Thursday, 28 September 2017

Review: NEW TRICKS (Redwood Ridge #3) by Kelly Moran

Source: Netgalley from the publisher
Publisher: Kensington Books/Lyrical Press
Release Date: September 26, 2017
Number of Pages: 205 (ebook)

Loving someone is something you never forget how to do . . .

Zoe Hornsby has enough on her plate. Her pet grooming business tucked inside her friends’ veterinarian clinic is busy, and all her free time outside of work is dedicated to caring for her mother’s ailing mind. Dating is certainly not on her agenda. For all she cares, the town gossips of Redwood Ridge, Oregon, can set their matchmaking sights on someone else. Because no way would she consider sexy veterinarian Drake O'Grady her perfect guy. Once upon a time, she may have harbored a little crush, but he’d only had eyes for her best friend. And the crazy attraction building between her and Drake now? Down boy, down.

After Drake lost his wife to cancer, he’s finally clawed his way out of grief and beginning to feel more like a part of the human race. But he’s appalled to learn his prying family thinks he's ready to jump in the dating pool. And the woman they thrust at him couldn’t be more inappropriate. As his dead wife’s best friend, Zoe is off limits. Even if they seem to share a common sadness, she is too potent a personality to get romantically tangled with. Yet she’s making his heart beat and blood roar like he never thought it could again. And he doesn't want to just exist anymore . . .


NEW TRICKS was absolutely adorable!!! I was looking for a sweet romance for the summer and this was exactly what I was hoping for!

I loved both Zoe and Drake! She was fierce, feisty, and opinionated...and had some amazing one-liners, and Drake was a bit broody (which I have to admit I always love haha), and he was also extremely supportive, thoughtful and super sexy. I have to admit that going into this story I was expecting a sweet romance, maybe with a bit of sex, but NEW TRICKS actually ended up being quite steamy—I definitely didn't mind that though, but definitely don't go into this one thinking it'll be a clean romance. ;)

I loved the story and the romance, too. I  always love a good friends-to-lovers romance, and this one was super well done!! Drake and Zoe's relationship was amazing right from the start. They were super supportive of one another, and had a really strong past. I loved it even more when their romance started though. They had some serious chemistry!

If you know me, it should also come as no surprise that I'm a sucker for real life and in books, so I loved that Drake had two of them and that he happened to be a vet! I definitely have to go back and read the first two books in this series too because I really want to see how Cade and Avery's, and Flynn and Gabby's stories unfolded! Dogs, sweet romances, great secondary characters, and fantastic writing too...I'm sold and super excited that I have two more books to go back and read now!

Overall, I loved NEW TRICKS!! I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who likes sweet, sexy friends-to-lovers romances!

What do you think?
Does NEW TRICKS sound like a romance you'd like?

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Excerpt: UNFORGIVABLE LOVE by Sophfronia Scott

Today I happen to have a wonderful excerpt to share with you all for a book called UNFORGIVABLE LOVE by Sophfronia Scott and it's publishing by William Morrow Paperbacks! It's a historical romance that takes place in Harlem in the 1940s and it sounds delightfully dramatic! 

Check below to read the description and read an excerpt!

by Sophfronia Scott

Pub Date: September 26, 2017
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Genre: Historical Romance, Fiction


In this vivid re-imagining of the French classic Les Liaisons Dangereuses, it’s the summer when Jackie Robinson breaks Major League Baseball’s color barrier and a sweltering stretch has Harlem’s elite fleeing the city for Westchester County’s breezier climes. But there two predators stalking amidst the manicured gardens and fine old homes.

Heiress Mae Malveaux rules society with an angel’s smile and a heart of stone. She made up her mind long ago that nobody would decide her fate. To have the pleasure she craves, control is paramount, especially control of the men Mae attracts like moths to a flame.

Valiant Jackson always gets what he wants—and he’s wanted Mae for years. The door finally opens for him when Mae strikes a bargain: seduce her virginal young cousin, Cecily, who is engaged to Frank Washington. Frank values her innocence above all else. If successful, Val’s reward will be a night with Mae.

But Val secretly seeks another prize. Elizabeth Townsend is fiercely loyal to her church and her civil rights attorney husband. Certain there is something redeemable in Mr. Jackson. Little does she know that her most unforgivable mistake will be Val’s greatest triumph.

G E T  Y O U R  C O P Y  T O D A Y !


SOPHFRONIA SCOTT grew up in Lorain, Ohio, a hometown she shares with author Toni Morrison. Her father was a Mississippi-born steelworker who never learned how to read and her mother was a stay-at-home mom who always made sure there were books in the house. She holds a BA in English from Harvard and an MFA in writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Sophfronia spent a big chunk of her career as a writer and editor for Time and People magazines where she developed the uncanny ability to create order out of chaos by whittling massive amounts of facts and ideas into a single cohesive form.

When Sophfronia's first novel, "All I Need to Get By," was published by St. Martin's Press in 2004 Sophfronia was nominated for best new author at the African American Literary Awards and hailed by Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. as “potentially one of the best writers of her generation.” Her essays, short stories, and articles have appeared in Killens Review of Arts & Letters, Saranac Review, Numéro Cinq, Ruminate, Barnstorm Literary Journal, Sleet Magazine,, More, and O, The Oprah Magazine. She’s completed her second novel and a collection of essays.

