Thursday, 14 May 2015

Blog Tour Review: Love on the Ledge (On the Verge #2) by Zoraida Córdova

Source: Received an egalley through Netgalley to participate in blog tour and give an honest review.
Publisher: Diversion Books
Release Date: Already Released!
Number of Pages: 250 (Paperback)
Purchase Links: Amazon | Kobo | iBooks

Description from Goodreads:
Sky Lopez thought she had it all—the perfect job, the perfect relationship, the perfect life…until she discovers her not-so-perfect boyfriend has been cheating on her. So when her uncle asks her to help plan his Hamptons wedding, Sky jumps at the chance, leaving all of her “perfect” future plans in the rearview mirror.

The wedding doesn’t prove as good a distraction as she’d hoped, because when her relatives and friends find out she’s single, they put Sky in their match-making sights. Never mind that she’s only twenty four. Never mind that she doesn’t want to settle for anyone other than Mr. Right. Seemingly everyone in Sky’s life wants her to get married and have babies. Like, yesterday.

So when Hayden—a sweet, sexy roofer—plummets through the ceiling and practically falls into her lap, she can’t help but think that maybe nice guys do just fall from the sky.

Soon Sky finds herself juggling crumbling wedding plans, the cheating ex who’s trying to win her back, the cute plastic surgeon her family thinks is perfect for her, and the hot roofer she can’t seem to get off her mind.

As the wedding date draws closer, Sky will need to choose one—or none—to keep herself from falling off the ledge, and maybe into love.

Zoraida Córdova was born in Ecuador and raised in Queens. She is the author of The Vicious Deep Trilogy. She studied English Lit at Hunter College, and The University of Montana before finding a home for herself in the (kinda) glittering world of New York City’s nightlife. She prefers her cocktails shaken, her bacon crispy, and her men with a side of chivalry

Website | Facebook | Twitter


I listened to and loved the first book in the On the Verge series, and I was so excited to read this one!!! I really enjoyed Sky in Luck on the Line, so I was thrilled to get to see what happened to her in Love on the Ledge, and I was definitely not disapointed! Hayden kicks Bradley's butt anyday! :P

Love on the Ledge was amazing!!! I loved the characters, the story, the romance, the banter...absolutely everything!! The main character, Sky, was so refreshing and real. After going through a rough breakup, and being forced to reconsider her life, Sky was trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. I thought that was something that most people can relate to, I know that I certainly related to her! I also loved how Sky worried about what her family thought of her, and was conscious of their opinions, but when it really mattered, she stood up for herself. I loved that when push came to shove, Sky did what she thought was right! I'm definitely a HUGE Sky fangirl. :P 

I also just have to say that Sky's love interest, Hayden, was perfect!!! The way they met was so unique and memorable, and he was just such an absolutely wonderful man! It's so great to see a love interest who definitely has flaws, but is a nice, all-around great guy, and Hayden was definitely that! I especially loved how Hayden treated Sky. It's amazing to see a "nice" guy as a love interest, it really doesn't happen as often as it should. :P Sky's story actually begins in the book that comes before this one, Luck on the Line, so after we've seen Sky's history, Hayden is even more amazing!!! If you can't already tell, I'm a Hayden fangirl, too! :P haha

Overall, I absolutely loved Love on the Ledge! It was a wonderful story with fantastic characters! The romance was amazing, and the story itself moved at a really great pace. The entire book felt so natural, and it felt like I was right there in the story with Sky and Hayden! I'd recommend this one to Zoraida Córdova's current fans, and to readers who love romances that end on very, very happy notes!


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What do you think?
Does Love on the Ledge sound like something you'd like to read?

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Historical Fiction Fans! Don't Miss the TIMELESS TOUR!

If you're a fan of historical fiction and romance, and live in Canada, then you're definitely going to be interested in this! SUSANNA KEARSLEY and GENEVIEVE GRAHAM are touring across Canada! :D

The full details can be found on Simon & Schuster's website, here: Timeless Tour.

But, I'll give you a quick rundown! They'll be touring from May 9th until May 13th, and they'll be stopping in Victoria (9th), Calgary (11th), Winnipeg (12th), and Uxbridge (13th)! Full details for each event are listed on the website.

And if you can't make it to the event, then there are some extras on the website as well, and the authors are both very active on social media, so if you can't say you love their books in person, I'm sure they'd love to hear it online!

Feel free to share this button (you can click on it to make it bigger, too), and news of this fabulous tour:
So, who's already planning to go?

