoe! :D

  3. I really liked the cover of prized, I might look that one up. :)

    My Monday! Have a great week!

  4. I am so jealous of everyone that is getting Clockwork Prince ARCs. Oh well. :(

    My Monday list:

  5. All for Love sounds pretty interesting - I might have to check that one out! Enjoy your week!

    Stop by my It's Monday post if you get a chance.

  6. I liked Clockwork Angel -- glad Clockwork Prince proved to be a good follow-up. But with a cliff hanger, I may be tempted to wait until the third book comes out and then read them both!

  7. Ahhh Clockwork Prince. I'm dying to read it, of course. I'm definitely jealous of those of you with ARCs. =b

    Prized was pretty good! I thought it was quite different from Birthmarked and parts of it drove me crazy, but I really liked it all the same.


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