Sophfronia lives in Sandy Hook, Connecticut with her husband and son and where she continues to fight a losing battle against the weeds in her flowerbeds. She enjoys teaching on the faculty of Regis University’s Mile-High MFA in Denver, Colorado and the Fairfield County Writer’s Studio in Westport, Connecticut. She blogs at

Connect with Sophronia: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram


Harlem, May 1947


       Mae loved herself with a ferocity that came of feeding too hard and too long on her own exquisite beauty. She could smile in the rearview mirror of her car and see the alabaster beam reflected back from her picture in advertisements for Malveaux’s Magic Hair Pomade plastered on every billboard and in the windows of every drugstore starting from West 53rd Street, going all the way up Manhattan and through Harlem for the next hundred blocks.
       Even now she gazed happily into her vanity as her maid, Justice, applied the French pomade and arranged the dark folds of her hair into thick Victory curls perfectly framing her face. She never used the concoction her mother had created and made famous. Tired of having it smeared on her head since childhood, Mae had thrown away her own grease-filled powder- blue tin in the days after her mother’s death.
       She held out her wrists and Justice dabbed on fragrant dots from the crystal bottle of Caron Fleurs de Rocaille perfume. Mae’s cold-creamed skin glowed bright and her eyes danced with the sparkle of a girl, making her seem younger than her thirty-three years. She knew this feature made her irresistible. Mysteriously, each man thought he had discovered this light for himself and believed only he could see it in her. They never noticed her well-hidden contempt for their arrogance.
       Mae was vigilant about her expressions. She learned long ago the faces she wore would always be more essential than any dress she put on, no matter if it were a Christian Dior or a Pierre Balmain. Her beauty was a formidable instrument because people liked to stare at her as they would a motion picture actress and, in the same vein, she could tell them any story she chose to project and they would believe it. So she practiced the lift of her cheeks, the turnings of her mouth, the shapes of her lips, and the conjured emotions that she flitted across her eyes. Her masterstroke came when she could wipe her face smooth and present a look of calm so numinous it bewitched her admirers into claiming her a goddess.
       In rare instances, though, she suffered a rebellion to her visage of serenity. It was an errant twitch seated in the muscles of her lower-left eyelid. She always felt it right be- fore it surfaced. It was as though the weight of all the folly the eye had beheld was suddenly too much for it. She saw how, though small and fast, it unmasked her disdain. Not everyone would notice, but someone less foolhardy—someone like Val Jackson—would never miss such a telling detail.
Regina, her white Polish maid, brought in Mae’s long, satin Dior that had arrived from Paris the previous day. Mae stood, stepped into the gown, and enjoyed the feel of the gold fabric flowing down her body in a shimmering cascade. She placed one hand on Justice’s shoulder and lifted her right foot with the grace of a ballerina. Regina took hold of Mae’s ankle, guided her into leather slingback pumps, then pulled the strap through the buckle.
       Too tight. Too tight.
       “Ouch!” Mae lit out with her right hand, landing a blow upon the woman’s ear and side of her face. Regina’s arm rose in defense.
       “I’m sorry, ma’am,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
       Mae looked away while she finished. The stacked heel added nearly two inches to her height so she had to sit again. This allowed Justice to fasten the necklace of marquise-cut diamonds while Regina clasped the diamond-and-platinum bracelet around Mae’s thin wrist.
       Mae occupied the largest brownstone on Sugar Hill. Designed by the noted architect Branford Waite, it featured a double- width façade and a broad stoop from the front door to the street. Perfect white shades on the windows muted the sun’s glare during the day but let in plenty of light. The flower boxes on the ledges contained enough nicotiana, tuberose, and alyssum so their combined sweet fragrance would greet Mae each time she walked out the door.
       That night she came gliding out of the building like a new moon rising. All down the block she knew quick hands snapped shutters closed then reopened them a crack so their owners could spy on her floating down the steps to where her man, Lawrence, held open the door to her forest-green Packard. She knew this because she knew exactly how her world was situated—how every single person thought, including and especially what they thought of her. She choreographed each step, each motion, and she moved through Harlem exactly as she pleased because of it. What good was money otherwise? She laughed at the predictability of society and how no one but her seemed to understand how to wield this delicious power. And since her mother died, and then her own husband, Mae reveled in the added sweet freedom of answering to no one.
       She settled into the caramel cushions of the car’s backseat. Lawrence steered in the direction of the Swan, her chosen nightclub. Mae knew in particular how it would be there. Lately the bandleader would make sure they didn’t play Duke Ellington’s gorgeous new piece, “Lady of the Lavender Mist,” her favorite, unless she was in the room and ready to dance. Her usual party would be seated and waiting at her table. The air al- ready hummed with the expectancy of an unseasonably warm Saturday night. The scene was set. It only needed her to make it come alive.