Guest Post: Genevieve Graham On Inspiration & her "Top 10 Historical Romance Novels"

Just a bit ago, Genevieve Graham's TIDES OF HONOUR was released! :D

I've already started reading it, and have been absolutely loving every minute! :D Today, I've got Genevieve's Top 10 historical romance novels and a guest post!! :D

First, I'll share Genevieve's Top Ten List!!! Here it is:

Genevieve's Top 10 Historical Romance novels:

1. Outlander (series - Diana Gabaldon)
2. Out of the Wilderness (series - Sara Donati)
3. The Winter Sea (Susanna Kearsley)
4. The Outsider (Penelope Williamson)
5. The Bronze Horseman (series - Paullina Simons)
6. Lady of the Forest (Jennifer Roberson)
7. Pride of Lions (series - Marsha Canham)
8. The Virgin Cure (Ami McKay)
9. A White Wind Blew (James Markert)
10. Discovery of Witches (series - Deborah Harkness)

And here's what Genevieve has to say about the inspiration for writing historical fiction, and for TIDES OF HONOR
The #1 question I'm asked about my books is, “What inspired you to write this?”

As a kid, history didn't inspire me. In fact, it put me to sleep. It wasn't until I was a mom sorely in need of “me time” that I discovered escape between the covers of historical fiction books, like those of Diana Gabaldon, Wilbur Smith, Sara Donati, Penelope Williamson, and more. The stories were adventurous and exciting, far from my day to day life. Then the adventures expanded in my mind to include the countries where the stories were unfolding.

The stories were like nothing I'd ever heard in history class. These were about “real” people … which is kind of funny, because in good historical fiction, characters are often the only things that aren't real about the story. I started wondering who else might have existed in that time, in that place, and I opened my mind to the possibilities. At first I limited my writing to 18th century Scotland and the colonies, since that's what I'd read about the most, then something changed.

My family and I moved to Nova Scotia in 2008, and everything about this place was new to us. We'd never lived by the ocean, never known any lobstermen, didn't understand about the tides, the red clay, the fog that came in so thick you could cut it. And the people? Well, they were friendly and welcoming, but they were different from people we'd known before, too. Many of the folks along our Eastern Shore tell stories of their grandparents fishing the Atlantic, of their great grandparents building the original homestead out here. I started to wonder who else might have lived here … in a fictional sense.

The other thing no one in our family had ever heard of was the Halifax Explosion. 99 years ago this December, 1500 people were killed in a blast that levelled the city. Hundreds were blinded by flying glass, and over eight thousand were left homeless. The Halifax Explosion was the largest manmade explosion before Hiroshima, and it happened right here! How is it that no one in my family had ever heard of it? Not even my kids, who were attending school right here in Nova Scotia?

Of course, my mind perked up. What stories there must be! Everyone I asked had one about a great aunt who remembered the windows shaking miles away from the blast, or a grandfather who was supposed to be in Halifax that morning for work but who had stayed home for whatever reason instead. The busy port had been hopping that day, crowded with sailors and soldiers headed in and out of the war … and that grabbed my interest as well. I'd seen books about the Explosion and others about the Great War, but what about those men who experienced both? What about the physical, mental, and emotional scars that took over their lives? And what of the people they loved? Without all the technology and know-how of the 21st century, how did they live?

One thing led to another, and I couldn't stop writing. I love to find stories that haven't been told and bring them into the open by using a fictional cast of characters. My hope is that someday this book will make it into the hands of Nova Scotian high school teachers and kids, because what I want isn't just to write a good story. I want to bring history back to life … so no one sleeps through class anymore.

Genevieve Graham, May 2015
Tides of Honour”

About Genevieve Graham

Genevieve Graham graduated from the University of Toronto in 1986 with a degree in music, never planning to write books. She met the love of her life in a chairlift lineup in Banff and subsequently moved to Calgary where the couple lived for 17 years and raised two beautiful daughters. She began writing in 2007, just before the family moved to Nova Scotia. Her first three novels, Under the Same SkySound of the Heart, and Somewhere to Dream, were international bestsellers published by Penguin US. Graham is passionate about historical adventure, runs an editing business, teaches piano, and raises very silly chickens. She lives just outside Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Connect with Genevieve: Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | Website
A novel of love, loss, and honour amidst the horrors of war and its aftermath.

It’s 1916, and the last thing Nova Scotian soldier Danny Baker expects to find in war-torn France is the love of his life. Audrey Poulin is alone in the world, and struggling to survive the war in the French countryside. When Audrey and Danny meet and fall in love, it seems like the best version of fate.

But love is only the beginning, as Danny loses a leg in the Battle of the Somme, and returns home to Halifax with Audrey, only to discover that he’s unable to leave the war behind. Danny and Audrey struggle with their new life together, and must face not only their own internal demons, but a catastrophe that will soon rip apart everything they think they know about themselves and each other.

Genevieve Graham, author of Under the Same Sky and Sound of the Heart, brings her passion for weaving history and fiction together in a seamless tale that will capture and enthrall the reader.
Purchase: Amazon | | Kobo | Indigo

A big "THANK YOU" to Genevieve for stopping by and sharing her fave historical romances and her inspiration when she writes! I think she does an AMAZING job at bringing history to life!!! 
And, make sure you check out the TIMELESS TOUR! Genevieve Graham and Susanna Kearsley are touring Canada, and you don't want to miss it! I posted the details, here. And you can click on the banner to get the full tour details on the publisher's website.

Have you read any of Genevieve Graham's books yet?
And if you haven't, does Tides of Honour sound intriguing to you?