Thursday 17 December 2015

Excerpt Tour: THIEF OF LIES (Library Jumpers #1) by Brenda Drake!

I don't know about you all, but I am SUPER excited for Brenda Drake's THIEF OF LIES! When I was offered the chance to share an excerpt today...I JUMPED at the chance!! I definitely wanted a sneak peek, and I'm sure some of you do, too!!!

First, here's a bit of information about THIEF OF LIES:
Title: THIEF OF LIES (Library Jumpers, #1)
Release date:  1/5/16
Author: Brenda Drake

About the Book:

Gia Kearns would rather fight with boys than kiss them. That is, until Arik, a leather clad hottie in the Boston Athenaeum, suddenly disappears. While examining the book of world libraries he abandoned, Gia unwittingly speaks the key that sucks her and her friends into a photograph and transports them into a Paris library, where Arik and his Sentinels—magical knights charged with protecting humans from the creatures traveling across the gateway books—rescue them from a demonic hound.

Jumping into some of the world's most beautiful libraries would be a dream come true for Gia, if she weren’t busy resisting her heart or dodging an exiled wizard seeking revenge on both the Mystik and human worlds. Add a French flirt obsessed with Arik and a fling with a young wizard, and Gia must choose between her heart and her head, between Arik's world and her own, before both are destroyed.

Purchase Links: Amazon | | | B&N | iTunes
About the Author:

BRENDA DRAKE, the youngest of three children, grew up an Air Force brat and the continual new kid at school. Her fondest memories growing up is of her eccentric, Irish grandmother’s animated tales, which gave her a strong love for storytelling. So it was only fitting that she would choose to write stories with a bend toward the fantastical. When Brenda’s not writing or doing the social media thing, she’s haunting libraries, bookstores, and coffee shops or reading someplace quiet and not at all exotic (much to her disappointment).

Connect with Brenda: Website | Twitter | Facebook

Now what we've been waiting for...the excerpt!


I pressed the screen, and it went dark. “How do we know he’s not being forced to say this?”
    “The password, May Agnes guide you,” Lei replied. “She’s the patron saint of Asile.”
    Agnes? That was the silver woman’s name that formed from my globe. Did the saints have something to do with the Chiavi?
    I faced Ricardo. “How did you know I was here?”
    “The werehounds tracked your scent from a shirt Katy…excuse me, your nana…gave us.”
    “Can your pack help us save Couve?” Arik asked him.
    “They will, but Gia must go with me.” He noticed the protest forming on my lips. “Merlin said no exceptions. I’m to get you to the shelter.”
    From the corridor came yells, scuffles, and the continual wail of the warning siren.
    “I can’t go with you,” I said. “I have to fight with them.”
    “She can’t fight with us,” Lei said, glancing at the door. “She almost killed Kale.”
    I turned to Sinead. “You know what I can do.”
    Sinead gave me a pity smile. “Yes, but you have no control over it. Let Ricardo take you to your father and friends.”
    I thought of Kale lying motionless, near death, and I hated that she was right. As much as I wanted to stay, I might be more hindrance than help. I caved. “Okay,” I said, defeated. Lei flew out of the room with the Laniars on her heels.
    Sinead hugged me, then rushed after them. Arik moved over to me and cupped my face gently in his hands. His eyes held the intensity that always drew me to him.
    I swallowed my breath in anticipation. All the sounds around us went silent.
    He bent and lightly brushed my lips with a kiss. His lips were soft and oh, so tender. Butterflies swooped and curled inside me, and it felt like the ground disappeared from beneath my feet. He pulled back a little and said, “Regardless of the fact that you’re a royal pain in the arse, I fancy you. Listen to Ricardo and don’t do anything rash.”
    He gave me another kiss and rushed out the door. My heart twisted in my chest as he disappeared. I touched my mouth and exhaled. He liked me. It was against the laws, but he told me he fancied me. Maybe we had no future, but we had now.
    “What a sweet display,” Ricardo said, dragging me out of my haze. “I’m not one for rules or laws, but I’d be careful there. The punishment would be much worse for him than you.”
    “Why?” I stared at the door as if I’d see Arik there.
    “He’s a leader. He knows better.” Ricardo headed to the window. “Are you ready to fly?”
    “Did you say fly?”

I've been eagerly awaiting THIEF OF LIES ever since I first heard about it at the Raincoast Teens Read Winter + Spring Preview! It reminded me of The Pagemaster and I just love the idea of being able to travel through libraries!!! So neat...and after that excerpt, it sounds even better now! 

 So, what do you think?

 Is THIEF OF LIES going on your to-read list?

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Game Winner Blog Tour: Excerpt! #ColletteWest #GameWinner #NewYorkKings

Game Winner
by Collette West
New York Kings
Publication Date: December 4, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance,Sports

Purchase: Amazon | Nook | iBooks

Playing center field for the New York Kings, Jake Woodbury has one of the most prestigious jobs in all of sports. To the world, he's the good-looking, soft-spoken minister's son who’s survived celebrity without a hint of scandal. But, inside, he's reeling from a secret that seems destined to haunt him forever.

Scarlett Moore is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet, famous for singing about her celebrity ex-boyfriends. The CEO of her record label has carefully honed her provocative image since she was fifteen. Sex sells, and Scarlett’s well aware that it takes more than talent to stay on top.

One thing is clear: She’s the last thing Jake needs. And he’s the do-gooder jock she should avoid at all costs. But when the game begins, all bets are off.


Collette West grew up as somewhat of a jock-nerd hybrid. Entering the world three weeks premature, her dad nearly missed her birth because he had seats behind the dugout for a sold-out, highly-anticipated match-up between two of baseball's biggest rivals. Not to be outdone, her book-loving mom taught her how to read by the time she was three. A love of the game coupled with an appreciation for the written word were instilled in Collette's impressionable brain from a young age. No wonder her characters believe in the philosophy: sports + romance = a little slice of heaven.

