I was tagged to do the Seven Deadly Sins Questionnaire Tag (created by
BookishlyMalyza) by Eilidh of
Recovering Potter Addict! Check out h
er answers to the Tag, here, and a big thank you to Eilidh for tagging me, too!
1. Greed - What is your most inexpensive book? What is your most expensive book?

My most inexpensive...hmmm, that's a tough one! There used to be a used bookstore on the U of A campus that I would go to all the time, and I got quite a few books there...many that were just $1! I'm pretty horrible at resisting those kind of deals, so I can't really tell you which one specifically was cheapest. ;) I also have a tonne of free ebooks...do those count?
My most expensive book. Again, I'm not even sure which one it would be specifically, but it's definitely a Kelley Armstrong book. I've been getting her limited, signed edition books from Subterranean Press for a while now, and some of those are worth a pretty penny. Thankfully I didn't buy any that were too expensive, but they're definitely not cheap. I've got
Hidden, Amityville Horrible, Counterfeit Magic, Forbidden, and
Brazen all in limited edition, signed hardcovers, and I absolutely LOVE them all! They're gorgeous books. :D
2. Wrath - What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Oooh! That's really tough. I don't really think I have a love/hate relationship with any authors. I'm pretty decided when it comes to liking an author or not...I usually love/like
them, or I'm just not a fan, but I guess I do have a bit of a love/hate
relationship with George R. R. Martin...I just want the next books in
Song of Ice and Fire series so bad. His writing makes me love him, but the waiting makes me one sad panda...I wouldn't say I hate him though. I've become all about the positivity in the last year or so, and I've been trying to not hate things or people. I know that sounds super corny, but I'm honestly happier just loving and liking things and at the most, disliking things...letting go of hate really is freeing. :) Well, that didn't sound very sinful at all now. :P
3. Gluttony - What book have you devoured over and over with no shame?

Om nom nom.
Since I started blogging and my TBR pile began to grow...and grow...and grow, I haven't done a whole lot of rereading, but I think the books that I've read the most are the first three books in
The Mortal Instruments:
City of Bones,
City of Ashes, and
City of Glass. Before Cassandra Clare announced that her trilogy was becoming a sextology (I seriously couldn't resist putting that semi-dirty looking word in there; I'm soooo mature :P). I reread them each about five times....and loved them every single time! I think I've reread
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine about five times, too...it's my pick-me-up read that cheers me up when I'm feeling down. :)
4. Sloth - What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
Pretty much all the classics on my shelf that I haven't read yet count towards this. :P I've read the ones I'm most interested in:
Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and
Pride and Prejudice (and Austen's other works, too). There are still a lot of other classics that I haven't read yet though, but out of laziness, I'd have to say
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell...I've had a copy sitting on my shelf for at least six years, and still have not read it! And the fact that it's a big book has been the main reason that I just haven't picked it up yet, so I really, really need to get on that!
5. Pride - What book do you talk about most in order to sound like an intellectual reader?

I don't really have any books that I talk about to sound like an intellectual reader...and for the most part, what I read wouldn't read add any credibility to that. :P
Now, if I wanted to do some kind of name drop to sound intelligent, I'd probably mention Jacques Derrida and his book,
Dissemination...that book was INTENSE! I had to read sections of it for one of my classes, and that class was probably the most difficult one I had throughout my undergrad. The material was all theoretical, and the professor was big on rhetoric, so your brain got a massive workout during it. I did find the class to be a real challenge though, and that was great. That being said...I never actually name drop Derrida...but if I wanted to try to sound smart, his book might help me along with that. :P
The only prideful thing I can think about when it comes to books is talking about how much I read...sometimes I totally feel like I'm bragging about it, and sometimes, I just might be. ;)
6. Lust - What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?
I'm honestly not very picky. I don't really have one set type for male characters. I like the sweet, kind and caring guys, but I also like the abrasive and sullen ones with snarky attitudes. I like to laugh, but I also love when male characters do something sweet and romantic. The perfect male character would somehow embody both of these. He'd be sweet and kind, but also a bit broody and definitely funny. And it'd be even better if he only really showed the sweetest part of him to the main character....man if this guy character doesn't already exist, I may need to start writing my own books. ;) haha
I'm totally just gonna start using sexy pictures of Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser all the time now. :P |
I also must admit that the vain side of me loves it when male characters are described attractively. I blame the romance lover in me. Abs, biceps, a nice rugged jaw, a nice
smile---possibly as a smirk or crooked grin at time, and great eyes or
hair usually has me swooning pretty quickly. Add in a great personality, a bit of sensitivity or romantic tendencies,
and I pretty much fall in love with the character immediately. I'd say I'm ashamed, but this is a post about the seven deadly sins in books, so I'm gonna roll with it. ;P

For girls, I also love a mix. I love strong, brave female
characters who speak their minds and fight for what they believe in, but I also love the ones that have everyday fears just like the rest of us. Most of all though, I just like my female characters to be kind and to not be cruel. The surest way to make me love a character is to have them be kind and funny, and the surest way to make me dislike them is to have them be mean to other characters. To put it plainly, I hate bullies, in real and fictional life. :P
7. Envy - What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
Just one?! Honestly, I'd be happy to receive any book as a gift, but if it was on my wishlist, or one of my absolute favourtie books in a new edition I liked or a special edition of sorts, I'd be even more excited. ;)
If I had to pick one though, I would totally "fangirl" if someone got me
this awesome Special Limited Collector's Edition of Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl...yes, now you see the totally cheesy pun I made. No regrets there. :P Isn't it super pretty?! :D
So...those are my Bookish Seven Deadly Sins Answers! :P
And now I get to tag some people! I'm going to tag:
Of course, if I didn't list you as one of the people I've tagged, feel free to join in and "tag" yourself, or even ask me and I'll add you to my list! I'd be thrilled to see your answers! :D