       Before Val Jackson had left for the Swan he’d sat in his office above his own club, the Diamond. The handsome walnut clock on the wall struck the half hour: nine thirty. He felt the bass throbbing in the floorboards under his feet. Half of Harlem danced beneath his good graces tonight but Val, pulling on his crisp white tuxedo shirt, thought only of Elizabeth Townsend, who was quietly situated at his aunt Rose’s Westchester estate. She would be getting ready for bed about now.
       His aunt always insisted on dinner at six—ridiculously early. Then she and Elizabeth would walk in the rose garden. Auntie turned in well before nine and that’s when Elizabeth wandered the great house alone, sometimes reading in the library. Her husband called each night at nine, an annoying detail. Then she would dress in her nightclothes, a thin cotton gown—sleeveless, the maid Annie had said—and sit on the balcony outside her room and gaze up into the sky before going to bed. One night the housekeeper thought she heard Elizabeth praying out there.
       Val fastened the silver cuff links at his wrists and recited Elizabeth’s routine to himself twice more as he finished dressing. He knew all the details, thanks to his man Sebastian’s unfailing ability to bribe just the right people in his aunt’s household. Elizabeth would be in bed by ten p.m. sharp; that’s what the latest report had said. He loved the potential of those two succulent hours between eight and ten. Just now, in May, they would be filled with air so thick with humidity no one’s mind would want the trouble of thinking straight. The end of a hot summer day was when a woman’s guard might be down just enough to entertain latent thoughts.
       But that’s what he enjoyed about this particular conquest. Elizabeth Townsend didn’t have any latent, smoldering desires. He had watched her long enough to know this, seen her loving eyes trained on her straight-as-a-board husband and her arm looped through his. Val would change that. He knew he would be the one to light the match, and whatever thoughts burned in her from there would be entirely his own creation. For a few sweet moments he paused and allowed himself the pleasure of imagining Elizabeth in her bed, her bare skin sliding between the cotton of her nightgown and the famously soft sheets his aunt’s home was known for. The prospect made him ache with satisfaction.
       A long, slow smile ignited from one corner of his mouth and spread to the other as he sat down behind his desk and leaned back in the enormous burgundy leather chair. Was this what Satchel Paige felt like, coming to the mound to meet a fresh opponent after so many years? Was he rolling in the life of it, so excited that there was still someone worth pursuing even after he had bedded and tasted the best? Elizabeth Townsend was so damn perfect—not one of these pants down, legs up women easily charmed by his name alone. He would savor Elizabeth Townsend when the time came—and it would be so fine the streets of Harlem would want to open up and swallow him, engulfing him in praise and awe.
       The butler answered so fast it was as though he’d come at Val’s very thought. Without a word, he took his employer’s left hand and, with a silver file, smoothed the nails and cleaned underneath them.
       “Any news?” Val used his right hand to remove a Montecristo cigar from the mahogany humidor on his desk. Sebastian pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit it. The smoke encircled Val’s head like a gentle fog and the spicy wood aroma filled the office as Val settled into his feel-good body for the night.
       “Miss Malveaux, they say, will be at the Swan, sir.”
       Val drew on the cigar with a long, deep breath. Nice. He and his wayward love would play their game tonight. There was nothing better than when he and Mae got to perform before an audience.
Only one question remained—who would be their targets?

What did you think of that excerpt?
Does UNFORGIVABLE LOVE sound like a book you'd like to read?

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Release Day Blitz: Scandalous (Sinners of Saint #3) by L. J. Shen

SCANDALOUS, the highly anticipated next standalone in the Sinners of Saint series by L. J. Shen is LIVE!

Woo hoo!! So, you might not have noticed, but L. J. Shen pushed publish early on her newest book, SCANDALOUS, so the wait is over! You can get your copy now...I've finished it already and trust want this book!

Scandalous by L.J. Shen
Publishing Date: September 29th, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
They call him The Mute for a reason.
Hard, cold and calculated, he rarely speaks.
When he does, it’s with disdain.
When he does, his words aren’t meant for me.
When he does, my stomach flips and my world tilts on its axis.
He is thirty-three.
I am eighteen.
He’s a single dad and my father’s business partner.
I’m just a kid to him and his enemy’s daughter.
He’s emotionally unavailable.
And I am…feeling. Feeling things I shouldn’t feel for him.
Trent Rexroth is going to break my heart. The writing isn’t just on the wall, it’s inked on my soul.
And yet, I can’t stay away.
A scandal is the last thing my family needs. But a scandal is what we’re going to give them.
And oh, what a beautiful chaos it will be.

G E T   Y O U R   C O P Y   N O W! 

*Hurry and get your copy soon! Leigh currently has SCANDALOUS on sale for $0.99, but she'll be raising the price soon. ;) It's definitely worth WAYYYYY more than $0.99, but definitely take the deal while you can!

Or...Start the Series of
Standalones Today!

(Free in Kindle Unlimited)

D E F Y (Sinners of Saint #0.5)

V I C I O U S (Sinners of Saint #1)

R U C K U S (Sinners of Saint #2)

Amazon US
| Amazon Canada | Amazon UK

About L.J. Shen 

L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.

Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.

She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.

Connect with L.J. Shen: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Newsletter | Website

I'm going to be sharing my review soon, but I will tell you that I absolutely LOVED SCANDALOUS! It was dark, sexy, and so addictive! If you're a fan of taboo romances, and like your heroes to be flawed, wild, and ruthless at their core, then you're adore Trent...he's not quite as bad as Vicious, but he's certainly a Hot Hole for a reason. ;)

Raise your hand if you can't wait to get your hands on a copy of SCANDALOUS?!