Splitting her time between the Pocono Mountains and Manhattan, Collette indulges her inner fangirl by going to as many games as she can from hockey to baseball and downloading every sports romance novel in existence onto her iPad. When she's not clicking away on her laptop, she enjoys walking her dog in Central Park, satisfying her caffeine craving at the Starbucks on Broadway and keeping an eye out for Mr. Right. But above all, she loves dishing with her readers. Email her at

She is the author of the New York Kings series which includes: NIGHT GAMES, GAME CHANGER, GAME ON, PERFECT GAME, INSIDE GAME and GAME WINNER.

Connect with Collette: WebsiteBlogTwitterFacebookGoodreads


Mid-smile, I turn my head toward the on-deck circle and catch Jake Woodbury staring in our direction.

He must be looking over at his ex, Roberta, trying to get her attention. What a sucker. Dude, let it go.

But, when Roberta bends down to get something out of her bag, his eyes don’t pull away. In fact, he even grins slightly, and I realize he’s not looking at her. He’s looking at me.

Okay, I'm used to guys checking me out. It's nothing new. But, just as my skin starts to prickle, he looks away.

Maybe he's just trying to make Roberta jealous by coming on to me in front of her. Yeah, that must be it. It's too good of an opportunity to pass up, what with Scarlett Moore, the princess of pop, sitting right next to his ex. But this is neither the time nor the place for him to be openly flirting with me. He has a job to do. A very important job: get on base and kick-start the Kings' lineup. But all he's doing is kick-starting my beating heart.

But, if I'm being totally honest with myself, that's not what this feels like. In fact, it feels like he couldn't care less that his ex is sitting beside me.

And then I know I'm not imagining things when he takes his bat off his shoulder and points the end of the barrel at me.

"This one's for you, Scarlett!" he calls out while confidently striding by.

I smile, despite myself. All right. I’ll play along with you, hot stuff.

Before I can even think twice about it, I raise a hand to my lips and blow him a kiss.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

I just had to go with that teaser! It happens right near the beginning of the GAME WINNER...and I was pretty much hooked as soon as this part happened...actually even before that! ;)

What did you think?

Did you like the excerpt? And does GAME WINNER sound like something you'd enjoy?

Friday 4 December 2015

Release Day Blitz: Game Winner by Collette West!

Today's an exciting day!!! 

It's release day for the latest book in Collette West's New York Kings series, GAME WINNER!! 

I've already read it...and I LOVED IT! This is my favourite of the Kings books so far...and I already can't wait to read it again!! :D

by Collette West
New York Kings
Publication Date: December 4, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance,Sports
Purchase: Amazon | Nook | iBooks

Playing center field for the New York Kings, Jake Woodbury has one of the most prestigious jobs in all of sports. To the world, he's the good-looking, soft-spoken minister's son who’s survived celebrity without a hint of scandal. But, inside, he's reeling from a secret that seems destined to haunt him forever.

Scarlett Moore is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet, famous for singing about her celebrity ex-boyfriends. The CEO of her record label has carefully honed her provocative image since she was fifteen. Sex sells, and Scarlett’s well aware that it takes more than talent to stay on top.

One thing is clear: She’s the last thing Jake needs. And he’s the do-gooder jock she should avoid at all costs. But when the game begins, all bets are off.


Collette West grew up as somewhat of a jock-nerd hybrid. Entering the world three weeks premature, her dad nearly missed her birth because he had seats behind the dugout for a sold-out, highly-anticipated match-up between two of baseball's biggest rivals. Not to be outdone, her book-loving mom taught her how to read by the time she was three. A love of the game coupled with an appreciation for the written word were instilled in Collette's impressionable brain from a young age. No wonder her characters believe in the philosophy: sports + romance = a little slice of heaven.

Splitting her time between the Pocono Mountains and Manhattan, Collette indulges her inner fangirl by going to as many games as she can from hockey to baseball and downloading every sports romance novel in existence onto her iPad. When she's not clicking away on her laptop, she enjoys walking her dog in Central Park, satisfying her caffeine craving at the Starbucks on Broadway and keeping an eye out for Mr. Right. But above all, she loves dishing with her readers. Email her at

She is the author of the New York Kings series which includes: NIGHT GAMES, GAME CHANGER, GAME ON, PERFECT GAME, INSIDE GAME and GAME WINNER.

 Connect with Collette: WebsiteBlogTwitterFacebookGoodreads

Enter to win this Blitz-wide giveaway through the Rafflecopter, below:

What do you think?

Does GAME WINNER sound like a book you'd like to read?

Monday 16 November 2015

Audiobook Review: The Vigilante's Lover, Vol. 1 by Annie Winters & Tony West, Read by Gordon Anthony Palagi & Samantha Mantin

Source: Received a code from the author to give an honest review.
Publisher: Casey Shay Press
Release Date: October 6, 2015
Format: Audible Audiobook

Description from Goodreads:
Spies, vengeance, and one seriously well-dressed man

"If Bourne dressed like Bond and acted like Grey, you'd have Jax De Luca."
An addictive new romantic suspense series from the desk of USA Today bestselling author Deanna Roy/JJ Knight

Mia trembles as she reads the letter that arrives from Ridley Prison.

Seduction. Bondage ropes. Descriptions of things Mia has never experienced or known.

The man’s words are desperately passionate. He longs for a woman who must have given him a fake address. Mia’s address.

She plans to send the letter back. He’s a convicted felon.

