Quintessentially Q by Pepper Winters
(Monsters in the Dark #2)
Publication date: December 15th 2013
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

my life, I battled with the knowledge I was twisted… fucked up to want
something so deliciously dark—wrong on so many levels. But then slave
fifty-eight entered my world. Hissing, fighting, with a core of iron,
she showed me an existence where two wrongs make a right.”
is Q’s completely. Q is Tess’s irrevocably. But now, they must learn
the boundaries of their unconventional relationship, while Tess seeks
vengeance on the men who sold her. Q made a blood-oath to deliver their
corpses at Tess’s feet, and that’s just what he’ll do.
He may be a monster, but he’s Tess’s monster..
Purchase: Amazon (Not available until December 15th.)
Writer, reader, sometimes wife.
An avid devourer of sexy romance and angsty New Adult.
Nothing beats lolling in a bubble bath with her array of book boyfriends.
Her two titles: Tears of Tess and Broken Chance are coming soon.
Q&A with Pepper Winters
- When
did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I’ve know it for a
while. Ever since I’d get grounded by my dad for reading too much. My favourite
part of school was writing essays and short stories.
- How
long does it take you to write a book?
Tears of Tess took me
7 weeks from first word to publication and Quintessentially Q has taken me 4
weeks for a 111,000 book. It’s with my editor now. I’m lucky that I can write
quick, but then I suffer with edits and making sense of my scribbles. :)
- What
is your work schedule like when you're writing?
I took a month off to
write QQ all the time. So I do about 2 hours of catching up on messages and
emails in the morning and then write, with small breaks on FB through the day. :) I normally start
around 11 am and don’t stop till about 10pm what with social marketing and
other things that go along with writing. It really is a full time occupation.
- What
would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I have to have at
last one class of Coke Zero while I’m writing and I have to have complete
- How
do you plan to publish? (self or publisher)
I self published
Tears of Tess and plan to do so for all my work. I love the freedom and
- Where
do you get your information or ideas for your books?
They just pop into my
head and the characters take me on a whirlwind journey that I just jot down as
they tell me. :)
- When
did you write your first book and how old were you?
I was about 7 when I
wrote my first book. It was terrible. I didn’t start finding my groove until
4-5 years ago.
- What
do you like to do when you're not writing?
Read, relax, hang
with my hubby, travel. :)
- What
does your family think of your writing?
Up until Tess started
to sell no one in my family really understood why I spent SO many hours glued
to my laptop. They couldn’t see why I dedicated myself to something so
compulsively. Now they’re very supportive. However, my hubby has always been
there for me. Without him I probably wouldn’t have had the confidence to
dedicate so much time to getting my craft under control. :)
- What
was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
That people like my
work. That was the best thing ever!
- How
many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I’ve written six
total but plan to write a LOT more.
- Do
you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what
are they?
Keep at it. Just keep
trying, keep improving. Read blog forums on general pitfalls of writing and get
some beta readers. :) I owe my life to my
critique partners.
- Do
you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Yes, I hear from them
on a daily basis which is awesome. They’re all amazing and I love hearing how
my book has affected them. I try to keep up with every FB message, tweet,
email, and share. I value each of my readers more than they know.
- Do
you like to create books for adults?
Oh yes. I love
writing sex. I would never survive writing for young adults LOL
- What
do you think makes a good story?
Something that makes
you feel every range of emotion possible.
- As a
child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
Be a writer. :) Living the dream.
I've got some great teasers for! :D I hope you enjoy them!
Goddammit, she said I scarred her
soul… would she let me scar her skin?
Tess stood in front of me. Her toned
legs splayed, hands on her hips. So proud and regal in her own body. I couldn’t
tear my eyes away. My mouth went dry as the beast inside prowled and hurled
itself against the cage, trying so hard to get at her. To rip her. Ravage her.

Individual Tour Stop
- Prize: One (1) ebook copy of Quintessentially Q
- Giveaway ends January 3rd at 11:59 PM (MST)
Blitz-wide giveaway
- Prize: A signed copy of Quintessentially Q
-Open internationally
Have you read Tears of Tess (the first book in the Monsters in the Dark series) yet?
Even if you haven't read Tears of Tess yet, are you looking forward to Quintessentially Q?