Tuesday 14 May 2024

[Review] DEVOURER OF MEN by Nikki St. Crowe


Source: Received an egalley in exchange for an honest review.
Publisher: Blackwell House LLC
Release Date: May 14, 2024
Number of Pages: 222 (Kindle) | 234 (Paperback)


I have few friends and fewer allies. What I do have on the island of Everland is a lot of people who want me gone. So when the Crocodile and Captain Hook reappear in my life, I am in no mood. And worse, they’re unknowingly endangering themselves by asking for me by a name I long considered dead.

Now, not only do I have to save myself, I have to save the two men who I swore I would murder with my bare hands if I ever set eyes on them again considering they abandoned me.

Unfortunately for me, Roc and Hook have other plans, and when I find myself caught between them, I have to make a decision: risk my heart or risk my life?

Devourer of Men is a dark MMF romantasy fairytale retelling. Characters have been aged up for this darker, grittier version. For a full list of content warnings, please visit the author's website.

G E T   Y O U R   C O P Y   N O W !
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I absolutely loved Nikki St. Crowe's Vicious Lost Boys series, so as soon as I heard she was planning a spin-off centred around Roc, Hook and Wendy Darling, I was instantly on board! I've been eagerly waiting for it ever since and I jumped at the chance to request an egalley...and was ecstatic when I got one! As soon as I started DEVOURER OF MEN, I was "hooked" and didn't put it down until I finished!

DEVOURER OF MEN was just as addictive, thrilling, sizzling and fantastic as I hoped it would be...and now I'm desperate for any all all news on what's up next! I already loved Roc and Hook's chemistry sooooo much from the previous series, and trust me...it just got even better in this one. The tension between them was so tight and they were explosive! My initial excitement may have been because I was so curious about how Roc and Hook's chemistry would evolve, but the story itself was also fantastic and completely pulled me in! And if you thought the chemistry was great with just Roc and Hook...trust me, it got even better once Wendy was thrown into the mix. Along with loving the sizzling chemistry and the story itself, I also loved that we got to see more of the Seven Isles and that some of the mysteries surrounding Roc, Hook, and Wendy are starting to unravel.

Overall, I thought DEVOURER OF MEN was phenomenal! If you like spicy, darker stories that have amazing banter, riveting plots, steamy chemistry, and tension that will keep you hooked then I highly recommend this one...and if you haven't read Nikki St. Crowe's Vicious Lost Boys series, I highly recommend it, too! It's perfect for any fans of Peter Pan who are interested in seeing a darker...and heated reimaging of an old fave. Heads up that all of Nikki's books are super spicy! ;)

Star Rating:★★★★★

Have you read any of Nikki St. Crowe's books yet? If you did, did you love them,too?

If you haven't, do dark re-imaginations of classics appeal to you?

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