But his words gnaw at her. She’s never done anything dangerous. And no man has ever talked to her like this.

So Mia writes him, pretending to be the woman he desires.

It's her one dark thrill in her dull, solitary small-town life.

The man is in prison for another fifteen years.

It's harmless. She is safe enough.

Until he escapes.
 I'm a big fan of Deanna Roy, so I jumped at the chance to listen to the audiobook version of The Vigilante's Lover, Vol. 1, and I wasn't disappointed!!!! :D

The story starts with plans for a jailbreak and sexy it definitely packs a punch right from the start, and it only gets more and more intense! As soon as I started listening, I didn't want to stop⎯the story reeled me in and kept me eagerly awaiting what was going to happen next!

 I loved both Jax and Mia! Jax was a walking mystery, super duper sexy, and I loved learning about his past! Mia seemed like just an average girl, who somehow got mixed into the middle of a crazy scenario, but I think there's more to her than she knows herself...and I can't wait to find out more about her backstory!

Throughout the audiobook, I was riveted to the story! The Vigilantes' world is extremely intricate and secretive, so it was interesting trying to figure things out just like Mia was. They have crazy advanced technologies, secret headquarters, intricate databases, and a hierarchy that seems extremely complicated. I loved the mystery of it all, and it was definitely suspenseful trying to figure everything out...and to figure out who Mia could trust!

As far as the audiobook version goes, the story alternates between Mia's POV and Jax's POV, and it also alternates between a male and female narrator. I absolutely LOVED the male narrator, Gordon Anthony Palagi! His voice was AMAZING! It suited the story perfectly, and it was an absolute pleasure listening to him. I was actually a little disappointed when I checked Audible and didn't see any other titles narrated by him. I wasn't a big fan of the female narrator though. Her voice just didn't really work for me, but as I got into the story, I didn't mind it as much, and Gordon's/Jax's chapters more than made up for hers. :P

Overall, I absolutely loved the first part of The Vigilante's Lover...the only downside was waiting for the next volume, but thankfully it's out now!! I can't wait to get started on volume 2! ;) I'd recommend The Viligante's Lover, Vol. 1 to fans of suspenseful romances, especially if you like your leading men a little bit naughty and mysterious! And I'd definitely recommend the audiobook because I absolutely LOVED Jax's chapters! ;)

What do you think?
Does The Vigilante's Lover, Vol. 1 sound like a romance you'd enjoy?

Thursday 12 November 2015

Cover Reveal: Hooked by Love (Bellevue Bullies #3) by Toni Aleo

I have an awesome cover reveal for you today!

 I usually share cover reveals for Toni Aleo's Assassins series, but today, I have something a little bit different. It's the gorgeous cover for HOOKED ON LOVE, the third book in Toni's New Adult Bellevue Bullies series! :)

 So, here it is!

by Toni Aleo
COMING 12.28.2015
Things are out of control for the Sinclair boys! With two already in the NHL, Jace Sinclair is ready to follow in his brothers’ HUGE skates in the last Bellevue Bullies novel…

Jace Sinclair here, and I’m amazing. There is no other way to describe me. I am the leading scorer for the Bellevue Bullies, I’m the captain, and people love me: my family, my teammates, my coach, and the NHL. I already have one foot in the draft and I’m ready. This is my last year in college–it’s basically a conditioning year to get me ready for the NHL, to further my game, and I have to be focused. But then, it’s also my last year to have fun and not give a damn before my life really starts. Which means I’m gonna run through every girl I meet. That’s my plan. Because my one and only love is hockey. It keeps me warm even when it’s freezing. It’s always there when nothing else is. And it pushes me to be the best I can be. It’s my love.

That is, until I see her against a tree with a guitar.


The last thing I wanted was to meet anyone. My heart is on the bench because I’ve watched my mom get broken by the person I call my father, and I don’t want that for myself. I don’t want to be hurt by anyone. I can’t give them that power.

But my heart is begging for ice time, and I can’t control it around her.

* * *

I’ve always been in the background. No one has ever had time for me and that’s fine; I’ve learned to cope. Coming from a family where hockey is life, the last thing I want is some big, burly hockey player charging at me. I don’t have time for it, but Jace Sinclair isn’t one to be deked around. The thing is, I came to the University of Bellevue for one reason and one reason only. To make my dreams of being a singer/songwriter come true. To work in the industry and pay my dues. Become who I really want to be.

I didn’t want to meet anyone. I didn’t want to end up freezing the puck with him. It’s not what I want.

I have demons.

I have issues.

Living in the shadows, no one even knew until it was too late. But Jace wants to know.

He wants me.

And that scares me the living hell out of me.

We were so worried about what would happen if we fell, but we never thought what could happen in the process of falling. We never saw it coming. But it’s here, and the repercussions are not pretty. We should have known that there is no way out of the zone when you are being Hooked by Love.

Preorder Purchase Links

This cover is more couple-focused than Toni's adult covers have been lately, and I like it. I love her adult covers, too, but I'm definitely loving the scruff on the cover model...and that "almost" kiss, too. ;) I also LOVE the pink text!!!!

What do you think?
Do you like the cover for Hooked by Love?

Monday 9 November 2015

Review: Paint My Body Red by Heidi R. Kling

Source: Received a copy from the publisher to give an honest review.
Publisher: Entangled Publishing, LLC (Teen)
Release Date: November 2, 2015
Number of Pages: 350 (Kindle edition)

Purchase Links: Amazon | B&N

Description from Goodreads:
The world isn't just black or white. Sometimes it's red...

They think I'm next. That I'll be the seventh kid to step in front of a train and end my life. With the rash of suicides at my school, Mom's shipped me off to my dad's Wyoming ranch for “my own safety.” They think I’m just another depressed teenager whose blood will end up on the tracks. They don't know my secrets...or what I’ve done.