Seriously, who's excited?

Monday, 25 September 2017

Cover Reveal: BOUNTIFUL (True North #4) by Sarina Bowen

Hey, hey romance fans!!!

I have yet another fabulous cover reveal for you today! This time it's for Sarina Bowen's next book in her True North series, BOUNTIFUL! BOUNTIFUL actually acts as a bit of a crossover for her Brooklyn Bruisers series too as the hero happens to be one of the players on the team! I'm really excited for this one....and the cover is absolutely fantastic! 

I won't make you wait any longer it is! 

BOUNTIFUL (True North #4) by Sarina Bowen
Pub Date: October 20, 2017
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult


No last names. No life stories. Those were the rules.

Once upon a time a cocky, copper-haired tourist sauntered into Zara’s bar. And even though she knew better, Zara indulged in a cure for the small-town blues. It was supposed to be an uncomplicated fling—a few sizzling weeks before he went back to his life, and she moved on.

Until an accidental pregnancy changed her life.

Two years later, she’s made peace with the notion that Dave No-Last-Name will never be found. Until one summer day when he walks into her coffee shop, leveling her with the same hot smile that always renders her defenseless.

Dave Beringer has never forgotten the intense month he spent with prickly Zara. Their nights together were the first true intimacy he’d ever experienced. But the discovery of his child is the shock of a lifetime, and his ugly past puts relationships and family out of reach.

Or does it? Vermont’s countryside has a way of nurturing even tortured souls. The fields and the orchards—and hard won love—are Bountiful.

P r e - O r d e r   Y o u r   C o p y   T o d a y!

About the Author

SARINA BOWEN is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance. She lives in Vermont's Green Mountains with her family, six chickens and too much ski gear and hockey equipment.

In 2016, Sarina became a Rita Award winner! The Romance Writers of America honored HIM by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy with Best Contemporary Romance, Mid-Length.

What do you think of the cover?
And are you excited for BOUNTIFUL?

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Review: TEMPORARY by Sarina Bowen & Sarah Mayberry

Source: Received an egalley from the authors in exchange for an honest review.
Release Date: September 12, 2017


The most beautiful man I've ever seen is the one who can ruin everything...

The first time I lay eyes on Callan Walker, I know he’ll be trouble. With his smug grin, hot Aussie accent and thousand dollar shoes, he’s just the kind of rich guy who always gets what he wants.

And he wants two things: a night of sin, and my cooperation as he outmaneuvers his powerful mother to take control of his uncle’s estate.

I can’t afford either one. I’m the only thing standing between my little sister and the foster care system. He may have money and charm on his side, but I have something even more powerful -- pure desperation. This temp job at his mother’s company can become a full time job for me. It has to.

But when Callan’s eyes rake over my body, sometimes I forget my obligations. His piercing gaze finds the fun, optimistic girl I used to be and not the tired person I’ve become.

And it works--if only for a moment. Our night together was a mistake. I can't afford to get sucked into his high-powered family’s treachery. But the closer I get to Callan, the more layers I find beneath those expensive clothes. Though I can’t forget this is temporary. He’s temporary. I have too much to lose.

Too bad my foolish heart didn’t get the memo...
Get Your Copy Today:
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About the Authors

SARINA BOWEN is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance. She lives in Vermont's Green Mountains with her family, six chickens and too much ski gear and hockey equipment.

In 2016, Sarina became a Rita Award winner! The Romance Writers of America honored HIM by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy with Best Contemporary Romance, Mid-Length.

SARAH MAYBERRY lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her partner of nearly twenty years (who has recently become her husband!). When she's not in her pajamas eating peanut butter sandwiches and typing away madly on her latest story, she enjoys reading, cooking, sleeping, pilates, going to the movies and shopping. Not necessarily in that order!

Some of Sarah's favorite authors are Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Rachel Gibson, Karina Bliss, Mary Balogh, Julie James, Sherry Thomas, Meredith Duran, and Loretta Chase. Her favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally, although she is also very fond of His Girl Friday and Something About Mary.

Sarah loves to hear from readers via her website at

 Connect to Sarah: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Newsletter Signup


 Despite having several friends who have raved about some of the other books that Sarina Bowen has co-authored, this was actually my first time reading one of her co-written books! I've been loving her Brooklyn Bruisers series, so when I first read the blurb for TEMPORARY, I couldn't resist adding it to my to-read list and I was extremely excited to read her first book with Sarah Mayberry! And you know was as AMAZING as I hoped it would be!

 When I'm reading a romance, I'm one of those readers who judges books based on how they make me feel. Do I laugh? Do I cry? Do I swoon? Well, TEMPORARY had me checking all those boxes! The story was incredibly unique and it wasn't like anything I'd ever read before. The story was compelling and I didn't want to put it down at all. I was pulled in from the moment that I read the book's description and the story completely delivered! I was smitten when I finished this book, and even though I don't make it a habit to reread as much as I used to, I'd definitely love to reread TEMPORARY again sometime soon!

