Thursday, 17 December 2015

Excerpt Tour: THIEF OF LIES (Library Jumpers #1) by Brenda Drake!

I don't know about you all, but I am SUPER excited for Brenda Drake's THIEF OF LIES! When I was offered the chance to share an excerpt today...I JUMPED at the chance!! I definitely wanted a sneak peek, and I'm sure some of you do, too!!!

First, here's a bit of information about THIEF OF LIES:
Title: THIEF OF LIES (Library Jumpers, #1)
Release date:  1/5/16
Author: Brenda Drake

About the Book:

Gia Kearns would rather fight with boys than kiss them. That is, until Arik, a leather clad hottie in the Boston Athenaeum, suddenly disappears. While examining the book of world libraries he abandoned, Gia unwittingly speaks the key that sucks her and her friends into a photograph and transports them into a Paris library, where Arik and his Sentinels—magical knights charged with protecting humans from the creatures traveling across the gateway books—rescue them from a demonic hound.

Jumping into some of the world's most beautiful libraries would be a dream come true for Gia, if she weren’t busy resisting her heart or dodging an exiled wizard seeking revenge on both the Mystik and human worlds. Add a French flirt obsessed with Arik and a fling with a young wizard, and Gia must choose between her heart and her head, between Arik's world and her own, before both are destroyed.

Purchase Links: Amazon | | | B&N | iTunes
About the Author:

BRENDA DRAKE, the youngest of three children, grew up an Air Force brat and the continual new kid at school. Her fondest memories growing up is of her eccentric, Irish grandmother’s animated tales, which gave her a strong love for storytelling. So it was only fitting that she would choose to write stories with a bend toward the fantastical. When Brenda’s not writing or doing the social media thing, she’s haunting libraries, bookstores, and coffee shops or reading someplace quiet and not at all exotic (much to her disappointment).

Connect with Brenda: Website | Twitter | Facebook

Now what we've been waiting for...the excerpt!


I pressed the screen, and it went dark. “How do we know he’s not being forced to say this?”
    “The password, May Agnes guide you,” Lei replied. “She’s the patron saint of Asile.”
    Agnes? That was the silver woman’s name that formed from my globe. Did the saints have something to do with the Chiavi?
    I faced Ricardo. “How did you know I was here?”
    “The werehounds tracked your scent from a shirt Katy…excuse me, your nana…gave us.”
    “Can your pack help us save Couve?” Arik asked him.
    “They will, but Gia must go with me.” He noticed the protest forming on my lips. “Merlin said no exceptions. I’m to get you to the shelter.”
    From the corridor came yells, scuffles, and the continual wail of the warning siren.
    “I can’t go with you,” I said. “I have to fight with them.”
    “She can’t fight with us,” Lei said, glancing at the door. “She almost killed Kale.”
    I turned to Sinead. “You know what I can do.”
    Sinead gave me a pity smile. “Yes, but you have no control over it. Let Ricardo take you to your father and friends.”
    I thought of Kale lying motionless, near death, and I hated that she was right. As much as I wanted to stay, I might be more hindrance than help. I caved. “Okay,” I said, defeated. Lei flew out of the room with the Laniars on her heels.
    Sinead hugged me, then rushed after them. Arik moved over to me and cupped my face gently in his hands. His eyes held the intensity that always drew me to him.
    I swallowed my breath in anticipation. All the sounds around us went silent.
    He bent and lightly brushed my lips with a kiss. His lips were soft and oh, so tender. Butterflies swooped and curled inside me, and it felt like the ground disappeared from beneath my feet. He pulled back a little and said, “Regardless of the fact that you’re a royal pain in the arse, I fancy you. Listen to Ricardo and don’t do anything rash.”
    He gave me another kiss and rushed out the door. My heart twisted in my chest as he disappeared. I touched my mouth and exhaled. He liked me. It was against the laws, but he told me he fancied me. Maybe we had no future, but we had now.
    “What a sweet display,” Ricardo said, dragging me out of my haze. “I’m not one for rules or laws, but I’d be careful there. The punishment would be much worse for him than you.”
    “Why?” I stared at the door as if I’d see Arik there.
    “He’s a leader. He knows better.” Ricardo headed to the window. “Are you ready to fly?”
    “Did you say fly?”

I've been eagerly awaiting THIEF OF LIES ever since I first heard about it at the Raincoast Teens Read Winter + Spring Preview! It reminded me of The Pagemaster and I just love the idea of being able to travel through libraries!!! So neat...and after that excerpt, it sounds even better now! 

 So, what do you think?

 Is THIEF OF LIES going on your to-read list?

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Game Winner Blog Tour: Excerpt! #ColletteWest #GameWinner #NewYorkKings

Game Winner
by Collette West
New York Kings
Publication Date: December 4, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance,Sports

Purchase: Amazon | Nook | iBooks

Playing center field for the New York Kings, Jake Woodbury has one of the most prestigious jobs in all of sports. To the world, he's the good-looking, soft-spoken minister's son who’s survived celebrity without a hint of scandal. But, inside, he's reeling from a secret that seems destined to haunt him forever.