I wasn't expecting Dad to be so sick, for the ranch I loved to be falling to bits, or for Jake—the cute boy I knew years ago—to have grown into a full-fledged, hot-as-hell cowboy. Suddenly, I don't want to run anymore, but the secrets from home have found me...even here. And this time, it's up to me to face them—and myself—if I want to live...
I have loved Heidi R. Kling's writing ever since I first read Sea, so when I heard about Paint My Body Red, I was extremely excited!!! The description sounded dark and edgy, with the promise of some romance involving a swoon-worthy cowboy, which sounded pretty amazing to me. Sure enough, I started the book, and couldn't put it down!

Paint My Body Red is about Paige. When she was younger, her parents divorced, and her mom moved her to California, away from her family's ranch in Wyoming. She goes back years later, after a series of suicides takes place involving students from her school, and when she gets to the ranch, she sees just how much it has changed and how her father's health has declined due to ALS. While the circumstances of her return were sad, I loved seeing Paige make herself at home once again on the ranch. I loved seeing her get to know her father again, and their relationship was one of my favourite parts of the novel. I loved seeing her get to know the woman that her father loved, Anna. And I especially loved seeing her friendship with Jake evolve. I just really loved this story! The characters immediately pulled me in, and I genuinely cared for Paige. It was amazing to see how time on her father's ranch helped her overcome what she experienced back in Palo Alto.

While there is a romantic element to Paint My Body Red, I loved that the story wasn't defined by romance. Instead, the story was largely about Paige healing and growing stronger on the ranch. The story itself was told in an extremely interesting way. Paige narrates the entire book, but it alternates between her present and the events that happened to her back in California, which she records in her diary. Writing out what happened acts as a catharsis for Paige, and her time on the ranch helps her ground herself. She's able to find happiness and joy despite the people she lost, and the abuse that she suffered. I absolutely loved this method of revealing Paige's past—it was unique and engaging.

I also loved the romance in the story, and thoroughly enjoyed Jake and Paige together. I loved their banter, and they brought out the best in each other. They worked extremely well together, and it was fantastic to see their relationship evolve from friendship into something more, especially since it was founded on trust. I also really loved that Jake was a cowboy! There's something so attractive about a boy with the manners of a gentleman, who is still willing to kiss the crap out of a girl. ;) Even better that he never pressured Paige, and that their relationship was never rushed.

Overall, I absolutely loved Paint My Body Red. I loved that it was such a dynamic story, and that it covered such important topics. Suicide, rape, depression, and life-threatening illnesses should never be brushed aside, and I thought it was amazing that Heidi R. Kling approached all of those topics in Paint My Body Red. This story is so important, and it delivers such a powerful message about life, valuing the life you're given, and working to overcome the things that hold you back. I thought that it was a complex, mysterious, and captivating story, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone!

What do you think?
Does Paint My Body Red sound like something you want to read?

Thursday 5 November 2015

Review: Tides of Honour by Genevieve Graham

Source: Received a copy from the publisher to give an honest review.
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Canada
Release Date: Already released.
Number of Pages: 432 (Paperback)

Description from Goodreads:
A novel of love, loss, and honour amidst the horrors of war and its aftermath.

It’s 1916, and the last thing Nova Scotian soldier Danny Baker expects to find in war-torn France is the love of his life. Audrey Poulin is alone in the world, and struggling to survive the war in the French countryside. When Audrey and Danny meet and fall in love, it seems like the best version of fate.

But love is only the beginning, as Danny loses a leg in the Battle of the Somme, and returns home to Halifax with Audrey, only to discover that he’s unable to leave the war behind. Danny and Audrey struggle with their new life together, and must face not only their own internal demons, but a catastrophe that will soon rip apart everything they think they know about themselves and each other.

Genevieve Graham, author of Under the Same Sky and Sound of the Heart, brings her passion for weaving history and fiction together in a seamless tale that will capture and enthrall the reader.


"Evocative of place and time, a novel blending tragedy and triumph in a poignant and uplifting tale that's sure to leave its mark upon your heart."
-SUSANNA KEARSLEY, New York Times & Globe and Mail bestselling author

“Travel back to 1917 and explore a world of suffragettes, Bolsheviks, and the Great War - and the love story that illuminates them all.”
- JON TATTRIE, author of Black Snow

I started reading TIDES OF HONOUR while preparing to move, so my reading was interrupted a little bit, but once I picked the book back up, I couldn't stop. I just had to know how Audrey and Danny's story ended! 

One of the things that I loved most about Tides of Honour was how quintessentially Canadian it was. I really enjoy historical romance, and this was the first time that I'd ever read one that was set in Canada...and it was fabulous!! Tides of Honour takes place during World War I, and also during one of the worst tragedies in Canada's history. I have to admit that prior to reading Tides of Honour...I had never heard of the Halifax explosion. I guess Canada's history curriculum could use some work since in Alberta we definitely didn't learn about it, but even though it wasn't something I was familiar with, I really enjoyed how Genevieve Graham wove the event into her story. She described it so vividly that I was able to imagine and picture just how horrible both the explosion and the aftermath were. It was also really amazing to see how people worked together after such a horrible event, especially when the country was already being ravaged by WWI.