And the characters...oh my! I loved Grace! She was driven, brave, strong, and so determined when it came to taking care of her sister! She was also incredibly passionate about her art, which was a side that I loved seeing snippets of! And Callan...Callan was AMAZING! Like a large portion of the population, I have a serious weakness for the accent alone was enough for Callan to immediately intrigue me! Once you get past his dreamy accent and super sexy appearance, Callan just got better and better though! He's one of those characters that appears one way, but is so much deeper and I loved seeing him let Grace in. Their banter was hilarious and I loved that we got to see both of their perspectives because their reactions to one another was one of the most interesting parts of the romance. They also had some seriously intense chemistry and the sexy bits in the story were pretty steamy! I also really loved seeing Grace's relationship with her sister. It added an interesting dynamic to the story and created an interesting parallel when compared to Callan's family life, too.

Overall, I adored TEMPORARY! The romance between Grace and Callan was wonderful--they had amazing chemistry and I loved how their story unfolded! I also loved that while the romance was sexy, it was also incredibly sweet. The family dynamics also added additional introspective elements that pushed TEMPORARY further than simply a romance where the characters come from very different worlds. I loved how all of these elements combined in this story and I can't recommend it enough--I also can't wait for Sarina Bowen and Sarah Mayberry's next collaboration! Contemporary romance fans who love sexy, yet sweet stories, will love this one! 

What do you think?
Does TEMPORARY sound like something you'd like to read?


On Monday, I shared the cover for L. J. Shen's SCANDALOUS, and today I have a little tease for you! In case you missed the cover before, I've left that all the important info in...and I've kept the super duper cover in so that everyone can get another peek! 

To get to the teaser, scroll to the end! ;)

Scandalous by L.J. Shen
Publishing Date: September 29th, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
They call him The Mute for a reason.
Hard, cold and calculated, he rarely speaks.
When he does, it’s with disdain.
When he does, his words aren’t meant for me.
When he does, my stomach flips and my world tilts on its axis.
He is thirty-three.
I am eighteen.
He’s a single dad and my father’s business partner.
I’m just a kid to him and his enemy’s daughter.
He’s emotionally unavailable.
And I am…feeling. Feeling things I shouldn’t feel for him.
Trent Rexroth is going to break my heart. The writing isn’t just on the wall, it’s inked on my soul.
And yet, I can’t stay away.
A scandal is the last thing my family needs. But a scandal is what we’re going to give them.
And oh, what a beautiful chaos it will be.

Click on this photo to see a larger version of the full jacket!

Start the Series of
Standalones Today!

(Free in Kindle Unlimited)

D E F Y (Sinners of Saint #0.5)

[ Amazon Links: US | Canada | UK ] Add to Goodreads

V I C I O U S (Sinners of Saint #1)

[ Amazon Links: US | Canada | UK ] Add to Goodreads 

R U C K U S (Sinners of Saint #2)
[ Amazon Links: US | Canada | UK ] Add to Goodreads

About L.J. Shen 

L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.

Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.

She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.

Connect with L.J. Shen: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Newsletter | Website

And's your teaser!

Fangirl tip: if you want to see even more inside scoops...check out L. J. Shen's Facebook group, LJ's Sassy Sparrows.

What do you think?
Do you love the cover and how'd that quickie teaser make you feel...curious yet?

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Review: CHECKMATE: THIS IS BEAUTIFUL (Logan & Kayla #2) by Kennedy Fox

Source: Received a copy from the authors in exchange for an honest review.
Release Date: September 19, 2017


The anticipated conclusion of the Logan & Kayla saga in the Checkmate Duet Series from a secret duo under the USA Today bestselling author pseudonym, Kennedy Fox!

This second-chance romance will have you gasping and cheering this two on from the first to the last page! Are you ready to play the final game?


Kayla Sinclair is a saint and real life Angel.
She wears her heart on her sleeve and inspires me to be a better person.
Rescuing dogs, feeding the homeless, volunteering at the local food pantry are just a few of the ways she gives back to others, although no one has ever been there for her.
Falling for her was inevitable, losing her will destroy me.

Letting someone in didn't come easy, but she made me want to try for the first time in years.

Her bubbling personality and kind spirit make it impossible to forget a girl like her.
But when tragedy strikes and she loses all memory that our relationship ever existed, my worst nightmare comes to life.

I'll do anything to remind her of the love we shared. I know it'll be an uphill battle, but I won't walk away without a fight. Whoever said all is fair in love and war never played by my rules.

Checkmate, Angel.

*Recommend for ages 18+ due to sexual content and adult language.*

**This is book 2 in the Logan & Kayla Saga--a second-chance romance. Must read This is Dangerous first. However, you don't need to read any of the other Checkmate duet series to enjoy this one, but it's recommended as they are both introduced in the earlier books.**


iBooks | Kobo | B&N
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon CA


A secret duo of romance authors team up under the USA Today Bestselling pseudonym, Kennedy Fox who share a love of You’ve Got Mail and The Holiday. When they aren’t bonding over romantic comedies, they like to brainstorm new book ideas. One day, they decided to collaborate and have some fun creating new characters that’ll make your lady bits tingle and your heart melt. If you enjoy romance stories with sexy, tattooed alpha males and smart, independent women, then a Kennedy Fox book is for you!

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Yup, it's decided! Logan and Kayla are officially and completely my favourite Checkmate couple!

