Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year Everyone! :D

First, I do realize that not everyone has the same it's not New Years for everyone yet, but that's beside the point. Whether your New Year starts tomorrow or sometime else, I wish you nothing but happiness in the upcoming year! I hope that you accomplish those resolutions you set for yourself, and that your year is wonderful and happy and completely splendiferous (yes...I'm making up words, but I want to stress how awesome I hope everyone's year will be)!

Second, I've been a bit absent from the blog lately with finals and then the holidays starting...I'm a little burnt out to be honest, and I have an ever-increasing list of books that I need to review for you all that I hope to get to soon. I'll admit I've had a bit of reviewer's block though, so hopefully I can snap out of that soon. :P If you have any tips about getting out of reviewer's blocks, I would love to hear them. :)

Finally, I don't typically set resolutions to myself...I'm usually too lazy if I'm honest, but I think this year I shall, and maybe by sharing them with all of you I'll be motivated to actually go through with them all.

My Resolutions for 2013: 
  1. Don't dwell on things you can't change. Last year, my dog passed away and it's stuck with me all year long. I know I can't change it and I know that I can't bring him back, but I've still struggled to move past it. I don't know if I ever fully will, but I hope to try harder to not dwell on things that bother me, from my lost pet to grades that I can't change. I'm optimistic by nature, but my dwelling tends to bring me down sometimes unfortunately, so hopefully this year I can work on not dwelling on the bad so much and letting my optimism actually win. :)
  2. Stay in touch with friends. I tend to fall off the face of the planet when I'm stressed, so this year I'm going to try to not fall into my isolation bubble during those times. 
  3. Keep up in school. a.k.a Stop Procrastinating! It's no surprise that I love to read...but I'm not a huge fan of reading things that are assigned for school. I think it's the one form of authority that I like to rebel against. As soon as a book is assigned, even if I wanted to already read it, I tend to be all "I'm not reading that...I'll read what I want!" can be detrimental to keeping up with my school readings, so I'm going to try and motivate myself better. This also includes planning for essays. I really need to stop finishing them at the last minute...wish me luck for this one...I seriously need it. :S
  4.  Go to the gym. My friend, Amy, and I had planned to actually use our campus gym last semester...but we ended up only going once right near the end. Now we know where the change rooms are, so hopefully that'll help motivate us to go regularly! :P
  5. Save some money this year. I'm stealing this one from my Edmonton Book Blogger pal, Rola from xo' reads who made a list of her resolutions yesterday. I'm really bad at saving money, and I tend to spend it almost as fast as I make it, so this year I would really like to save. I buy a lot of things on a whim, so I'm going to think more before I buy things this year, and if I don't need something, I'll try very hard not to get it! I'm going to give myself a spending budget I think...maybe I'll make a list! I like lists. :D
  6. READ. This one's pretty straightforward and I'm sure I'll manage to accomplish it. ;) I hope to read lots, and I'll try to read even more than I did this year, but to accomplish my other resolutions I just may have to cut back on reading a bit. I do still want to make sure I read as much as I can though! :D

Alright, so those are my resolutions for 2013? I could've probably listed more, but I think six is enough. :P 

So, what are your resolutions for 2013? 
And what are you looking forward to in 2013?
A few things I'm looking forward to are Game of Thrones Season 3, Clockwork Princess, and the third Divergent book! :D

Happy New Year!


  1. Great goals, Ambur! I'm terrible with sticking with resolutions, so I set some general goals for the year ... good luck with all of yours!

    1. I am, too, but I'm going to try this year. :D That's a good way to do it so that you don't set yourself up too much. :) Thanks!!! Good luck with your general goals! :D

  2. Happy New Year Ambur! I need to start going to the university gym too. Maybe we could go together sometime!

    1. Happy New Year to you, too, Megan! :D That would be great! I'm always up for a gym buddy...I need the extra motivation! ;D

  3. I hope you live up to all your resolutions for this year! I know that school can be frustrating as well, but it's probably even worse for you. I wish you good luck with everything! I don't have a job, so I don't have to worry about saving money too much, except when I get money for Chinese New Year/ Christmas/ my birthday... haha. Happy New Year, Ambur! :)

    1. Thanks, Leanne! I hope I do, too. :P Oh, it definitely can be...I'm usually desperate for a break by the time one arrives. :P Thank, and I wish you good luck, too! Happy New Year, Leanne!

  4. Happy New Year, Ambur! Good luck with your goals/resolutions! (I'm still working on writing mine up - haha, clearly procrastination is still winning!) Getting back on the healthy living wagon (working out and eating better) is definitely on the top of my list. For me, it will be all about finding balance.

    1. Oh, and I wanted to say I'm so sorry about you losing your dog. I can't even imagine the pain that would cause. I tear up just thinking about life without Saigon and it terrifies me to know that one day (in the far, far future) he won't be here :(

    2. Happy New Year, Brie! Thanks! haha we'll both have to work on the procrastination one! :P Balance sounds like a good idea! :)

      Thank you, Brie. It was really tough. He passed away in February, and it's still tough. I miss him everyday. He was an amazing dog. I was like that too with Ranger, but I'm grateful for the time I had at least. He lived a long healthy life (he was 16 when he passed). It sucks, but unfortunately it's how life goes. :( Just love Saigon as much as you can! That's what I did with Ranger, and with my two dogs that I still have.

  5. Your number 1 goal really struck a chord with me - I am the WORST at dwelling on things from the past that cannot be changed. Why must I torture myself so? I must work harder at getting over that!

    I try to work out in the U of A workout room every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after work, so if you are ever confused as to where things are in the phys ed building, then let me know and maybe I can help! Though I'm certainly no expert either, of course.

    Good luck on all your goals!! And I'm looking forward to the exact same things in 2013 that you are! Happy New Year, Ambur!

    1. Me too, Aylee!!! I torture myself all the time. Same here. Hopefully we can both work on it. :)

      I'll keep that in mind! My friend and I didn't even know where the changerooms were...we had to follow someone who looked like they knew where they were going! haha :D And maybe I'll see you there some time! :) You're still probably much better at navigating the building than I am. :P lol

      Thanks, Aylee! :D Happy New Year to you, too!


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