With WWI and the Halifax explosion being a part of the story, there was no shortage of hardship in Tide of Honour, but even during the difficult times, there was also happiness and love. It was wonderful to see how Audrey and Danny's love started to grow after they met during the war, and I thoroughly enjoyed the way that their relationship evolved, even while they were separated. Both Audrey and Danny were wonderful characters, and I loved seeing them meet, reunite, and then overcome the obstacles and hardships that were in front of them. I loved how passionate they both were as individual characters, especially Audrey with her art. And Danny went through so much throughout the story. I just wanted to give him a big hug, and I was so proud of him by the end of the book. He changed a lot throughout the story, and during the last half, his parts were my favourite. :)

Tides of Honour was a fantastic story with great, dynamic characters, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! The writing was wonderful, and it was a captivating story that made me desperate to see how it ended. I'd recommend Tides of Honour to historical romance fans, especially fans of romances set around WWI, and it'd be even better if they those fans also like Canadian history. :)

What do you think?
Does Tides of Honour sound like something you'd like to read?

Saturday 31 October 2015

Review: The Fall by Bethany Griffin

Source: Received an e-galley from the publisher through Edelweiss for an honest review.
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Release Date: Already released. 
Number of Pages: 420 (Hardcover)

Description from Goodreads:
Madeline Usher is doomed.

She has spent her life fighting fate, and she thought she was succeeding. Until she woke up in a coffin.

Ushers die young. Ushers are cursed. Ushers can never leave their house, a house that haunts and is haunted, a house that almost seems to have a mind of its own. Madeline’s life—revealed through short bursts of memory—has hinged around her desperate plan to escape, to save herself and her brother. Her only chance lies in destroying the house.

In the end, can Madeline keep her own sanity and bring the house down? The Fall is a literary psychological thriller, reimagining Edgar Allan Poe’s classic The Fall of the House of Usher.

I read The Fall a little while back, but with it being Halloween I thought that now was the PERFECT time to finally post my review!

I've always been fascinated by Edgar Allan Poe. I haven't read all of his works, but I love the ones that I've read. They're dark, mysterious, and compelling. Bethany Griffin has a way of taking Poe's work, finding inspiration from it, and making it into a wonderful new story that still manages to capture that compelling essence of Poe's work, but is also completely her own. I find that absolutely amazing! I love her books for their connection to Poe, but I love them even more for their unique ability to keep me on my toes, and it never fails to amaze me when Bethany Griffin weaves her own wonderful stories from the inspiration she gets from Poe's.

The Fall is inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher. If you've read Poe's's pretty dark, suspenseful, fascinating, creepy, and it's gloriously gothic. It's pretty much the perfect story to read around Halloween, and Bethany Griffin takes inspiration from Poe's tale and turns it into an absolutely intriguing and utterly captivating story!

I loved reading Madeline's story! It was mysterious, and extremely interesting trying to figure out what was happening to her...and what the house was doing. The creepiest aspect of the story was definitely the house. It becomes a character all on its own. It's sentient, and Madeline can feel what the house is feeling. While I was reading The Fall, I couldn't help being on edge...hoping that Madeline could somehow escape from the house, and escape from the curse that followed the Ushers.

The story alternates between Madeline's present, moments from her past, and entries from the diary of one of her relatives. This adds to the ethereal and mysterious qualities of the story. As we learn more about Madeline's past, and she learns more about the house and her family, everything intensifies. From the moment I started reading, I couldn't put The Fall down. It's fast-paced, and will leave you gasping for breath and wondering what will happen next right to the very last page. 

I absolutely loved The Fall! I loved that it was inspired by Poe, but I loved the way that Bethany Griffin made the The Fall of the House of Usher into her own story even more. Her writing style is beautiful, captivating, and kept me on edge the entire time. Even after I read the last line...I was still on edge, desperate to know what would become of the characters. I'd recommend The Fall to anyone looking for a gloriously creepy, Gothic read, especially if you're a fan of Poe or Gothic stories.

What do you think?
Have you read The Fall?

Friday 23 October 2015

Cover Reveal: Game Winner by Collette West! #CoverReveal

 This isn't the first time that I've fangirled over the New York Kings series, and it definitely won't be the last!! I have to admit that I do like sports, but I don't watch a lot of it...I have been getting pretty excited about baseball lately though!! I recently moved to Toronto, and with the Blue Jays doing so well this year, it's hard NOT to get excited along with everyone else!

Now that I've let you all know how excited I've been getting about baseball lately, I have the absolute stunning cover of GAME WINNER to share with you!!! This is the next book in the New York Kings series and it'll be releasing in December. I had the pleasure to beta read it for Collette West, and I think you all are going to LOVE it!! Jake and Scarlett are fantastic, and they have the most amazing chemistry!!! I'm already looking forward to rereading it!!!! :D

Now that I've gotten you all a bit excited, here it is! The gorgeous cover for GAME WINNER:

GAME WINNER by Collette West
from the NEW YORK KINGS Series
Release Date: December 4, 2015
Genre: Sports Romance, New Adult

Playing center field for the New York Kings, Jake Woodbury has one of the most prestigious jobs in all of sports. To the world, he's the good-looking, soft-spoken minister's son who’s survived celebrity without a hint of scandal. But, inside, he's reeling from a secret that seems destined to haunt him forever.

Scarlett Moore is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet, famous for singing about her celebrity ex-boyfriends. The CEO of her record label has carefully honed her provocative image since she was fifteen. Sex sells, and Scarlett’s well aware that it takes more than talent to stay on top.

One thing is clear: She’s the last thing Jake needs. And he’s the do-gooder jock she should avoid at all costs. But when the game begins, all bets are off.
I am so in LOVE with this cover!!! It's gorgeous, and the attention to detail is AMAZING! Scarlett and Jake look just how I would imagine them! Scarlett's fiery hair, Jake's dark hair, their pose, their body types...and Jake's bracelets!!! It's just so perfect! I think this is my favourite cover yet!

But...I really do love the covers for this series! Just look at them all!

What do you think?
Do you love GAME WINNER's cover, too?
Does GAME WINNER sound like something you'd like?