From the very first time we saw Logan back in This is Reckless (Drew + Courtney #1)
, I was intrigued and once the barest hint of a suggestion was laid that he and Kayla would get together, I was SOLD! I've been shipping these two since day one and I've loved every moment of them together...every single moment!  

This is Dangerous, their first book, set some seriously amazing groundwork and left off on a MAJOR cliffhanger, so I've been eagerly waiting for This is Beautiful for months now, and I'm so glad that it's finally here...and you know what, the wait was so worth it! This is Beautiful was amazing! I think This is Dangerous is still my ultimate fave out of all of the Checkmate books, but I really loved this one too, and Logan and Kayla's books have definitely been my favourites. 

There are so many things that I loved about This is Beautiful, and most of them are the things that I loved about This is Dangerous, too. I loved both Logan and Kayla! They're fantastic apart, but even more amazing together...and the chemistry between the two of them is absolutely scorching. The dogs! As an overly enthusiastic dog lover, who has a serious soft spot for all things Disney,...and is also an avid bath bomb user, I sometimes felt like Kayla actually was me. There were just so many little details that made me love this book, and once I started reading it, I didn't put it down. The story itself was intense, and it kept me glued to the page even more!

Overall, I thought that This is Beautiful was a wonderful conclusion to Logan and Kayla's story! It had my emotions going all over the place, but I loved every second of it! This book was heart-wrenching, yet so sexy and sweet! If you're looking for an addictive romance to start, look no further than Kennedy Fox, whether you decide to just read this duet, or if you decide to go back and start with Travis and Viola's will not want to put these books down!

So, who isn't addicted to Kennedy Fox's books yet?
For fans, who's your favourite couple?
For newbies, are you planning to pick up these books anytime soon?

Monday, 18 September 2017

Cover Reveal: SCANDALOUS (Sinners of Saint #3) by L. J. Shen

SCANDALOUS, the highly anticipated next standalone in the Sinners of Saint Series by L.J. Shen is coming September 29th!

Thankfully that means we don't have much longer to wait...but today I have something super exciting to tide you's the cover for SCANDLOUS...and it is seriously sexy! ;)

I'm going to be nice and not make you here it is!

Scandalous by L.J. Shen
Publishing Date: September 29th, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
They call him The Mute for a reason.
Hard, cold and calculated, he rarely speaks.
When he does, it’s with disdain.
When he does, his words aren’t meant for me.
When he does, my stomach flips and my world tilts on its axis.
He is thirty-three.
I am eighteen.
He’s a single dad and my father’s business partner.
I’m just a kid to him and his enemy’s daughter.
He’s emotionally unavailable.
And I am…feeling. Feeling things I shouldn’t feel for him.
Trent Rexroth is going to break my heart. The writing isn’t just on the wall, it’s inked on my soul.
And yet, I can’t stay away.
A scandal is the last thing my family needs. But a scandal is what we’re going to give them.
And oh, what a beautiful chaos it will be.

Click on this photo to see a larger version of the full jacket!

Start the Series of
Standalones Today!

(Free in Kindle Unlimited)

D E F Y (Sinners of Saint #0.5)

V I C I O U S (Sinners of Saint #1)

R U C K U S (Sinners of Saint #2)

Amazon US
| Amazon Canada | Amazon UK

About L.J. Shen 

L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.

Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.

She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.

Connect with L.J. Shen: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Newsletter | Website

I've been eagerly waiting for Trent's book ever since I finished VICIOUS...I was torn between wanting his or Dean's book after Vic's, so I'm so glad that the time has finally come for Trent to find his match!

I've always been a fan of the covers for L.J. Shen's Sinners of Saint series and the cover for SCANDALOUS is no exception! It's seriously sexy...and downright scandalous, too. ;) I also always love that the covers in this series have hidden little mementos in the titles, too. DEFY has anchors, and VICIOUS has cherry blossoms. I've never been quite sure what RUCKUS has...but I think it has to do with toxicity and poison...maybe even bacterial cells. *shrugs* It's gorgeous either way, but SCANDALOUS seems to have seahorses, so we can only guess they'll play some kind of role in the story, and I definitely can't wait to find out how! :D

What do you think?
Are you as smitten with the cover for SCANDALOUS as I am?

Friday, 15 September 2017

Review: THE FINAL SCORE (Play by Play #13) by Jaci Burton

Source: Received an egalley from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Publisher: Berkley Books
Release Date: September 12. 2017
Number of Pages: 352 (Paperback)


In the new Play-by-Play novel by the New York Times bestselling author of Rules of Contact, a star quarterback is torn between his love of the game--and the woman who may be the love of his life.

Nathan Riley is ready to follow in the footsteps of his famous football player father. He's been drafted as quarterback for his dad's former team, and his future is bright. When his friend Mia Cassidy moves to the same city, their years-long friendship suddenly sparks hot, reminding him of the one night they had together in college that he can never forget.

Like Nathan, Mia is from a sports dynasty family and embarking on an incredible new career--as founder of her own sports management company. Her friendship with Nathan means everything to her, and tossing sex into the mix again could jeopardize it. But the chemistry between them has always sizzled, and it isn't long before Mia realizes she wants more with Nathan than just late-night talks and pizza.

