First time blogger here, and I thought for my first post I would share a picture of a donut, oh what a fine donut it is. :) Eh Canada Go...or something like that anyways. All I know about that Olympic chant is that most of my friends think it's idiotic. haha I still love you my dearest Canada though. :D
Okay, so I guess I'll start by telling the blogisphere a little about myself.
So, I'm an 18 year old, Canadian taurus who definitely follows many of the traits for her astrological sign. Obviously, since I am referring to myself as her, I am in fact, a girl. I love reading, especially if it's fantasy in any form, and I'm a sucker for a good romance too. I've got the heart of a dreamer and it shows through my constant daydreams...and by the fact that I still am trying to prolong "growing up."
My friends, and family mean the world to me, and without them I'd be lost. I used to hate living in the city and residence because it wasn't home; I was out of my comfort zone, away from my family and dogs, and it was hard. Thankfully, I've started to actually enjoy it; I'm not sure if it's because of something I'm doing different or just me getting used to it. Either way, I still love going home on weekends, it brightens every day just knowing you're getting one day closer to being back home...even if it's only for a couple of days.
I have an obsessive personality, which could be linked with my perfectionism, but who knows. I also tend to get addicted to random things, like fanfiction or perezhilton.
I've been a major Twilight junkie, but it was soon replaced when I found the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. Jace pwns Edward, but Edward's still an awesome dude, who has a slight problem with sparkling, but don't we all????
Now that the blogworld knows me...at least a little...I am going to have to find a point for this blog. It won't be easy, but it will be done.
Till next time. ;)