Monday 14 September 2015

RECAP: Teens Read Winter + Spring 2016 Preview

If you follow me on Twitter, you might have seen my feed go berserk with fangirling squees on Saturday!!  

I was lucky enough to get to attend Raincoast Book's TeensRead Winter + Spring 2016 Preview!!!! It was organized by Raincoast Books, Jenn from Lost in a Great Book, and Vanessa at ampersand inc, and I'd like to take a moment here to say thank you to all of them!! You put on a fantastic event and it was a lot of fun!! :D

 Let me tell you, there are some AMAZING titles coming from their publishers soon!! :D

I just moved from Edmonton to Toronto at the beginning of August, so it was my first time going to a publisher event, and it was so much fun!!

We arrived, got some candies and goodies, and were then all given swag bags!

Each bag had different books in them, and they also came with a handout so that we could see all of the amazing upcoming titles!! The lovely staff at Raincoast books then told us about the great titles that we have to look forward to. I'm going to share my tweets so you can see my first reactions to most of these titles once I got home!

Be forewarned...I tweeted up a storm about this event, and I've embedded all of my tweets focusing on the titles below.

So, here they are:

Here's a full list of all of the titles mentioned during the Teens Read Winter + Spring 2016 Preview (I put asterisks beside the ones that I tweeted about):

We also heard about some upcoming sequels, and even though it wasn't a YA title, A Gathering of Shadows (A Darker Shade of Magic #2) by V.E. Schwab, was mentioned and a large chunk of us proceeded to squee gleefully, myself included. ;)

As you can see, I got pretty excited about quite a few of these titles! 

Which ones are you most excited for?

Thursday 10 September 2015

Review: Shadows in the Silence (Angelfire #3) by Courtney Allison Moulton

Source: Purchased / Personal Library
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Release Date: Already Released.
Number of Pages: 469 (Hardcover)

Description from Goodreads:
Your strength in heart and hand will fall. . . .
Ellie knows that the darkest moments are still to come, and she has everything to fight for:

She must fight for Will.
The demonic have resorted to their cruelest weapons to put Will in mortal danger, and Ellie makes an unlikely alliance to save him and to stop Lilith and Sammael, who seek to drown the world in blood and tear a hole into Heaven.

She must fight for humanity.
As the armies of Hell rise and gather for the looming End of Days, Ellie and her band of allies travel to the world’s darkest and most ancient regions in her quest to come into her full glory as the archangel Gabriel.

And Ellie must save herself.
Her humanity withers beneath the weight of her cold archangel power, but Ellie must hold tight to who she is and who she loves as she prepares for the ultimate battle for Heaven and Earth.

In this final installment in the Angelfire trilogy, Courtney Allison Moulton brings her dark world of epic battles and blistering romance to a blazing bright conclusion.
Right from the very beginning, I have absolutely loved the Angelfire trilogy. The characters, the story, the action, the writing...everything is so well done and always compelled me to keep reading!! As soon as I finished Shadows in the Silence, I quickly wrote up my raving review on Goodreads....and accidentally deleted it instead of posting it. I meant to rewrite what I could remember and post it right away, but I kept putting it off because of my classes. Today, I'm finally getting my butt in gear, and putting my notes back together to post my review. :)

I absolutely loved Shadows in the Silence!! Ever since I first read Angelfire, I have been a huge fan of Courtney Allison Moulton's writing, and of her characters! Ellie in particular is one of my favourite YA heroines! She's always ready to kick butt and never backs down from a fight. She also never lets someone else fight her battles for her, and I totally love her for that! And Will...I absolutely ADORE Will! He's such an amazing guy, and I just love every single thing about him! Right from the very start, he has definitely had my heart. I also LOVE Ellie and Will together!! They're one of those couples that immediately send me into fangirl mode because I just SHIP them so FREAKING much!!! They're PERFECT---absolutely perfect together in the best way possible, and I personally just wanted them to be together so bad and was constantly cheering them on!!
Along with Ellie and Will, the trilogy is full of other AMAZING characters, too! I loved seeing all of the characters grow. Ellie becomes so strong over the series, and I loved seeing her relationship with Will evolve. I also loved seeing Ellie getting to know her own history better, and it was always interesting to see what would happen when she'd have a run-in with some of the "darker" characters, like Cadan. ;)

I'm leaving out finer details because I don't want to spoil anything since this is the final book, but I definitely thought that Shadows in the Silence was a wonderful conclusion to the Angelfire trilogy. It had me incredibly worried at times, and I was definitely just as desperate as Ellie was during parts of it, but I was also excited to see what would happen next. I definitely thought that Shadows in the Silence lived up to the dynamics and intensity that I have come to expect from the trilogy, and the ending was so satisfying!!! There is nothing better than finishing a series, trilogy or standalone, and just LOVING how it all turned out, and I definitely felt that with Shadows in the Silence. It satisfied all of my questions, and it was an extremely enjoyable story!!

I loved Shadows in the Silence, and the entire Angelfire trilogy!! If you haven't started it yet, I wholeheartedly recommend that you do because it is amazing, and you won't want to put any of the books down! I loved the characters, the story, the action, the romance...absolutely EVERYTHING!!! I found the trilogy to be so exciting and intense, and also unique since it did come out around the time when Angel books were super popular! I was riveted with each word, and loved every single moment!!

What do you think?
Have you read the Angelfire trilogy?
And if you haven't, does it sound like a trilogy you'd like?

Sunday 30 August 2015

All About Audiobooks!