Passion has a funny way of changing the rules, and soon Nathan and Mia discover that to win it all, they'll have to make an unexpected play for love.
P U R C H A S E    L I N K S:

Indigo | Amazon | | iBooks | Kobo | B&N

About the Author

JACI BURTON is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of over 70 books. She lives in Oklahoma and when she isn’t on deadline (which is often), she can usually be found wrestling with her uncooperative garden, wrangling her dogs, watching an unhealthy amount of television, or completely losing track of time reading a great book. She’s a total romantic and longs for the happily ever after in every story, which you’ll find in all her books.. Visit her website at for excerpts, book information and contests.
Connect to Jaci: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Tumblr


I've been a HUGE fan of Jaci Burton's Play By Play series since the very first book, The Perfect Game, and I've loved every single book in the series so far! I've absolutely LOVED seeing her build up the Riley family, the Cassidy family and every other amazing character in between! We started with Mick and Tara in the first book...and now in THE FINAL SCORE we're making our way back to them with their son, Nathan...and his love interest happens to be Mia, the only daughter in the Cassidy family! We've met her four older brothers and seen them all find love, so it was absolutely wonderful to come back to see her budding romance with Nathan! Even better, I'm love friends-to-lovers romances and Jaci did an amazing job with this one!

If you're new to the Play by Play series, you won't necessarily know the backstory for a lot of these characters, but don't worry, you won't be spoiled if you decide to pick it up now! You'll see who they're with, but with Jaci's books, the stories of how they got there are really what make them all so wonderful. Of course, if you start here,  you're going to love it, and then you'll desperately want to get your hands on all of the books that came before this don't say I didn't warn you! That being said, don't let the fact that this is a bigger series stop you from picking it up. Jaci Burton's romances are phenomenal, and if you're a contemporary romance fan at all, I seriously can't recommend her books enough. I read A LOT of romance, and Jaci Burton is an absolute favourite of mine! Her books are on my auto-buy list (especially her Play by Play series!!!), and she also happens to be the romance author that got me obsessed with sports romances in the first place!

If you're a fan of sexy stories with a whole lot of heart, then Jaci Burton is absolutely for you! Her characters are amazing! In the 13 books (and several novellas) that make up the Play by Play series, I have yet to run into any repetitive storylines or to feel like her characters are copies of each other! The characters, the stories...and even the sexy scenes, are all incredibly unique and she manages to keep her writing fresh no matter how far along in the series you get! I was actually a bit worried when I first heard about THE FINAL SCORE because I thought it was the last book in series and I didn't want her series to be finished yet (I don't think I ever will!)....don't worry though, it isn't! There's already another book planned for February 2018 called SHOT ON GOLD...and I can't wait to read it, too!

Somehow...despite being smitten with Jaci's books for years this is the first time that I've actually reviewed one on my blog, so I hope you don't blame me for gushing about how awesome she is before talking specifically about THE FINAL SCORE! ;)

As should come as no surprise by how much I've already raved about Jaci Burton in this review, I've loved every single book in her Play by Play series! I'd be hard pressed to ever pick a favourite, but for right now (until the next book comes that is ;D), THE FINAL SCORE is sitting right at the top of my list! Nathan and Mia were phenomenal main characters, and I loved getting to know them better! I also adored their dynamics together. As I mentioned, I love romances that are friends-to-lovers, so I was a huge fan of how their story developed. They were so open and honest with each other, and their chemistry was off the charts! All of the books in this series are sexy, but WOW! Mia and Nathan had hot enough chemistry that I thought my kindle might just overheat. ;)

Overall, I loved THE FINAL SCORE! It's the perfect addition to an already amazing sports romance series, and I can't wait for Jaci Burton's next book...SHOT ON GOLD!

Any other sports romance fanatics out there?
Have you read any of Jaci Burton's books yet?
If you have, do you have a favourite (I know! Impossible to choose :P)?
If not, have I convinced you to pick one up yet?

Monday, 11 September 2017

FRATERNIZE Blog Tour: Review, Player Card + Giveaway

Some of you may already know this, but just in case you don't, I wanted to share--I actually work for a book distributor (Thomas Allen & Son, in fact). I may be biased, but I happen to think that we distribute some truly amazing books in Canada. ;) 

One of the books that I've been most excited for this season is FRATERNIZE by Rachel Van Dyken! Not only is it written by one of my favourite romance authors (Rachel is seriously AMAZING!!!), but it's also a sports romance...and by now, you should probably know that I love me some sports romances! 

Since I love Rachel so much and have been so ridiculously excited for FRATERNIZE, I actually put together a blog tour at work for it...and today, today I get to start it off, and I'm so beyond excited to share all things FRATERNIZE with you all! 

I was excited for this book before I even read it...and now that I've read it, I can 100% tell you that it was worth it. So, so, so worth it...but I'm going to stop there because I have a review to share later on in this post. ;)


(Players Game #1) 
by Rachel Van Dyken

Pub date: September 12, 2017

Publisher: Skyscape

Available in Canada through Thomas Allen & Son


New York Times bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken kicks off a brand-new series in which romance is a game and love is a touchdown.

Emerson just made her dream come true as a professional cheerleader for her favorite pro football team. But even though the plus-size athlete is breaking down boundaries, she still has to contend with the massive rulebook. Carbs? Nope. Chocolate? Definitely not. Still, Emerson loves her curves, and she’ll rock the hell out of this job even if it kills her. Except for one mandate that is easier read than done…

No fraternizing with the players.

