I've been lucky enough to be a part of the blog tour for A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers, and today I have a guest post for you all written by the lovely Lisa herself. I asked her to write about when she's gone too far or pushing the envelope when it comes to writing and here's what she came up with:
Usually, book titles come to me easily. At some point during the writing process, the perfect title just sort of pops into my head. In the case of A LITTLE TOO FAR, it wasn’t until well after I’d finished the book that it finally came to me. But the title fits, both Lexie’s situation and the project as a whole.If you care enough to even read this post, it means you probably know a little something about the New Adult genre, so I won’t rehash what New Adult means. But the genre as a whole is all about stretching wings and self-discovery, and sometimes that means pushing the envelope. It seems that dozens of NA books are published each week, and many of them sell well. As in any genre, there’s an established formula that works. So, the question becomes: how do you write a book within parameters that are going to satisfy readers of the genre without it seeming like the same thing they’ve already read dozens of times? What you see beginning to happen is that the standard tropes are being turned on their heads. This is what I hoped to do with A LITTLE TOO FAR. I have a very intelligent girl (Lexie), a sophisticated backdrop (the Roman art culture) and no tattooed bad boy. Instead, I have a stepbrother who, yes, has one small tattoo, and yes, drives a motorcycle, but is NOT a bad boy, and who cares deeply for his stepsister. And I have a man who’s without a single tattoo, and wears a white collar. He’s on his way to becoming a priest. But he also comes to care deeply for Lexie.I’ve seen comments on Twitter and Goodreads that indicate there are going to be people who choose not to read my book because of the taboo subject matter, and that’s totally their prerogative. No single book is going to appeal to everyone. But pushing the envelope is what writing is all about—especially in the NA genre. Our characters are exploring new territory and finding themselves along the way. That doesn’t happen inside the envelope. Life doesn’t happen inside the envelope, and any writer’s goal is to accurately portray the human condition. In the book of your life, I’m sure you can think of several instances when you lived or acted outside the envelope. Whether you’re willing to share them or not is up to you. I didn’t give Lexie the choice. ;-)

Book Details
Publisher: William Morrow
Pub. Date: September 17, 2013
Pages: 371
Other books in the series :
A LITTLE TOO MUCH (A companion novel coming November 12, 2013) - on
Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17824633-a-little-too-much
A LITTLE TOO HOT (coming January 21, 2014)
“More than a ridiculously sexy, HOT read, Desrochers takes you on a wild ride of self-discovery and bittersweet romance.”— JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT, #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHORHave you ever gone just a little too far?Lexie Banks has.Yep. She just had mind-blowing sex with her stepbrother. In her defense, she was on the rebound, and it’s more of a my-dad-happened-to-marry-a-woman-with-a-super-hot-son situation. But still, he’s been her best friend and confidant for the better part of the last few years … and is so off limits. It’s a good thing she’s leaving in two days for a year abroad in Rome.But even thousands of miles away, Lexie can’t seem to escape trouble. Raised Catholic, she goes to confession in hopes of alleviating some of her guilt … and maybe not burning in hell. Instead, she stumbles out of the confessional and right into Alessandro Moretti, a young and very easy-on-the-eyes deacon … only eight months away from becoming a priest. Lexie and Alessandro grow closer, and when Alessandro’s signals start changing despite his vow of celibacy, she doesn’t know what to think. She’s torn between falling in love with the man she shouldn’t want and the man she can’t have. And she isn’t sure how she can live with herself either way.
Purchase Links: AMAZON
Lisa Desrochers lives in northern California with her husband, two very busy daughters, and Shini the tarantula. If you'd told her five years ago she'd write a book, she'd have laughed in your face. As it turns out, she'd owe you an apology. Writing has become an addiction for Lisa and A Little Too Far, courtesy of HarperCollins, is her first novel for adults. She is also the author of the young adult Personal Demons trilogy from Macmillan.When she's not writing, she's reading, and she adores stories that take her to new places, and then take her by surprise. Connect with her online at www.lisadwrites.com, on her blog at lisadesrochers.blogspot.com, on Twitter at @LisaDez, and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LisaDesrochersAuthor.
It's all about the details, and here they are!
The Giveaway Prizes:
- An iPad Mini -
one winner
- A knowledge pendant, tote bag, and tattoos (Trent’s tattoo!) - one
- A signed copy of HarperCollins’ BETWEEN THE COVERS sampler with the
1st two chapters of A LITTLE TOO FAR annotated, knowledge tote, and tattoos -
one winner
- A signed copy of BETWEEN THE COVERS with the 1st two chapters of A
LITTLE TOO FAR annotated, and tattoos - two winners
The Giveaway Details:
- Giveaway is US/Canada ONLY.
- There will be FIVE winners total.
And here is the rest of the Authors Are Rockstars A LITTLE TOO FAR Blog Tour Schedule:
Week One
Sept. 3rd - Katie's Book Blog - Review
Sept. 3rd - Book Briefs - Guest Post
Sept. 4th - The Busy Bibliophile - Review
Sept. 4th - Fade Into Fantasy - Interview
Sept. 5th - The Irish Banana - Review
Sept. 5th - Emilie's Book World - Guest Post
Sept. 6th - Fic Fare - Interview
Sept. 6th - Narratively Speaking - Review & Guest Post
Sept. 7th - BookHounds YA - Review
Sept. 7th - Nocturne Romance Reads - Interview
Sept. 8th - Burning Impossibly Bright - Guest Post
Sept. 8th - Lovin' los libros - Review
Week Two
Sept. 9th - Books Complete Me - Review
Sept. 9th - Always YA at Heart - Review
Sept. 10th - A Glass of Wine - Interview
Sept. 10th - In the Best Worlds - Review
Sept. 11th - Once Upon a Twilight - Review
Sept. 11th - Readers Live A Thousand Lives - Interview
Sept. 12th - The Book Cellar - Review
Sept. 12th - Book Labyrinth - Review
Sept. 13th - Lili's Reflections - Review
Sept. 13th - Stuck in YA Books - Review
Sept. 14th - A Bookish Escape - Review & Guest Post
Sept. 14th - Ramblings From This Chick - Guest Post
Sept. 15th - In Bed With Books - Review
Sept. 15th - Coffee and Characters - Guest Post
Week Three
Sept. 16th - Waiting For Wentworth - Review
Sept. 16th - Michelle & Leslie's Book Pics - Review
Sept. 17th - Good Choice Reading - Review
Sept. 17th - Me, My Shelf and I - Review
What an awesome guest post! :D I definitely like when authors challenge the standard tropes...and who doesn't like envelopes being pushed. ;D
What about you? What do you think?
Also, are you excited to read A Little Too Far? I personally can't wait!!!
I don't know if I've ever gone that far, but hey. I think it's very brave to continue writing and publishing a book that goes against so many taboos. I can't wait to see how the book turns out!
ReplyDeleteI have been going a little to far a lot lately. The way I see things is if I'm damn if I do and damn if I don't, I might as well be happy to do what makes me happy.