I have to admit that before I started listening to audiobooks, I was reluctant. I'd listened to one audiobook in the past, and it was a horrible experience. I didn't like the story and I didn't like the reader at all, but I was asked if I wanted to review an audiobook of one of my favourite author's books, so I listened to a sample, I liked what I heard, and I decided to go for it! And I'm so glad that I did! That was months ago now, and I've been hooked ever since!

I plan to start reviewing the audiobooks I listen to, but today I just wanted to let you know how easy it is to listen to them! :D There are several sites that require memberships, where you purchase credits, like Audible. But there are also a lot of other options that allow you access to audiobooks through your library, or even give you free access if they're out of the public domain.

Here are some of my favourite options for audiobooks:

    • I've found other websites where you purchase audibooks, but so far Audible is my favourite!!! Each credit costs you $14.95, and you can use one credit to purchase most audiobooks, but if the audiobook costs less than that, you can also select to just purchase it, instead of using your credits. There are daily deals, and sales every once in a while, too. But, the best part for me for Audible is that it uses whispersync with, so if you already own an ebook from Amazon, and there is an audiobook, you can purchase the audiobook at a discounted rate, too.

    • Librivox is a completely free site where volunteers record audiobooks that can be downloaded or listened to online. These recordings aren't always as good of quality as the ones you purchase, but they're still really great.

    • This is by far my favourite resource for listening to audiobooks! Your library has to have a membership with overdrive to use the service, but if they have one, you can borrow audiobooks and ebooks, and you can load them onto your devices. I've been using my iPhone and I love it! :D

    • Just like Overdrive requires your library's membership, so does Hoopla. Hoopla has movies and even more, too, so that's pretty great. Their selection isn't quite as big as Overdrive's, but they still have some awesome titles! :D

    • Scribd used to be more of a place to share excerpts and PDFs, but over the last year or so they started to become a service where you can read ebooks, and listen to audibooks, too. I haven't started using it yet, but my mom has, and she's hooked!

What do you think?

Are you a fan of audiobooks, or are you reluctant to try them like I was?
For audio fans, what's your favourite way to listen to them?
And, do you have any favourite books or audio readers?

Tuesday 25 August 2015

How Do You Pick What Books You Want to Read? #Discussion #ReadingTastes #ReadingTips

I don't know about you all, but for the most part, I have a pretty good handle on knowing what I like to read. Because of that, the majority of the books I read end up being 4 or 5 star reads for me on Goodreads. Of course, every once in a while, I do get a book that I expect to love, and then when I go to read it, it falls flat or there's just something that rubs me the wrong way. For the most part though, I love almost every single book that I read! :)

I thought that today I would tell you all how I pick what I'm going to read, or what I use as the deciding factors on whether I want to add a book to my ginormous (and ever-growing) to-read pile! 

So, how do I pick what I want to read? 

Sometimes it's pretty easy. I look at the cover, read the blurb, and just KNOW that I'm going to either really enjoy or love a book. Other times, I have to look into a book a bit more, and then I'll decide if I want to take a chance on a new book. 

I do have a few main things that I look at to help me decide though.
 I'll list them below. :) 


The first thing that I use to pick out books is definitely the most judgmental one...and it's the one that breaks that rule that so many people have. I judge books based on their covers. Yes, I do, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Now, I don't use the cover to actually decide if I'll read a book, but often, the cover is what initially catches my eye. So, covers usually draw me to books, and I know I'm not alone in this. There's a reason covers are so important, and it's because they really do make a book stand out.

I find this is even more important to me now than it was than before I started blogging. I read more ebooks now, and when I'm looking for new ebooks to try, I find that the cover is extremely important. When ebooks come up as recommendations or in lists, there are just so many to choose from that the ones with the best covers always catch my eye first...ALWAYS! And even in book stores, with so many books all over the place, a shiny cover can definitely draw me in.


Once a cover has captured my eye, or if I'm looking at publisher catalogs where sometimes there aren't any covers yet, I'll take a peek at the book description. The book description is usually my deciding factor.

There are certain elements that I know I'll love in a book, so if it has those, it usually goes on my list IMMEDIATELY! For example, I know I love romance, so I tend to gravitate towards books with at least a little romance. I also know I love fairy tale retellings, and I love Pride & Prejudice, so if a book has either fairy tale or P&P elements...I'm usually on board right away. Sometimes though, I do like to mix it up, so I'll go for a classic or I'll go for a humorous book, or I might go for something literary that is completely different from what I typically read.

The biggest thing I look for is a story that intrigues me though. If the book description doesn't catch my attention, then I usually pass on it. Sometimes I'll go back and revisit it if I see that some of my friends really enjoyed it, but for the most part, if I'm pretty sure I won't like something, I just move on.


If I'm checking out a new author for the first time, or if I read an author's previous book and didn't absolutely love it, sometimes I look for excerpts or check out the previews available on Amazon or the samples on Kobo to see if I'll like a book. If I'm drawn in right away, I usually end up buying the book that day, but if I've spent a little too much money on books lately, I'll add it to my wishlist and go back later.

I always find that excerpts or samples are the best way to check out a book and a new author if you're unsure! Personally, I can be a bit picky with how dialogue is written at times. If there's a popular book that has me intrigued with a unique way of presenting dialogue, I'll often check out excerpts to see if I'd enjoy it...or if the style would drive me crazy!


One of the best parts about blogging is that you usually make a few friends or follow bloggers who have extremely similar reading tastes to your own. I have a few friends and bloggers whose recommendations I ALWAYS pay attention to. However, sometimes even with similar tastes, I might end up loving a book that one of my friends didn't like, but it's always nice to have someone whose opinions can help you decide if you want to read a book.

For me, I usually use this method when I've been hearing very mixed things about a book...that way I check to see if people with similar tastes to my own have been loving or hating it...and if they're hating it, and I've checked out a sample and didn't like it either, then I'll pass on a book. I also love to check out Goodreads reviews for this same reason. :)

So, those are a few of the different ways that I decide which books I should read.