Problem one is Miller Quinton: Emerson’s first love, first sex, and the guy who still ignites her daydreams and R-rated fantasies. Thrown back together, Miller and Emerson feel the undeniable pull of passion again, even if the conflict that tore them apart seems insurmountable. Then there’s way-too-sexy Grant Sanchez. He has a serious reputation with the ladies, and when it comes to winning someone he wants, he doesn’t let anyone stand in his way.

Now Emerson is breaking every rule in the manual. But what she doesn’t know is that she’s part of a wicked little game—one that could steal both her dream and her heart.

* Get Your Copy Today! *

RACHEL VAN DYKEN is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


I've been waiting for FRATERNIZE since I first heard about it months ago...I love, love, love sports romances and Rachel Van Dyken is one of my favourite authors so I knew that I had to read this book...and sure enough, I LOVED IT!

There are so many things about Rachel's romances that I love. Her writing has a certain flow that quickly pulls me into the story, and I always think that her characters are fantastic! They're dynamic and jump right off the page, and FRATERNIZE was no exception!

The one part of FRATERNIZE that had me unsure was the love triangle that the description and cover tease about. I'm not a big fan of love triangles, so I was a bit worried, but I trusted that Rachel Van Dyken wouldn't get my feelings too mixed up, and she didn't steer me wrong! I'm so glad I didn't let the fear of a love triangle keep me from reading FRATERNIZE because I've never experienced a love triangle like this before. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I'm going to be a bit vague, but right from the start it's pretty clear that the romance is never really going to unfold as a triangle. There are feelings going all around, shared histories, budding relationships, and all that, but not once is there ever any kind of cheating nor is Emerson ever dating both of them at the same time, and I really, really loved that fact!

FRATERNIZE features multiple POVs. It's mostly told from Emerson and Miller's POVs, but there are a couple of chapters for Grant (or Sanchez as he's referred to in a large chunk of the book), which was really interesting! I loved seeing the thoughts of all three characters, and I really loved seeing the dynamics between them! FRATERNIZE also features flashbacks from when Emerson and Miller went to school together, which worked well to show the reader their history! I loved all three main characters, but I have to admit it, Grant is definitely my favourite! ;)

Emerson is sarcastic, a bit vulnerable (she's been through some tough times), but most of all, she's strong. She fights to accomplish her dreams, and she's fiercely independent. I really admired that she did her best to stay true to herself, and when she was self-conscious and insecure, she listened and accepted the pep talks from her friends that she needed. Miller was a bit broodier than I expected--especially since he's pretty laid back and silly in flashbacks, but I loved seeing him open up to his teammates! And Grant...wowzers! When Grant showed up, I was immediately smitten. He started off as a bit of a bad boy, but this bad boy has a heart of gold! He was also super duper swoony and said some of the most wonderful lines...seriously, he had me blushing and smiling like crazy while I was reading on the subway. He was definitely sexy, but I absolutely loved his personality. He's thoughtful, a bit of a joker, and has lots of heart and integrity. I also really loved Kinsey (the head cheerleader on Emerson's team), and Jax (the Bellevue Bucks starting quarterback)...I can't wait to see more of Kinsey in the sequel, INFRACTION!

Since I've gushed about how Grant had me swooning, I'm sure it's not surprising that the romance was my favourite part, but the friendships in FRATERNIZE were also wonderful! And I also really enjoyed the story itself. It was pretty dramatic and a bit heavy at times, but I thought it worked really well for the characters, and anytime I had to put the book down, I really didn't want to! I also always love how Rachel sneaks popular culture into her books, and FRATERNIZE had some great ones!

Overall, I loved FRATERNIZE! I loved the story, the romance, the friendships...every single thing! Rachel Van Dyken has done it again—she's wowed me! This was such a wonderful book and it was everything that I could hope for it to be and more!!! If you're a fan of her books already, or if you love sports romances like I do, then I think you'll love this one, too! Now we just have to wait until January for the next book, INFRACTION! ;)



I've raved about loving sports romances more than once on my blog, so it should come as no shock that the sports romance aspect is what I what was most excited for when it came to FRATERNIZE, and boy, oh boy did it ever deliver!

Not only was Fraternize packing one hot athletic was packing two! And today, I have a little player card to introduce one of those studly leading men to you, Miller Quinton! ;)

So, here's your intro to Miller:

(If you'd like to see it larger, click on the image!)


The winner will receive 1 copy of Fraternize by Rachel Van Dyken!

Giveaway Details:
- Canada Only (full rules found in the T&C on Rafflecopter)
- Giveaway ends on September 28th at 11:59 am EST
- Winner will be drawn randomly through Rafflecopter, contacted via email & will have 48 hours to claim their prize


Don't worry, my blog may have been the start of the Fraternize tour, but the fun is only beginning! You can follow the rest of the tour with this handy schedule!

Fraternize Blog Tour Schedule: 

I'm not sure if it's possible for anyone to have been as excited for Fraternize as I was, but hopefully I've gotten you at least a little excited for it!

What do you think?
Did you like the intro you got to Miller with the Player Card? 
And has my rambling review (and excessive raving) gotten you excited for Fraternize yet?