Scarlett Moore is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet, famous for singing about her celebrity ex-boyfriends. The CEO of her record label has carefully honed her provocative image since she was fifteen. Sex sells, and Scarlett’s well aware that it takes more than talent to stay on top.

One thing is clear: She’s the last thing Jake needs. And he’s the do-gooder jock she should avoid at all costs. But when the game begins, all bets are off.


Collette West grew up as somewhat of a jock-nerd hybrid. Entering the world three weeks premature, her dad nearly missed her birth because he had seats behind the dugout for a sold-out, highly-anticipated match-up between two of baseball's biggest rivals. Not to be outdone, her book-loving mom taught her how to read by the time she was three. A love of the game coupled with an appreciation for the written word were instilled in Collette's impressionable brain from a young age. No wonder her characters believe in the philosophy: sports + romance = a little slice of heaven.

Splitting her time between the Pocono Mountains and Manhattan, Collette indulges her inner fangirl by going to as many games as she can from hockey to baseball and downloading every sports romance novel in existence onto her iPad. When she's not clicking away on her laptop, she enjoys walking her dog in Central Park, satisfying her caffeine craving at the Starbucks on Broadway and keeping an eye out for Mr. Right. But above all, she loves dishing with her readers. Email her at

She is the author of the New York Kings series which includes: NIGHT GAMES, GAME CHANGER, GAME ON, PERFECT GAME, INSIDE GAME and GAME WINNER.

Connect with Collette: WebsiteBlogTwitterFacebookGoodreads


Mid-smile, I turn my head toward the on-deck circle and catch Jake Woodbury staring in our direction.

He must be looking over at his ex, Roberta, trying to get her attention. What a sucker. Dude, let it go.

But, when Roberta bends down to get something out of her bag, his eyes don’t pull away. In fact, he even grins slightly, and I realize he’s not looking at her. He’s looking at me.

Okay, I'm used to guys checking me out. It's nothing new. But, just as my skin starts to prickle, he looks away.

Maybe he's just trying to make Roberta jealous by coming on to me in front of her. Yeah, that must be it. It's too good of an opportunity to pass up, what with Scarlett Moore, the princess of pop, sitting right next to his ex. But this is neither the time nor the place for him to be openly flirting with me. He has a job to do. A very important job: get on base and kick-start the Kings' lineup. But all he's doing is kick-starting my beating heart.

But, if I'm being totally honest with myself, that's not what this feels like. In fact, it feels like he couldn't care less that his ex is sitting beside me.

And then I know I'm not imagining things when he takes his bat off his shoulder and points the end of the barrel at me.

"This one's for you, Scarlett!" he calls out while confidently striding by.

I smile, despite myself. All right. I’ll play along with you, hot stuff.

Before I can even think twice about it, I raise a hand to my lips and blow him a kiss.


I just had to go with that teaser! It happens right near the beginning of the GAME WINNER...and I was pretty much hooked as soon as this part happened...actually even before that! ;)

What did you think?

Did you like the excerpt? And does GAME WINNER sound like something you'd enjoy?

Friday, 4 December 2015

Release Day Blitz: Game Winner by Collette West!

Today's an exciting day!!! 

It's release day for the latest book in Collette West's New York Kings series, GAME WINNER!! 

I've already read it...and I LOVED IT! This is my favourite of the Kings books so far...and I already can't wait to read it again!! :D

by Collette West
New York Kings
Publication Date: December 4, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance,Sports
Purchase: Amazon | Nook | iBooks

Playing center field for the New York Kings, Jake Woodbury has one of the most prestigious jobs in all of sports. To the world, he's the good-looking, soft-spoken minister's son who’s survived celebrity without a hint of scandal. But, inside, he's reeling from a secret that seems destined to haunt him forever.

Scarlett Moore is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet, famous for singing about her celebrity ex-boyfriends. The CEO of her record label has carefully honed her provocative image since she was fifteen. Sex sells, and Scarlett’s well aware that it takes more than talent to stay on top.

One thing is clear: She’s the last thing Jake needs. And he’s the do-gooder jock she should avoid at all costs. But when the game begins, all bets are off.


Collette West grew up as somewhat of a jock-nerd hybrid. Entering the world three weeks premature, her dad nearly missed her birth because he had seats behind the dugout for a sold-out, highly-anticipated match-up between two of baseball's biggest rivals. Not to be outdone, her book-loving mom taught her how to read by the time she was three. A love of the game coupled with an appreciation for the written word were instilled in Collette's impressionable brain from a young age. No wonder her characters believe in the philosophy: sports + romance = a little slice of heaven.

Splitting her time between the Pocono Mountains and Manhattan, Collette indulges her inner fangirl by going to as many games as she can from hockey to baseball and downloading every sports romance novel in existence onto her iPad. When she's not clicking away on her laptop, she enjoys walking her dog in Central Park, satisfying her caffeine craving at the Starbucks on Broadway and keeping an eye out for Mr. Right. But above all, she loves dishing with her readers. Email her at

She is the author of the New York Kings series which includes: NIGHT GAMES, GAME CHANGER, GAME ON, PERFECT GAME, INSIDE GAME and GAME WINNER.

 Connect with Collette: WebsiteBlogTwitterFacebookGoodreads

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Does GAME WINNER sound like a book you'd like to read?