Now, some tips for you!

I think the most important part is that you have to learn what kind of books you like

If you keep trying to read books in a very specific genre and you just hate them all, or if you've read five books by one author and couldn't stand any of them...well, I think it's time to decide that those books, that genre, or that author just aren't for you. And that's okay! Not every person will like every single book. We're all different, and we all have very different reading tastes.

You need to trust your judgment and choose books that interest you. If you don't like the biggest best seller at the time, that's okay! If you don't like classics, that's okay, too! Don't let anyone else's opinions make you feel bad about what you do like to read. It's okay if you don't like the same books as other people, so if you find a series, a genre, or an author that you love, but someone said something judgmental about it...ignore them! Read what you love! :)

Look for books that catch your attention, and don't be afraid to try something new! There are just so many books out there, and more are published every single day, so there really isn't any sense in reading what you don't enjoy when I'm sure there are TONNES of books that you WILL enjoy! So, go find them! :D Try new genres, read excerpts, and check out reviews! Do what you need to do to find books that you love to read, and soon enough, you'll get to know your reading tastes better, and you'll find that you're actually enjoying every single thing that you read!

How do you pick what you want to read?

Do you have methods that help you choose?
Or, do you tend to just pick up whatever catches your eye?

And what do you think of my methods?
Do you do them already, or are you going to try them out?

Friday 14 August 2015

Blog Tour Review: Overtime (Assassins #7) by Toni Aleo

Overtime (Assassins #7) by Toni Aleo
Series: Assassins Series #7
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Source: Received a eARC to participate in the blog tour!
Release Date: Already Released!
Number of Pages: 543

Description from Goodreads:
Down and out with an injury keeping him away from the game, Assassins’ defenseman Jordie Thomas lives for the blades of his skates on the ice and the feeling of oblivion off it. With no choice but to heal, he’s forced away from the sport that runs through his veins. With everything at stake and darkness setting in, he quickly finds himself spiraling even further out of control. As his life begins to come crashing down around him and his contract with the Nashville Assassins on the line, he’s given an ultimatum. Ready or not, Jordie is forced to face his past, the fears that consume him, and the one woman he let walk away.

Kacey King had her professional dreams come true, yet her heart was battered and broken. With an Olympic gold medal around her neck, she’s ready to look forward to the future but without the one man she wanted in it. She’s missing the key pieces of her heart she left months ago with the only person who was capable of destroying it, causing her to falter in all her plans to move on.

In the game of life, there are winners and losers, and neither Jordie nor Kacey want to be on the losing bench. If only Jordie could convince Kacey he’s a changed man and that he wants her right by his side as his MVP for the biggest and best parts of a life they build together. With emotions running high and the game on the line, can two proud people find happiness with each other, or will their hearts and souls be left in the cold? Will they see that sometimes having someone by your side who knows the good, bad, and broken is better than going it alone and losing everything through the back of the net? They are out of time on the game clock and fighting for the win of their lives.

But overtime was made for an Assassin like Jordie.


Toni Aleo is the author of the Nasvhille Assassins series: Taking Shots, Trying to Score, Empty Net, Falling for the Backup, and Blue Lines.

When not rooting for her beloved Nashville Predators, she’s probably going to her husband’s and son’s hockey games and her daughter’s dance competitions, taking pictures, scrapbooking, or reading the latest romance novel.

She lives in the Nashville area with her husband, two children, and a bulldog. Read more about Toni here.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads



Oh, Jordie, Jordie, Jordie! *dreamy sigh!* Sorry, Jordie's pretty irresistible so I just had to take a moment to swoon over him for a bit. ;)

I've been smitten with Toni Aleo's Assassins series since book 1, and with Overtime being the 7th full-length book in the series, my love hasn't diminished at all...instead it's grown, and grown..and grown!!! I especially love getting to see my favourite characters in each book as new characters have their stories told!! I really just love seeing them all get their happy stories!!! I won't say endings though because I'm always happy to see more of them in future books! ;D

If you can't already tell, I absolutely LOVED Overtime! I loved that Jordie and Kacey have a history, and that their relationship is so complex, but most of all, I loved how passionate they were about each other. I loved how when it really mattered, their love for each other made them stronger and helped them push themselves to be better people! :D I also loved how passionate they were on their own. None of the other Assassin leading ladies have been big hockey players themselves, but it was pretty neat to see Kacey being just as extreme into hockey as Jordie was. :)

Jordie is probably the darkest main character out of all of the Assassins players yet. He has a troubled past, and he faces a lot of challenges in Overtime. I was frustrated with him for pushing Kacey away, just like she was, but I was also so proud of him for getting better. I loved seeing him face his past, his problems, and his issues head on. He really shaped up in and made changes in his life to be a better man, and it was wonderful to see. While Kacey didn't have to overcome nearly as many obstacles as Jordie did, she did have to overcome her insecurities and learn to communicate, especially when her pride got in the way. Once Jordie and Kacey finally started talking and working together it was so awesome to see their relationship bloom!

Overall, I loved Overtime! It was sexy, full of wonderful banter and teasing, and it was an absolute pleasure to read. When Kacey and Jordie reunite, they do it right, and you don't want to stop reading for a minute! I'd recommend Overtime, and the Assassins series to sports romance fans, but also to fans of romances that are complex, real, and take a little bit of work. Jordie and Kacey definitely aren't perfect, but they make they work together to keep their relationship strong, and they themselves become stronger because of it. If you haven't started this series yet, you really should, it's definitely one of my favourites! :D





What do you think?
Does Overtime sound like your kind of book?