Source: Received an egalley in exchange for an honest review.
Release Date: March 15, 2022

Release Date: March 15, 2022
Cover Design: Hang Le
Cover Photo: Wander Aguiar Photography
Cover Photo: Wander Aguiar Photography

What I meant to do in Vegas: Let my hair down for once and celebrate winning a medal at my first women’s hockey all-stars competition.G E T Y O U R C O P Y N O W !
What I actually did: Got senior prom drunk and woke up married to Brooklyn’s star winger, the great Neil Drake.
He’s the heir to a billion dollars, and I barely survived my childhood. Our friendship is based strictly only on hockey, takeout food and smack talk.
And now holy matrimony. Although we both know it can’t last, especially once his evil family gets wind of our Vegas shenanigans…
Contains: Meddling teammates, meddling parents, ugly jewelry and a pretend-kiss that nearly sets the world on fire.
There are certain tropes that I just always love and find fun, and one of those happens to be accidental marriages, so even without this being one of my most-anticipated couples from the Brooklyn/Brooklyn Bruisers universe, I was excited for this one...add in the fact that it was Charli and Neil and I was even more excited!I'd been excited to see what would happen between these two since the first moment Charli and Neil showed up in BOMBSHELLS, and I wasn't disappointed! First, I absolutely LOVED their dynamics and banter...and second...their chemistry was off the charts! It was a bit of a slowburn, which totally worked for these two characters and was 100% worth the wait! I loved Charli from the first time we met her. She's fierce and I love that she's not one to back down when she thinks something isn't right! Finding out more about her was really interesting, and I liked that we got to see what she had been through to get to where she was--it made me even more impressed with her. And Neil...I loooooooved Neil! He was so sweet, and sexy...and just such a wonderful man! He was a bit of a mystery still in the last book, so I loved that we got to know him was also pretty interesting to see the contrast between Charli and Neil based on the fact that he was raised a billionaire...and she very much was not. :P
Overall, I thought that SHENANIGANS was amazing and I absolutely loved it! It was funny, steamy, and I loved the story, the romance, and seeing how much the Brooklyn/Brooklyn Bruisers world has grown! It's also just so neat to see how the female hockey team that was introduced in the previous book continues to grow, too!!! This is the first sports romance series that I've ever read where both the men and women are so involved in the sport part of the story and I love that! You definitely don't need to know much about hockey to read these books, so don't feel like that should keep you from picking it up. For the most part, the sport aspects of this series really just heighten the friendships between the characters, and gives them all a drive to excel at their sport. :) I'd highly recommend SHENANIGANS to fans of contemporary romance, especially if you like the accidental marriage trope and romances featuring athletes!
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